The Healers Journal

9 Simple Ways to Get and Stay in Creative Flow

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/25/2014 - 12:15

HJ: Life in creative flow is the closest thing you can experience to a magical state of being.  Everything you do becomes hyper focused and for lack of a better term, ‘perfect’.  This is your natural state.  This is a heightened state of awareness and being that allows us to perform at extraordinary levels.  Everett Bogue shares her 9 tips for getting into creative flow — more specifically in the moment than in a larger zen-flow sensibility.  A very powerful state to be in for achieving at new levels of being.

- Truth

The Hidden Art of Achieving Creative Flow

By Everett Bogue | Zen Habits |  The Art of Being Minimalist | Far Beyond the Stars


25 Truths About Life That Will Amplify Your Happiness and Joy

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/24/2014 - 12:20

HJ: When you see yourself and the world differently, it changes everything.  This piece will help you reframe your life in a way that leads to higher satisfaction, joy, happiness and fulfillment.

- Truth

25 Truths About Life We All Need to Remember

By Elyse Gorman | Huffington Post | Notes on Bliss


1. You need to love and accept yourself unconditionally.

Unconditional self-love gives you the courage to go after your dreams, because you’ve got insurance — you know that no matter what the outcome, you love yourself deeply.

2. The busier life gets, the more you need stillness.

Slow down. Take a deep breath. Spend one minute doing nothing. Medi...


The 6 Keys to Savoring Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/23/2014 - 12:10

HJ: The simple act of savoring life brings to us more of what we love about it.  Savoring, in many respects, is similar to an act of gratitude.  It inherently raises your vibration and emotional feeling state and therefore cannot help but attract more things to you that match the vibration of savoring, which is intense, warm, loving happiness.  And therefore we present to you the 6 keys to savoring life, by the always wise Leo Babauta. Powerful, simple, profound.

- Truth

How to Savor Life

By Leo Babauta | Zen Habits


‘Many people are alive but don’t touch the miracle of being alive.’ ~Thich Nhat Hanh

It’s still dark out and the world remains asleep as I write these words, and I’ve ju...


How to Permanently Release Guilt and Regret From Your Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/22/2014 - 11:30

HJ: You are whole.  You only need remove what is not you to reveal that.  When you release the unnecessary burdens of guilt and regret, you shine your light brighter as a result.  They are a a ball and chain we sometimes unwittingly drag around with us that serve no purpose but to keep us in pain and suffering.  So let them go.  You can be free as soon as you wish.  And the article below will show you how.

- Truth

How to Uncover and Let Go of Guilt

By Manal Ghosain | One With Now


I used to think fear and anxiety were my dominant negative emotions. It seems I was wrong. Lately I’ve discovered that underneath anxiety there is a deeper layer of guilt.

And if you’re like me and think fear is worse than guilt, think again.

Guilt is a v...


How to Release Old Patterns and Limiting Beliefs With a Simple Self-Hypnosis Technique

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 11/21/2014 - 12:10

HJ: Hypnosis is a powerful tool for self healing and repatterning.  This article offers a simple four step process for successfully handling and reprogramming limiting beliefs and emotional patterns.  Healing can really be this simple and does not require skilled and experienced healers to achieve profound results.  The only thing required is a desire to grow and a willingness to look within for answers and insight.

- Truth

Why Hypnosis Might Just Change Your Life

By Martine J. Byer | Mind Body Green | Taking Space With Grace


Annie’s professionally successful Mom is a TV-worthy hoarder. A few months into our sessions, Annie mustered up the courage to show me a few photos ...


5 Secrets of Success and Achievement We Can Learn From Olympians

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/20/2014 - 13:20

HJ: By studying the habits and mindset of the world’s top athletic performers — Olympic athlete’s — we can discover some foundational pieces of wisdom for achieving higher levels of success and abundance in our own lives.  This insightful article looks at the core distinctions that set world class athlete’s apart from the rest.  Remember, it is the mastery of the fundamentals which produces high levels of success — not knowing some secret strategy or shortcut.

- Truth

Olympic Secrets: How to Create More Success in Life and Health

5 Olympic Lessons for Success in Life and Health

By Susan Biali, M.D | Psychology Today | Live a Life You Love



9 Simple Shifts That Will Help You Find Greater Happiness and Peace of Mind in Your Everyday Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/19/2014 - 12:15

HJ: Sometimes we just need simple reminders to keep us on track.  Day to day life can be confusing and overwhelming and trying to live consciously in a generally unconscious world can nudge us a bit off track at times.  That’s why it’s so important to immerse yourself in spiritual material daily whether that means reading an article or a book or doing something meditative, whatever form that may take for you.  This article is just that.  A series of profound yet simple reminders to help you stay on the path of happiness and find deeper peace and fulfillment in your everyday life.

- Truth

9 Good Reminders that Will Change the Way You Think

By Marc Chernoff | Marc and Angel


“The world as we have created it ...


Speaking the Language of Your Body: What Food Cravings are Urgently Trying to Tell You

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/18/2014 - 12:20

HJ: Food cravings are your body very specifically trying to tell you what nutrients it needs, so it’s important you are able to decode what it is saying.  This brilliant article shows you how.  By understanding what your body wants and then giving it just that, you can radically improve your health and wellbeing.

- Truth

You Only Crave Foods For One Reason

By Natasha Longo | Prevent Disease


Cravings can inspire you or consume you. They can lead you down the path of ill health or encourage change in what and how you eat. Once we are tuned into all the the foods that jive with our intestinal, hormonal and physiological health, we can learn to and tweak our diet to satisfy something larger that our body requirements. Defeating recurring cravin...


4 Simple But Powerful Ways to Increase Your Everyday Happiness and Life Satisfaction

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/17/2014 - 12:10

HJ: Happiness has been decoded.  We know what produces it in spades. The only thing left to do is adopt the principles that lead to happiness.  To do the things that remove any barriers and obstacles to experiencing it in our day to day life.  The hard part, however, is undoing the patterns and habits we have.  But even that can be easy if someone is ready and willing to change.  It’s only hard for people who say they want it but are not willing to make any changes to get it.  Like anything in life, it’s what you make of it.  But regardless of whether you want to go slow or fast in realigning yourself with these and other foundational principles, alas, here they are for your knowledge and integration.

- Truth

Four Surprising Principles To Secure Happiness

We all want to be happy. So why don’t people do what it takes to get there?

By Thomas G. Plante, Ph.D., ABPP | Psychology Today | Thomas Plante


10 Powerful Questions to Help You Create a More Passionate and Fulfilling Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/16/2014 - 11:10

HJ: Questions unlock the dreamer within us.  They allow us to see beyond the limits we have unconsciously placed on ourselves and ultimately, when used properly, to create more passionate, fulfilling lives in our everyday reality.  Asking ourselves questions leads us into unexplored areas of the mind that often hold surprises for us that we may or may not want to be there.  But the first step in removing what we don’t want is to become aware of it.  And, in fact, many times this is enough to make it lose it’s power over us.  And vice versa — becoming aware of our values and deepest desires takes us one step closer to making them a reality in our lives.  Beautiful.

- Truth

The 10 Most Important Questions You Can Ask Yourself Today

By Marc Chernoff | Marc and Angel



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