The Healers Journal

How to Transform any Frustration or Challenge Into a Powerful State of Gratitude

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 12/05/2014 - 10:35

HJ: Life is always trying to move us squarely towards what we want and need and challenges are an integral part of that journey.  And, in fact, when we transform how we see and experience them by moving into a state of acceptance and gratitude from the incredibly vast wisdom of the universal laws that bring them to us, we can literally catapult ourselves towards creating the reality we truly want to be living.

This is a great little article with some powerful suggestions for transforming your life from a struggle into a blissful expression of gratitude.

- Truth

5 Lenses That Will Shift Your Mood from Pissed To Blissed

By Bob Sima | The Transformational Troubadour


Anger, disappointment, frustra...


3 Powerful Questions to Help You Get Unstuck and Back in the Flow

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/04/2014 - 11:30

HJ: Sometimes we just a need a little perspective adjustment to move from feeling stuck back into the flow.  This article offers 3 powerful questions to help you make that shift.

- Truth

3 Questions to Unlock The Past (And Future Happiness)

by Neetika Saksena | Dumb Little Man | Neekita Saksena


As Jon-Kabat-Zinn’s book title reads “Wherever you go, there you are”.

There is something in us that attracts the experiences we have in our lives and we need the help of emotions to drill down to the truth of the lesson we need to learn. When I was clearing out my sacral chakra, which is considered the “seat of emotions” I realised that I had not acknowledged my true feelings in front o...


Simple, Highly Effective Techniques for Accessing the Power Your Subconscious Mind

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/03/2014 - 13:10

HJ: The subconscious mind operates at 40 million bits of data per second, whereas the conscious mind processes at only 40 bits per second.  The vast majority of our thoughts, behaviors, feelings, emotions and habits are controlled by our subconscious mind.  Learn to master that and you can do anything.  Anything.  Enough said.

- Truth

Subconscious Reprogramming

Creating Words


If you want to change your life and experience the fullness of life, you must change your programming. To change your programming you must control your subconscious mind so you can alter your old limitation beliefs. To do this you have to take certain steps or follow certain procedures that will guarantee you success if done correctly.

As you know, everythi...


Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: December 2014 Horoscope

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 12/02/2014 - 13:20

December 2014 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology

By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom


Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions

Aries – 3/21 – 4/19

In order to step into the Abundance that surrounds you it is important that you become way more Aware that what you see through the Veils of Existence is for Real. Stop saying that there is a difference between this and that and just let go of any and all need to have distinctions. Yes, in order to participate in the Life you will need to act accordingly with most people and yet as you begin to really Know and Accept you Creativity opening your knowing to Expanded Reality, your life becomes very fruitful and you become m...


A Complete Guide to the Spiritual and Alchemical Properties of Everyday Foods and Herbs

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/01/2014 - 13:35

HJ: It is articles like these that capture much of the lost wisdom from the ancient sages and bridge modern scientific understandings with sacred spiritual knowledge.  This is a powerful, interesting and thought-provoking guide that will serve as a useful reference for those interested in living at a deeper level of awareness.

- Truth

Alchemical Properties of Foods

Alchemy Lab


- A -

Alfalfa is associated with earthly providence because its roots penetrate so deep into the dirt. Adding fresh alfalfa sprouts to a meal is thought to ground etheric energies and increase the physical sustenance of foods. Alfalfa tea is a stress-reducing infusion that works by calming nerve endings to relieve the pain of arthritis and neuralgia. [Earth ++]

Expanding Your Consciousness: A Powerful Meditation For Accessing Your Inner Wisdom

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/30/2014 - 11:15

HJ: What would you do if you knew that it was not possible to fail?  This is the path of inner wisdom.  The path of expanded consciousness.  The path where you follow your heart and intuition into the ever unfolding beauty of life, where it is not possible to make a wrong choice.  And, in fact, no choice you make could ever be wrong, however, some choices lead you more squarely towards bliss and others more squarely towards suffering.  However, in each choice there is wisdom.  In each choice there is learning and growth, so it is not possible to make a wrong choice.  All is perfect no matter what your inclination.  However, if you would like to move in the direction of bliss, then your inner wisdom will lead the way.

And therefore without further ado, we present The Bridge Meditation for accessing your inner wisdom and taking the shortest path possible towards that which you would like to experience.

- Truth

Expanding Consciousness

Going beyond What You Think You Know

By Abigail Brenner, M.D. | Psychology ...


The Art of Transformation: Mindfulness Practices to End Suffering and Create Deep Peace in Your Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/29/2014 - 11:25

HJ: Mindfulness is the art of detaching from your thoughts and therefore the suffering they invariably generate.  By doing so you drop into a deeper state of consciousness which gives rise to higher states of emotional intelligence and awareness, such as peace, happiness, contentment, joy, compassion and so on.  You begin to tap into and reveal your true self.  Below you will find a great article by the always wise Ronald Alexander musing on some quick but powerful ways to drop into deeper levels of peace in your life through the power of mindfulness, based solidly on timeless noble truths from Buddhist philosophy.

- Truth

The Art of Mindfully Transforming Your Life

Learn to let go of your attachments with the Buddha’s Four Noble Truths.

By Ronald Alexander, Ph.D. | Psychology Today


7 Zen Habits for Rapidly Improving the Quality of Your Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 11/28/2014 - 12:05

HJ: This is a great article with fresh, inspired and thoughtful insights on how to substantially improve the quality of your life through Zen practices, specifically inspired by Susan Harrow’s lifelong martial arts practices.

Great read.

- Truth

Don’t Fake it Until You Make It: 7 Zen Habits

“Fake it ’til you make it” is so unneeded. Here’s how to end it:

By Susan Harrow | Psychology Today | Susan Harrow

keep walking right direction

I abhor the phrase, “Fake it ‘til you make it.” The very fact that anyone would want to fake anything is intrinsically dishonest and feels bad.

Why not re-imagi...


15 Ways to Cultivate Gratitude, Happiness and Joy in Your Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/27/2014 - 11:15

HJ: When you strip away all the bullshit we tend to believe that is just not true, this life is pretty freaking incredible.  Everywhere around us there are thousands upon thousands of miracles occurring at every level…  Immense beauty and complexity in everything from the tiniest pebble to the brightly blooming flowers to the faces of young children and adults alike and everything in between.

So be grateful to be alive amidst so much beauty.  And yes, there is suffering, but even that is perfect in its own way.  Suffering is learning in disguise and to learn is to grow and to grow is to become enlightened and therein lies a powerful realization: to be grateful for our suffering is one of the greatest liberations of all.

So today, if nothing else, be grateful.

- Truth

15 Ways to Create a Sense of Gratitude in Your Life

By Josh Richardson | Wake Up World


Everything You Need to Know About the Miraculous Properties of DNA

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/26/2014 - 12:05

HJ: Your DNA is truly incredible and the knowledge and understanding of its functions can open you up to a whole new level of healing, wellness and consciousness.  This article is a fantastic, science and metaphysically based summary of those properties.  Very enlightening.

- Truth

Everything You Are, Have Been And Ever Will Be Is About Frequency, And Your DNA Is The Ultimate Antenna

By Josh Richardson | Prevent Disease


Your entire existence…all matter, all life, all experiences–everything owes its existence in the physical world to frequency. Absolutely everything is frequency. You cannot have an experience on this planet without attracting it through frequency. Every emotion, including love and hate tunes into a specific frequency. Health has a frequency....


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