Weekly Updates

Our "Weekly Updates", smaller updates released in conjunction with the GFP.

The Galactic Free Press Update: 2013 The Best Year this Planet has Seen In a Long Moment

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 02/26/2013 - 14:27

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~





Greetings Love Beings, We have had a Very Historic and Exciting Month, and March Will be even more exciting as the New Earth Energies Continue. We announced in Previous Message's Love is Rising On this Planet Earth=Heart and we will see more of the Magic of these Energies in March and will continue for the rest of the year. You thought This Month was Historical? There is alot more to arrive! In Fact, We Can Clearly Say That 2013 Will Be One of the Best Years this Planet has Seen in a Long Moment as the Truth is Revealed In Grander and Grander Ways and the old falls away. The First Contact Ground Crew Team Is Ready!


The Galactic Free Press Update: Planetary Upgrade In Process

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/18/2013 - 09:00


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~




Greetings Love Beings, At the Beginning of the Month we announced we would have Massive Energetic Movement and we have not been let down. From Earthquakes to an Asteroid, to a Significant Meteor Hitting the Planet, to the pope resigning, and so much more. We are experiencing Event after event and we have really only Just Begun! We are Moving so Quickly and events will continue rolling out as the Energies push forward in intensity. For those who are still in process of releasing the denser energies you may be experiencing extreme tiredness as a Part of the Cleansing Required In this Energy Upgrade, while others Will Feel Extra Energy.The Meteor and the Asteroid coupled with The New Earth Energies gave the Planet and Everyone On the Planet an Upgrade! These energetic Upgrades will Continue all throughout 2013 until The Planet is completely Immersed In the 5D Frequencies. Up and Up We Go and Everyone On The Planet Comes Home!


The Galactic Free Press Update: Massive Energy Movement Occurring

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 02/12/2013 - 14:55

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~





Greetings Love Beings, For those Who Are Awake and Aware this coming Week is Going to Be Very Powerful In many ways. The Energy of Love is Going to Be Rising On this Planet in such a contagious way many will become overwhelmed with this Much Intensity of Light. Whats fascianting about this all as well is the Amount of tornados in the United States since the Beginning of 2013, over 100 documented, including several this weekend one an F4, that is a powerful One! This is alot of wind[ energy] movement. Here in Mt Shasta Its Been Beautiful and Sunny with Alot of Wind Movement as Well!!! Our PrayerFlags which hang on our porch have been blowing The Energy right out to All of You! The Intense Wind is just one example of How Much Energy Movement we have, coupled with A Swarm of Quakes in the Santa Cruz Islands. As Anticpated the Energy Movement has Definatly Kicked up Quite Significantly since Our Kick off Into Febraury!


 Quoted from  Sandra Walters"The upcoming week holds many opportunities for acceleration of the Ascension process. If you have done your homework and prepared well, February is going to be amazing.

The Galactic Free Press Update: The Final Outcome for This Planet is a Done Deal~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/08/2013 - 13:21


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~




Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to Another Day In Our New Cycle In Creation, which is About ALL Of US AS ONE. This Planet's Destiny is Unity and Peace and indeed we are Well On Our way. This Planet is Transforming Into a Blue Starseed Nation and is returning to Perfect Balanced Harmonics, which is 5d Reality. Humanity Now has less then 2 years to Awaken and this is it. The Final Outcome For this Planet is a done deal, These changes are Inevitable. We are Happy to report we are Getting stories of spontaneous Awakenings occurring All Over the Planet. This is the Most exciting News We are Hearing and Observing right now. The New Earth Energies indeed are moving us Along Quite Nicely, although earthquake activity is on the Rise which is assisting us In Our Energetic Movement.  With the Light at the Forefront, we are Light Speed Ahead!


The Galactic Free Press Update: Light Energy has Moved to The Forefront of The Planet

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 02/02/2013 - 12:32


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~




Greetings Love Beings and Welcome to February and The Chinese New Year of the Snake, which is Very Significant as this represents, the Kundalini Energy and Hearts Opening! A Blast of Energy was released to the Planet January 31st, 2013. This was to Really Kick Off February with a Bang of Light. We went Out with a BANG! This Month will defiantly be Exciting.The Energy of Light Has Arrived Completely at the forefront of The Planet. Light is Afoot, Truth is Afoot, and True Unconditional Love the Most Powerful Energy In Creation is Here On Planet Earth=Heart. We have many Events for February! We will See what Unfolds!


Rainbow Worlds Beyond the Veil ~ Cobra


The Galactic Free Press Update: Anticipate Huge Energetic Movement In February

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 01/29/2013 - 10:19


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~



Greetings Love Beings, We have just gone through an Incredible Full Moon in Leo which rules the Heart. As a result, Many Heart activations have taken Place intensely over the past 72 hours. This has Definitely Lit UP the Higher Grid and is Quickly moving us forward into an Exciting Energetic February in the Oneness Energies. Lots of cleansing is also underway collectively as the old paradigm continues to die and this includes all ego. The Higher Selves Are Now Going to Arrive IN Physical Manifestation. The Human Angels Are Truly Awake, Prepared and Ready at the Front Lines. The Light's Victory Is Arriving Fully.


Royalty~ We are The Ones We Have Been Waiting for



Quoted from Gaia Portal Update "

The Galactic Free Press Update: Exciting Time to Be On Planet Earth=Heart

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 01/17/2013 - 11:45

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


unexpected ~ musicalpainter - site ©


Greetings Love Beings, January Continues to Bring Us Intense Energies which are flowing through all levels of the Vibrational Frequencies on this Planet and affecting everyone on many levels. These Are the Energies which were Birthed on December 21st, 2012. These Will Continue in Waves bringing much change and transformation over the next 2 years and beyond as we Move together Into Unity Consciousness. These Waves can be felt now by many who are open to them.




The Galactic Free Press Update: Missions and Roles activated for New Earth=Heart

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/11/2013 - 09:22

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


12~7 Cloudship ~ will ~ site Mt Shasta

Greetings Love Beings, Welcome To Another day In the Age of Aquarius! The Golden Age about Truth and Reality!! Whats Happening and what will occur in these next 2 years are exactly what you came here to experience. First, You came here to Experince the Birth of a New Energy which Occurred on December 21st, 2012 which energetically have spiraled us into the new age. Most of All, You Came Here To Be a Part of the Largest Transformation to Ever Occur On a Planet. As We have shared as a result of these New Earth energies, the illusion will be dissolving as it cannot sustain itself in these High Vibrational Frequencies flowing into the Planet at a quick rate.


Quoted from Mark Kimmel "On behalf of all in physical form, we salute all Earth humans of light who stepped forward to undertake this courageous, beautiful act on December 21, 2012.

The Galactic Free Press Update: 2013 The Year of The Physical Manifestation of Truth

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 01/08/2013 - 10:53

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


Crown of Love - will - site

Greetings Love Beings, In Our Last Update We spoke about the Wild Energies of January and they certainly are not letting us down, Love is Here. For those Who are Awake and Flowing Within the Eternal Flow, the Oneness Energy, this Energy is Flowing through You and into Your Lives at a quick rate. These will Flow in and then you integrate and then more comes in. This experience is Like Electrical Currents or gentle waves of Light filled tingles. These Energies will Be Increasing Synchronostic Events, Joy, Connections, More Awakening's and More Joy. All of these Only Occur in the Present Moment of Now, where these energies are Completely Present with You. This is where the True Manifestation of The New Earth will Unfold.


The Galactic Free Press Update: The Wild Ride of Januaries Energies

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 01/04/2013 - 16:11

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~



Greetings Love Beings, January is already bringing to Us A Wild Ride of Intense Energies and for those embracing these New Earth Energies, You Will Feel These as a Yeehaw within Your Being. They are Coming In Waves and if You are Clear, Meaning In The Present Moment of Now,  you will be feeling and Experience these The Most. If You are not clear, and flowing in the oneness energies you are going to discover increased challenging Moments. The Clearer You are the Funner the Ride!


2012 Was Love's Year to Step Forward With Truth. 2013 is The Manifestation of this Truth into Physicality. Within the Birth of the New Earth, The Unity Consciousness and The New Paradigm which has occurred as a Natural Part of the Evolution Taking Place on this Planet, these Truths Will become Self Evident!


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