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Origiinal Post 4/8/10
The Oneness is filling Everything with it's Being Present, and the Oneness doesn't miss anything at all. It's bigger than their little understandings of what they think is going on, far Bigger, for it includes Everything. It even includes 2-dimensional thought, but Everything's much Bigger.
What is it? in order to create an illusion you have to believe so strongly in the illusion that the illusion is all you understand? Ever seen what Love does?
Love is not something you think you know. Love is something You Are. When You're Being Love, You know Love.
How in the world can you respect ignorance? Ignorance wanted to teach Creation how to be ignorant. We just laugh.
We've seen many people with a blank look in their face, their eyes far away, distant. Next thing We saw was heels and elbows. Not sure who they're running from,WEI hope they catch them.