Weekly Updates

Our "Weekly Updates", smaller updates released in conjunction with the GFP.

The Galactic Free Press Update: Love is Moving IN~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 11/08/2012 - 15:46


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


Angels and Our Galactic Family ~Vision at Dawn - site


Greetings Love Beings, We are Now Preparing for Our Next Incoming Portal Openings. We have alot more to Arrive, in this Powerful Month. Our Next Ones are the 11~9 and The Anticipated 11~11 Portals. Portals are energetic openings on the Planet and within Humanity, which allow for the Higher Energies of Pure Consciousness to Flow through. These are Unifying Energies and each are carrying signature energies, such as Our Next 2 Reflect Peace and Twin Flame Activations. With this Amount of Energy incoming, Inevitably duality is coming to a close.


The Galactic Free Press Update: The Powerful Month of November! Here we Are!

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 11/03/2012 - 09:20

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


Light Burst Photo Taken By Earth Ally Missy Sunshine


Greetings Love Beings, AS We shared in our Last Update November is Going to Be An Extremely Powerful Energetic Month. Yeehaw! We have Many Powerful days ahead of us beginning with more intense Portal openings trifold with a New Moon and our first of 2 Eclipse's this month. Our Next Portals will be the 11/7, the 11/9 and the 11/11. Through each of these portals we will triple Intensify the Love Energy which will then be magnetized also by the Eclipse and New Moon, Super Moon on the 13th.


 Quoted from Lena Stevens"November 13: New Moon/Solar Eclipse/Super Moon 3:08 PM MST. Eclipses always support change. This is a super moon that supports major change through shifting of the assemblage point, both personally and on the planet."  end of quote



The Galactic Free Press Update: The Great Gift of the October Surprise

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 11/01/2012 - 20:16


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


Taken Today  in Devon, England Photo By YewTone


Greetings Love Beings, Wow it has been intense and wild energy for the past week just like we shared would occur in our last update. Today at least the energies calmed down enough for us to be able to share and express what has now occurred and is occurring.  In the past 2 days we have gone through 2 more Portals. These days these portals are coming one after the Other. These High Energy portals are bringing us closer to all of You, and all of You are coming closer to US!  Also, as these Open, More Energy of Reality or Pure Consciousness Energy pours in. These particular portals are preparing everyone energetically for the Powerful 11~11 Portal Opening! This One Is Going to Be Lighting up Your Lives in a Grand Way! The time to Be Clear of all old energies is NOW! We are birthing a New Paradigm and each of You Are being reconnected to the Unified Field on the Planet and this is unstoppable.


The Galactic Free Press Update: The New Power With in Equality Has Begun

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 10/25/2012 - 20:42

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~



Greetings Love Beings, Since our last portal opening, Waves and Waves of Love Coupled with the incoming Oneness Energies are arriving at full speed ahead. The old power over is done, the New Power With in True Equality, Unity and Unconditional Love Has already Begun. Love and Unity Beings are Now Stepping forward Through Our last Portal Opening into the New Paradigm to Begin Manifesting the New Earth=Heart.


 Quoted from Lucas "What a lot of people have not seen yet or understood is that through this last portal of October 21st 2012 ... we really have shifted into the new paradigm. We have created the new blue-print already in the now. Our new reality.

~The Galactic Free Press Update: Mother Earth=Heart Has Declared Planetwide Peace

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 10/23/2012 - 18:08

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~




Greetings Love Beings, In Our Last Update we shared we had hit the Acceleration button and we were Not Kidden'. Through this Last Portal coupled with 3 intense days of Light, Mother Earth=Heart stepped through the thinnning veil and brought all of the Oneness Energies through to Declare Peace On Earth=Heart for this Planet. This was Successful and occurred on Decision day and the Portal opening Of 10~21. Since then Incredible Energy Has Been Pouring in and this will continue. Since this last portal event The Oneness Energy is Now Able to arrive in grander amounts onto the Planet. This Energy is assisting us In Our Inevitibale Divine Events.


MotherEarth=Heart's Moment is Arriving where she Will Take Her Rightful Place at the Center of this Universe and this is an unstoppable event. This Planet is transforming into A Blue Star Seed Nation. This has been Promised to MotherEarth=Heart and All incoming Events is Love Keeping this Promise.


~The Galactic Free Press Update: We Have entered the 3 days of Intense Energies of Light

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 10/19/2012 - 16:31


Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~




Greetings Love Beings, if you thought time was speeding up before this moment watch out.  We hit another acceleration button!! We are Going to Be Moving and Moving Quickly. What does this mean? The Awakening Process is speeding Up! Along with this energy movement all who are hanging onto any type of the old energy of unconsciousness, fantasy, illusion or ego and most especially any spiritual ego is going to be like someone pulled the rug from underneath them, energetically speaking. The old energy has no where to go, but either dissolve or be released from the Planet. We have shared this was going to happen as we got closer to the Galactic Alignment.




~ The GFP Quick Update: Why the Delays?~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 10/16/2012 - 18:29


We have a Very Important Cobra Interview in which will be released tomorrow. We asked him why he felt we continuely are having delays. His response fueled us. We have supposed lightworkers who were in Key positions who did not fulfill their task or missions and on top of this have been compromised. Instead of connecting and unifying, they have been isolating and separating. Supporting the minions agenda, this is the reality and this is why we are having delays now.


Father God and I and The GFP Staff, Simply cannot do this Alone. We need Your Help. We have been working 24 hours a day 7 days a week for 6 years straight. When we started this mission we lived off food bank food and 50$ a month. We continued no Matter what was thrown at us. We walked 2 miles [even during snowstorms] a day to post the messages. We share this with all of You, so you know Our Work and Dedication will pay off for this Planet and this is coming soon. What is unfolding is very real, we have been behind the scenes for a long moment and all events are inevitable, however they occur. This is not egos planet, this is Love's Planet and is being returned to Love.


The Galactic Free Press Update: The Excitement is Growing

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 10/14/2012 - 20:43



Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


 Amazing Sunset Photo By Earth Ally Will Harader


Greetings Love Beings, The Energy of Excitement is growing and you can feel this in the air around you if you are sensitive. At the beginning of this year we said this was loves year in all ways and we were not kidding. Love is Being Made Manifest within All Of You Per Love's Decrees and is an unstoppable Energy on the Move.


Quoted from Lauren C Corgo" This trueness-made-manifest is what the focus of October is about…we are taking our practice swings this month, enacting a full dress rehearsal in preparation for the big show, post-2012. This month we learn, in tangible ways, how to effectively be the change thru truth-in-action as we (cautiously) begin to bring our bigger selves to more of the world stage....

The Galactic Free Press Update: With these Incoming Energies, we are ON A ROLL!

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 10/12/2012 - 19:55

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~


Photo of Cloud Ships By Earth Ally Will Harader


Greetings Love Beings, WOW waves of Love are pouring in as we shared would happen though our last portal. The Light is Getting Brighter and Brighter On Planet Earth=Heart. Yeehaw Everyone, Thanks to this Portal We are On a Roll NOW! Mother Earth=Heart is Well On Her Way to Her Destiny and she is taking Humanity With Her. This is unstoppable as we are all moving into the 5d Frequencies of Love Everywhere Present as decreed By Mother Earth=Heart Herself and She is the One Housing Humanity. This is her choice for this Planet. These Portals are preparing everyone for this change.


The Galactic Free Press Update: Incoming 10~10 Portal Birth Visions Activated

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 10/09/2012 - 18:39

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~

Thanks to thebiggerpicture2012 for this Photo


Greetings Love beings, we are one day away from a Huge Portal of the 10~10. This Portal is going to Bring a Whammy of Energies with a Multi~Dimensional Series of Happenings, to set us on a Clear path towards our Galactic Alignment. This will also open up the final cleansing of all denser energies on this Planet. We are in for an Interesting ride till the remainder of the Year, when it will become even more exciting.

Quoted from Irma Kaye "The Keepers tell us that the next Stargates will be about: 10:10 – Consciousness, 11:11 – Transcendence, 12:12 – Realization.

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