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The Galactic Free Press Update: Shift Happens and Is Happening Everyone!

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/09/2013 - 16:50


Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center


The Real News and The Whole Truth



Greetings Love Beings, SHIFT HAPPENS! In Our last update we shared May was going to Be Exciting as Energy is contagiously spiraling around the Planet effecting everything. We have Energies pouring in through all Directions INTENSLY and even more so In these next 72 Hours. WOOHOO! We have The Eclipse Energies, The New Moon Energies, and The New Earth energies Continuing to Arrive from the Galactic Center. To top it all off we just recieved Some Energy from a Solar Wind Stream adjusting the Magnetics Around the Planet and Within Humanity. There is no where to Hide for the lower vibrational frequencies, this Planet is Moving Up and transformation is inevitable. The Truth is Rising!!! Acceleration of the The Pure Consciousness energy, The Unified Field is Expanding On this Planet Earth=Heart. Since Consciousness is Creation its an unstoppable and indestructible Energy overflowing abundantly now into this Planet and into everyone. Humanity Has no other Choice but to Raise Into the 5d Frequencies or leave this Planet.


The Galactic Free Press Update: Humanity 's Destiny is Set In Stone

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 05/02/2013 - 16:02


Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center


The Real News and The Whole Truth


Humanity's Destiny Set In Stone

Completed 2009


Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to the Mystical and Transformative Month of May!!! We Have Many Exciting Events this Month. On top of this We Will Have Intense Waves of 5d Frequency energy Hitting the Planet all Month Long! You thought the energy was intense in these past few months, Well Alot more is Incoming!! This will be the most Intense energy that has been here on this Planet in over 13,000 Years.This will assist us greatly In the Great Awakening for Planet Earth=Heart, which is in an Unstoppable Process for this Planet, currently Underway. There is no way to stop this Energy. This Planet is Becoming a Blue Star Seed Nation and no ego can prevent this, stop this or delay this. The Destiny Has Already Occurred and is set in stone, Now Humanity has to Catch Up with Their Destiny! With No Seatbelts!

The Galactic Free Press Update: Disclosure Movement By the People Has Begun

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 04/25/2013 - 08:11


Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center



Greetings Love Beings, As Anticipated Huge shifting has been occurring in the past 72 hours with More on the way. What has also occurred is The Planet has moved up in Frequency and we will be riding this onward and Upward. We Feel the very first signs of the Movement for the People's Disclosure is beginning to unfold as more begin awakening. We are Entering an intense Acceleration through our incoming Eclipses.



Tomorrow, we will have A Full Moon In Scorpio, The Festival of Christ~ which is the beginning of the Wesak festivals and the First of Three Powerful Eclipses arriving for the Planet within the next 30 days. These Eclipses with the Festivals Will Be Assisting Us in many ways and they do represent intense Change.

The Galactic Free Press Update: Incoming Events, We Will Be Impacted!!! REVISED

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 03/05/2013 - 15:42



Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~



Greetings Love Beings, We arrived In With a Bang! Welcome,To The Magical Month of March and Indeed for Those Who are Awake and Aware this Will Be a Month of Increased Joy, Increased Connections, and more Events Which will Be More Victories for the Light On Planet Earth=Heart. For those In the Oneness energies People, Places and events will be magically unfolding. We have Our First Very Powerful day coming up for the Equinox and If You are Participating In the Oneness Energies Your Experiences will Become Increasingly Grander. Our Incoming Recently Discovered Comets are also Arriving With an Energetic Surprise!  For those Ready! We Welcome You Home Into The Light Where Love Is All There IS!


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