The Healers Journal

5 Powerful Questions to Help Your Create More Success and Joy This Year

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/15/2015 - 11:10

HJ: Questions allow you to suspend your habitual ways of thinking and venture into the realms of creativity and possibility.  They ignite your imagination and help you solve seemingly insurmountable problems, overcoming challenges and roadblocks in the process.  Below, you will find five powerful questions to help you do just that and create even more success and joy this year than you ever thought possible.

- Truth

Five Questions to Create a Better Life

By Polly Campbell | Imperfect Spirituality


One of the best ways to live deliberately – to actually become aware of the life you are living to create the experiences you desire – is to ask good questions.

When we ask questions our brains and instincts circle around searching for the answers until they come up with something that speaks to our questions.


How to Accelerate Your Trip Down the Path Towards Enlightenment

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/13/2015 - 12:20

HJ: Enlightenment is an esoteric thing — not well defined and a vague concept for most people.  This article aims to clear up a lot of unnecessary confusion and give you some solid, grounded guidance and knowledge to help you accelerate your path towards enlightenment and the expansion of your spiritual awareness.

- Truth


By Pieter Van Cauwenbergh | Mindful Word


Enlightenment is a tricky word: it means different things to different people. For some, it’s the path that leads to the summit of spiritual attainment. Others think it’s complete and utter baloney. Still others see it simply as a state of consciousness. Whatever the case may be, the tricky part of enlightenment lies within the word itself. Its definition lacks the universal (or objective) notion of what enlightenment actually is, hence the confusion.


The Sacred, Ancient Flower That Heals the Human Soul

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/12/2015 - 11:15

HJ: Humanity’s relationship with medicinal herbs speaks volumes about their usefulness and sacred nature.  This herb, in particular, is one of the most sought after on the planet, with global demand often exceeding the available supply.  It is powerful and potent, requiring only a few barely perceptible strands to impart it’s healing effects.  If you haven’t already guessed, it’s Saffron and it’s an ancient treasure that heals the human soul.

- Truth

The Ancient Flower That Heals The Human Soul

By Sayer Ji  | Wake Up World | Green Med Info


So ancient a love affair exists between humans and saffron...


How to Create Deeply Fulfilling Relationships With The People in Your Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/11/2015 - 12:30

HJ: It is the relationships we have with others that in large part define the quality of our own lives.  It is not the only factor, but a big one and those with an abundance of deep, fulfilling relationships are often the happiest (and most successful) among us.  Today’s article is about doing just that — creating deeply fulfilling relationships with the people in your life.

- Truth

5 Ways to Get Close to Others

Intimacy is a skill, not an innate gift.

By Jill P. Weber Ph.D. | Psychology Today | Dr Jill Weber


People often come to me berating themselves and feeling they are fated to never be close or truly known by another being...


A Simple But Powerful Meditation For Creating More Love and Compassion In Your Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 02/10/2015 - 11:05

HJ: Wherever you find yourself on the path of life, you can always use more self love and compassion.  These two qualities are literally limitless in the depth you can experience.  However much love you are experience you can always experience more.  And the same can be said for compassion.  And the world is in short supply of these and desperately needs what you can radiate and give.  But you can only give what you yourself have, so remember to cultivate not just love and compassion for others, but love and compassion for yourself.

- Truth

Lovingkindness Practice

Lovingkindness meditation evokes goodwill toward all beings, including yourself.

By Toni Bernhard J.D. | Psychology Today | Toni Bernhard



10 Ideas That Will Add More Happiness, Joy and Flow to the Way You Work

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 02/09/2015 - 09:25

HJ: When you love your work it stops being work and starts becoming play. Working, or rather, playing, is inevitable in this life. We all must do it in one form or another. The only question is are you doing something you love and are passionate about or are you doing something to get by or to make ends meet? If it’s the latter category, it’s time to get aligned with your soul’s calling — your heartsong — your purpose — and start giving yourself to it fully. Don’t worry, the success and freedom you seek are not far behind.

- Truth

10 Powerful Ideas that Will Change the Way You Work

By Karl Staib | Marc and Angel


“Draw the art you want to see, start the business you want to run, play the music you want to hear, write the books you want to read, build the products you want to use – do the work you want to see done.”
―Austin Kleon


How to Tune Into Messages From Your Higher Self

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/08/2015 - 10:25

HJ: Your higher self is your most direct connection to source — to the creator — to the universe… whatever you want to call it.  In every moment it makes available to you vital information and guidance designed to lead you down the path of your highest fulfillment and growth.  So heed it’s advice wisely and closely and watch your life turn into the most amazing, exciting, prosperous journey you could ever have imagined and then some…

- Truth

3 Signs Your Higher Self Gives You Every Day

By Steven Bancarz | Spirit Science and Metaphysics


Who and what are you?  When you talk about “yourself”, who are you really talking about?  The mind-identified self that daydreams and thinks all day? The body-identified self that associates itself as being this flesh blog vehicle?


5 Powerful Ways to Stay Strong and Overcome the Feeling of ‘I’m Not Good Enough’

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 02/07/2015 - 10:25

HJ: Feeling not good enough is ultimately a choice.  You can choose to feel or believe whatever you want.  Feeling not just good enough, but self confident and like you can achieve anything you set your heart and mind to creating, is as simple as a shift in perception from disempowerment to empowerment.  But with that being said, if you can identify the moment or approximate moment at which you first decided to feel like you were not good enough in the first place, you’ll realize that it was just that — a decision you made based on circumstances at the time and that you can change your mind whenever you like… for example, now…

- Truth

5 Ways to Stay Mentally Strong When You’re Not Feeling “Good Enough”

By Marc Chernoff | Marc and Angel



12 Ancient Medicinal Herbs to Increase Energy, Strength and Vitality

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 02/06/2015 - 11:05

HJ: The beauty of herbs is that they support the body’s healing process and ultimately work to restore balance.  When used properly, they don’t mask symptoms, but instigate healing at the root level of the problem.  Beyond that, they also have very real spiritual, emotional and psychological effects as well, although these are more subtle and require a greater level of awareness to really tune into.  Below you will find a list of 12 ancient, medicinal herbs that will increase your energy, strength and vitality.

- Truth

Constantly Tired? Here are 12 Herbs to Increase Energy and Vitality

By John Summerly | Prevent Disease


How difficult is it for us to achieve a work-life balance? How much more difficult is it to achieve a life-energy balance?


Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: February 2015 Horoscope

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 02/05/2015 - 11:00

February 2015 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology

By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom

astrology healthy expression

Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions

Aries – 3/21 – 4/19

You Aries are supported to Glide Inn the Present, Moment to Moment through, around, Inn too the Present Set of Circumstances Inn the Life. Allowing without efforting is the Key! While you spend your time juggling, balancing and holding the strings of disaster ‘It’ is you that have chosen to put on this Show! You are so skilled in this regard it is challenging for you to move on Inn to a Transformational Set! The interesting thing is that the Next Step Inn your Journey is the Transformation that is Un-Known and Un-Suspected!...


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