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The Galactic Free Press Update: The New Earth Has Arrived For Complete Activation

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 12/31/2012 - 17:55


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~



Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to another day In The Age Of Aquarius, The Golden Age, in which we Truly Have entered. We are about to arrive into a new Year 2013 and for some of You, you already have! This is the Year we Begin The Co~ Creation of the New Earth and this will Unfold in the Oneness Energies. Many Changes will be occurring this year as the inner transforms to the Outer. Be Present and In Joy and It will be a smooth ride.


Quoted from Mike Quinsey and Salusa "The 21st. December alignment took place, and you have commenced the New Age with a higher level of consciousness. It will enable you to accelerate the process of Ascension, and you will see changes taking place in quick succession. Everything you have been led to expect to herald the New Age in will still occur with a greater backing than before, as the way ahead is now virtually clear....

The Galactic Free Press Update: A New Adventure and Journey has Begun!

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 12/26/2012 - 19:16


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~



Pillars of Light


Greetings Love Beings, The New Earth and Unity Consciousness Has Been Born and A New Adventure and Journey Has Begun for those Who are Embracing Our Current Energies. These came as a Gift During the Galactic Alignment. A New Book Has Begun and this Is a True Love Story About US ALL. These Energies Came to US Direclty from the Center of the Universe. These Energies are the New Energies which are Making a permanent Home on Planet Earth=Heart. This Planet is Moving Into 5D Frequencies and this is Unstoppable. The Experiences from this event are still coming in. Many did indeed ascend and are ready and prepared for our Next Step which is the Manifesting of the New Earth. We have shifted In A big way and the effects from this will be unfolding in the days, weeks, and months ahead of us. Currently, much of Humanity is in resistence to these New Earth Energies which is causing some disruption. However, resistence is truly futile in this Intense Energy Coming in and will dissolve quickly any barriers.


The Galactic Free Press Update:Our Incoming Galactic Alignment is A Heart ONE

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 12/20/2012 - 09:00

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


Heartcloud - m'batu - ©


Greetings Love Beings, We know many are excited about our incoming alignment event and for those Awake indeed you have every right to Feel this Way. We are Together Moving into the Present Moment of Now, where Magic, Miracles, and Manifestation occurs quickly, and effortlessly! This is called Opening Your [Presents] Presence!


Quoted from Sandra Walters

The Galactic Free Press Update: The Golden Age is Upon US!~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/16/2012 - 09:53



Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


Earth Allies Joseph And Christine Capturing New Earth Energies from Their Window


Greetings Love Beings, We recently went through the Much Anticipated 12~ 12~ 12 Stargate and Portal Opening! The Gates of Heaven Are Wide Open, The Broadcast System is Activated, Mother Earth=Heart is In the 5d Frequencies Holding the Space For Humanity To Enter.

AS of the 12~12~12 those who walked through the stargate entered Completely into the Unknown. The Unknown is where the Energy of Creation and the Energy of Love Come together to Create More joy and Happiness, this is Also Called Reality and Heaven On Earth.

The Galactic Free Press Update:We are Moving Into the Stargate Everyone! Enjoy The Ride!

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 12/01/2012 - 09:16

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


 Photo By Earth Ally PattiJ Full Moon 11-28-2012 Aloha,

I wanted to share a picture or two of the full moon this morning from Hawaii, taken during the time of the lunar eclipse


The Galactic Free Press Update: The Charade is Over, The New to Begin!

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 11/13/2012 - 14:42


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~



Greetings Love Beings, WOW! We have been rocking and rolling since our Powerful 1111 portal opening which Brings Us Closer to the Event for The Return to Oneness for All Planet Earth=Heart. This is an Inevitable Event Called forth By The Creators Of this Planet and all Her Inhabitants. Humanity is to Become a Blue Star Seed Nation and We are Well on Our way into this Manifestation and indeed its already unfolding. All the Prayers of Love for The Physcial Manifestation of Heaven On Earth=Heart have been Heard Loudly NOW and this Energy Is Spiraling Around the Grid Surrounding this Planet, magnified in intensity with today's eclipse and New Moon Energy in Intense Scorpio which Represents TRUTH . All Eyes are On Planet Earth=Heart Assisting In this Energy Infusion. A Planetary Awakening is Underway and a Living Planet Unified in Complete Love Is Our Outcome! ENJOY This DAY!


The Charade is Over Video



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