The Healers Journal

5 Ways to Stay Focused on Only What’s Essential For Creating Happiness, Health and Flow in Your Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/04/2015 - 11:15

HJ: Life can be overwhelming at times.  We are constantly presented with a myriad of complex choices.  But what if you knew how to hone in on those choices most likely to create happiness, health and flow in your life?  It would be a game changer, right?  Well, in this interesting and fresh article below, Dr. Susan Biali explores the philosophy of essentialism, that is the art of focusing only on those things that are essential to creating what you want in your life.  A powerful practice indeed.

- Truth

You’ll Be Healthier & Happier When You Know What’s Essential

It’s time to decide what isn’t essential and make room for what matters most.

By Susan Biali M.D. | Psychology Today



How to Communicate With and Heal Your Body’s Cells

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 02/03/2015 - 12:25

HJ: If you only knew how powerful your heart and mind are and how responsive your body is to their every fluctuation and whim, you would never ever think a negative thought or let yourself slip into a negative emotional state ever again.  Now, that’s not to say that there isn’t great wisdom in these states or experiences and that you should suppress or avoid them, but what it does mean is that it is imperative to begin doing the inner healing work necessary to bring your thoughts, beliefs and emotions into harmony as this holds the keys to lasting healing, happiness and health, ultimately.  And this article is all about doing just that with simple, powerful methods.

- Truth

Useful Things To Be Saying To Your Cells

By Ian Brown | Wake Up World


Do you talk to your cells? You should be. Having a conversation with your cells can be of benefit in all areas of life, including your spiritual progress.


How to Heal and Strengthen Your Energy Body With Auric Breathing

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 02/02/2015 - 12:25

HJ: It is believed in many traditions that all imbalances in the physical body originate from imbalances in the auric field, aka the energy body.  Either way, it is just as vital and important part of yourself as your physical body and requires care and healing as well.  In this article, Yonti introduces us to the powerful Auric breathing meditation which will help you keep yours balanced, cleansed, healthy and whole.

- Truth

Auric Breathing: Body-Based Meditation

By Yonti Kristan, M.A. | Mindful Muscle


Auric Breathing is a simple somatic (body-based) meditation. Like all somatic meditations it works by guiding you to focus on aspects of your sensory experience to produce relaxation and expand awareness...


How to Transform Desire and Struggle Into Contentment and Peace

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/01/2015 - 10:32

HJ: Your life can become effortless.  In fact, the path of least resistance is the default state of all life in the universe.  It is only us as humans, with our higher mental functions, who can choose a path other than effortlessness and flow.  Which means we can create struggle and suffering.  But it also means we can choose to create contentment and peace.  This article is all about switching between those two realities in the direction of flow, contentment and peace.  Enjoy.

- Truth

On Contentment and Ambition: A Food and Hunger Analogy

By Manal Ghosain | One With Now


“Contentment is an inexhaustible treasure.” ~ Arabic proverb

Contentment is all we need to live a rich and peaceful life...


The 3 Stages of Advanced Conscious Awakening

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/31/2015 - 12:00

HJ: On the never-ending journey towards enlightenment and beyond are stages of consciousness.  In this article, esoteric writer and teacher Montalk, describes the 3 stages of conscious awakening.  There are however even more, but for all intents and purposes these are the 3 that most people will move through in a given lifetime, that is, if they are committed to the path of spiritual growth and awakening.  Knowing what phase you are in can be very helpful for understanding what you are going through and making the process much more smooth and enjoyable, among other generally positive things.

- Truth

Stages of Conscious Awakening

By Montalk | Wake Up World


It is imperative that we awaken from mundane awareness into full spiritual remembrance of who we are.


How to Master the Art of Letting Go (While Still Being Productive and Successful)

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/29/2015 - 22:15

HJ: Many personal growth proponents advocate ‘doing whatever it takes’ to make your dreams a reality.  But there is a better way.  A more effortless way that keeps you in the flow instead of putting you at odds with it through the sheer force of will.  Spiritual teacher Brandon West makes some important, subtle distinctions that make all the difference for practicing the art of letting go while still being productive and successful.

- Truth

Whatever It Takes

By Brandon West | Project Global Awakening


Perhaps in life and during the process of manifestation our job isn’t to egoically force our dreams into existence by thinking that we should be somewhere where we are not and aborting the path we are o...


5 Tools For Overcoming the Fear of Failure

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/28/2015 - 22:20

HJ: The fear of failure is one of the most common fears in existence and yet it is a complete illusion.  The idea of failure is dualistic. It implies that there is a wrong way to do things.  But there is not.  The idea of wrong or right is a subjective construct in an inherently objective universe.  It is created by the human mind, but does not exist as a spiritual or universal law. There is no such thing as failure, only feedback for what works or doesn’t work for getting the results you are after.  And there is always a way that works.  Always.  Sometimes it’s just a process of elimination of what doesn’t work until you figure out what does.  Or simply a matter of following your intuition and getting it right on the first try.

- Truth

How to Overcome Fear of Failure

Try this test, then find out how to gain confidence.

By Bill Knaus Ed.D. | Psychology Today


How to Active Your DNA With Sunlight

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/28/2015 - 10:25

HJ: The sun is the source of all life and all energy on planet earth and your body is designed to assimilate it’s energy directly.  In fact, sunlight, as author Joshua Eagle describes in this article, can actually activate your DNA in direct and indirect ways.

- Truth

Activate Your DNA with Solar Frequencies

By Joshua Eagle | Wake Up World


The sun is the supreme giver of all life and the greatest source of energy existing in our solar system. Just as water is the source of all life, the Sun is the source of all water. For it is not until the hydrogen radiating from the sun merges with the oxygen of the Earth’s atmosphere that water (H20) can be created.

The receiving of sunlight not only works to stimulate the br...


A Simple 2 Step Process For Discovering and Living Your Passions

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/27/2015 - 12:10

HJ: When all is said and done, perhaps the most important thing we are here to do in this life is discover and live our passions with all our heart on every level.  This process takes us on our ‘Hero’s Journey’ that gives us the experiences we need for deep spiritual growth and transformation.  It is like an inbuilt mechanism for self-realization that we all are imbued with.  If you only follow one piece of advice in your life, this would be a wise choice.

- Truth

The Unfettered Dream: Finding and Pursuing Your Passion in Two Simple Steps

By Peter Himmelman | Huffington Post


Knowing what we want used to be so primal. The baby wants to eat and she cries for her mother’s milk...


7 Powerful Habits That Guarantee Happiness and Success

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/26/2015 - 12:15

HJ: Success and happiness are not random.  They arise from specific habits and states of mind and being and you can pick these up as soon as you make a decision to do so.  If you are not getting the results you after, then simply bring your life and actions in line with these principles and you’ll get results. Period.  It really is that simple.

- Truth

7 Habits to Start in 7 Days to Guarantee a Year of Happiness

By Marc Chernoff | Marc and Angel


In our busy daily lives it’s easy to miss the forest for the trees and completely overlook some of the more obvious activities that can disproportionally affect our happiness levels.  Luckily, we can go off more than just our intuition; there are lots of proven strategies that aim to create the right behavior that leads to a happier life.  Below, we take a look at seven of the more actionable pieces of advice you can start implementing over the next week.


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