The Healers Journal

How to Tap Into and Unleash Your Brilliant Authentic Self

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/25/2015 - 11:25

HJ: You have greatness and brilliance within you waiting to get out and be shared with the world.

- Truth

How to Be Your Real Self and What’s Been Stopping You

By Britt Bolnick | Tiny Buddha | In Arms Coaching


“The more of me I be, the clearer I can see.” ~Rachel Andrews

This past year has felt a lot like I was running through a supermarket, naked.

But not as chilly.

As a life-coach for women, one of my brilliances has to do with supporting women in showing up fully as their shining, marvelous selves—and guiding them through all the work of facing fears, looking at self-worth, re-training brains to focus on abundance and feeling powerful, vs. scarcity and victim-hood...


How to Navigate The Three Stages of Spiritual Awakening

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/24/2015 - 11:30

HJ: Life is a never ending journey of awakening and growth.  The sooner you realize this and begin embracing it, the more fun and flowing it becomes.  This is because you are aligning yourself with the natural rhythms of life and more specifically, the universe as a whole.  In this deep, fascinating interview, spiritual teacher Richard Harvey gives insight into working through the three stages of spiritual awakening.

- Truth

Interview on the Three Stages of Awakening

By Richard Harvey | All Things Healing | Therapy and Spirituality


You speak of a threefold model of human awakening through deepening levels of awareness. The first level is what we usually think of as personal therapy...


How to Infuse Your Life With Greater Contentment and Peace

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/23/2015 - 11:15

HJ: Imagine your life only better — more peaceful, with greater contentment and flow in everything you do.  Today’s article is all about helping you get there and making the process itself mellow, natural and flowing.  Because you certainly won’t get there with struggle and suffering.  Contentment begets contentment.  Peace begets peace.  Flow begets flow.

- Truth

The Contentment Habit

By Leo Babauta | Zen Habits


I’ll admit I do it as much as anyone else: see the cool things that others are doing and wish I were doing something cool like that too.

You see great travel photos on Instagram and other social media — people living amazing lives, creating cool things, going on adventures. And instantly, there’s the thought that you should...


4 Keys to a Calmer, Confident More Creative and Capable You

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/21/2015 - 11:10

HJ: By simply making little shifts in how you approach your life, you can see big results in how much confidence, peace and creativity you experience in your everyday life.  This is a great article with many unconventional and thoughtful ways to begin living a richer, more fulfilling life.

- Truth

Four Steps to a Calmer, Confident, Creative, Capable You

Relax, mobilize, and act effectively

By Bill Knaus, Ed.D. | Psychology Today


You’d like to make better use of your talents and your time, but you procrastinate instead. So, what’s going on? Do you doubt yourself? Are you dodging discomfort? Do you fritter your time dreaming rather than doing? If you are in any of these traps, that’s no way to live your life.


A Complete Guide to Healing and Nourishing Your Brain With Whole Foods

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/20/2015 - 11:20

HJ: There is nothing more misunderstood than food.  And yet, therein lies one of the keys to radiant health and wellness.  Our health is a combination of the beliefs we have about ourselves, our emotional state, the condition of our bodies and the food we choose to put in it, among a few other things.  It is complex, but certainly the role of food cannot be overstated.  The body thrives when it is supplied with ample nutrients and healing substances and falters when fed nutrition less garbage, especially if you believe the body is susceptible and inherently flawed (which, I would add, it is not).

But perhaps that’s straying off point.  The fact is that proper nutrition can be a huge factor in your health and wellness and in this fantastic, detailed article, Dr. Mark Hyman breaks down just what exactly your brain needs to heal and thrive.  Enjoy.

- Truth

Comfort Food For Your Brain

What you feed your body, you also feed your brain — sometimes to its detriment. Learn how to nourish your gray matter for more balanced moods, clearer thinking...


How to Control Your Body and Immune System With Your Breath

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/19/2015 - 11:20

HJ: Mind over matter.  We have all heard the phrase but few understand it’s true power.  With enough wherewithal, you can literally do anything you set your mind to, as Wim Hof is living proof of.  In this article, we get a full breakdown of the technique he uses to do truly incredible things that defy what most people believe is possible.  However, for Hof, it seems that the truly extraordinary is possible.

- Truth

The Wim Hof Method *Revealed* – How to Consciously Control Your Immune System

By Jordan Lejuwaan | High Existence



How to Transform Your Wounds and Struggles Into Wisdom and Strength

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/18/2015 - 12:15

HJ: Life gives you whatever experience is most helpful for the growth and expansion of your consciousness.  That’s a two way street.  Some experiences are pleasurable, others are painful.  But even the painful experiences have much wisdom for us and we are only forced to repeat them if we have not yet learned the lesson they hold for us.  So in order to help you live a more pleasurable, fun and happy life, todays article is all about transmutation.  Specifically, transforming wounds and struggles into wisdom and strength.  Enjoy.

- Truth

12 Ways to Turn Your Wounds into Wisdom and Strength

By Marc Chernoff | Marc and Angel


“Behind every beautiful thing, there’s some kind of pain.”
―Bob Dylan


How to Tune Into Your Inner Truth

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/17/2015 - 11:30

HJ: Your truth is uniquely you and it is your gift to the world (and yourself).  In every sense, our only task in this life is to live it fully and wholeheartedly with joy and reckless abandon.  But the first step on that journey is hearing the voice of your inner truth.  Hearing the voice of your soul and to begin marching to the beat of that drum.  Today’s article is about tuning into your inner voice — your truth — and letting it shine brightly in your life.

- Truth

What Is Your Inner Truth? – Learn To Listen

By Brandon West | Project Global Awakening


Cultivate for yourself an open, fluid, and humble attitude. One where you simply do not know how your life will come together...


How to Align Your Life With Divine Timing

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/16/2015 - 11:30

HJ: There are four primary states of consciousness — believing that life happens: to me, by me, through me and as me.  Each one one rung higher on the ladder of spiritual awareness. Divine timing begins happening in through me and as me.  This is where you begin to realize that everything in life, intentional or unintentional, is being guided by divine, or rather spiritual principles and therefore is always in perfect harmony and flow, no matter how we may perceive it looking in from our inherently subjective vantage point (good, bad, etc.).  In these states of consciousness, we align ourselves within Divine Timing and Divine Flow.  It is an extremely powerful and profound way to live and this article will give you the necessary framework and understanding to begin doing so.

- Truth

Understanding Divine Timing

By Brandon West | Project Global Awakening


Beyond Happiness: How to See the Wisdom in Negative Emotions

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/15/2015 - 11:20

HJ: There is great wisdom in them thar’ negative emotions.  But in all seriousness, ‘difficult’ emotions are the doorway to our most profound level of healing.  They are the flower whose roots lead deep into our hearts and minds and reveal to us those places which still need love and acceptance.  It is only when we deny them or do not heed their lesson that they persist.  When we turn our gaze inwards and let them lead us where they will, we find their source and can then decide if it serves to continue to hold on.

- Truth

Beyond Happiness: The Upside of Feeling Down

Negative emotions do us a great favor—they save us from ourselves. They’re signals urging us to change what we’re doing— and they’re actually necessary for feeling good

By Matthew Hutson | Psychology Today


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