The Healers Journal

How A Simple Laser Pointer Can Heal You Faster And More Effectively Than Most Herbs and Medications

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/05/2014 - 12:00

HJ: Lasers emit photon’s of light, which can catalyze powerful healing effects within the body.  In fact, even simple, store bought laser pointers can be effective healing tools with the proper use and knowledge.  This is a fascinating article that explores how lasers work and how we can cheaply and effectively use them for personal healing.

- Truth

How A Simple Laser Pointer Can Heal You Faster And More Effectively Than Most Medications

By April McCarthy | Prevent Disease

laser light blue

Low-Level lasers, cold laser therapy or light-emitting diodes have been used now for decades to enhance healing and function at the cellular level. The beauty is that very low cost lasers pointers in electronic stores can wo...

9 Powerful Ways to Tap Into Your Spiritual Abundance

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/04/2014 - 11:15

HJ: Abundance is your birthright.  It is the natural state of the cosmos and life as we know it.  Look around you, abundance is everywhere — trees, flowers, food, air, water continually renew themselves endlessly.  And yet only humans experience true lack.  Why?  Because we have forgotten our deeper spiritual nature and our birthright: true abundance on every level.  We have learned to believe in lack and scarcity, taught to us by a society with very little in the way of a authentic spiritual foundation.  Abundance exists for all of us to tap into at any time we choose to do so.  This article is intended to help you do just that by reminding you of the spiritual abundance you have at your fingertips, ready to be accessed whenever you so choose.

- Truth

Abundance as Spiritual Birthright

by Leslie Fieger | Leslie Fieger | Prosperity Mojo…

3 Buddhist Beliefs That Makes Them Happier and More Peaceful Than Any Other Society

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/02/2014 - 10:25

HJ: Buddhism is an extremely wise spiritual system built around a set of ‘Noble Truths’ that produce happiness and peace like clockwork when they are integrated and understood.  They have been the pillar of their philosophy for thousands of years and are based around fundamental truths of human existence.  Ultimate truths in a sense, which is why they are so powerful.

Yet it is also important that we all seek our own truth, so if you do not resonate with them fully for some reason, it is important to observe the wisdom therein and see how you can interpret it and integrate it into your own life… or not…  Or, if you are very open minded, play with their ideas and see if they are perhaps even more useful and effective than your own…

- Truth

3 Buddhist Beliefs That Will Rock Your World (And Make You Much Happier!)

By Megan Bruneau, M.A. RCC | One Shrinks Perspective | Mind Body Green…

9 Powerful EFT Techniques to Get Rid of the Fear of Uncertainty

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/01/2014 - 11:15

HJ: We are all capable of greatness, however, it is only our deepest hidden fears that keep us from stepping into it.  Remove the fears and with a little tenacity, greatness simply happens.  We are powerful beyond measure, but we play small in habitual ways because we have not yet examined the contents of our own mind and removed the weeds which do not belong there.

Learn 9 powerful emotional freedom techniques to get rid of the fear of uncertainty — one of the biggest impediments to expressing and realizing our own power and greatness.

- Truth

9 Clearing Statements To Address The Fear Of Uncertainty

By Sangeeta Bhagwat | Serene Reflections


How much more energy would become available to you if y...…

A Powerful Technique for Releasing Painful Memories and Learning to Live in the Present Moment

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/31/2014 - 13:05

HJ: Painful memories only stay painful as long as you repress, hold onto or try to escape them.  It’s honestly just as easy to let them go.  That’s right, even the most painful, traumatic memories can be ‘let go’.  We can bring love to them and heal ourselves of the weight and burden.  It’s really only our fear or denial of them in any way, shape or form that gives them power over us.

Eddie Yu shares his personal story of releasing painful memories and offers some powerful practices to help you begin the process in your life.  This is important work for anyone on the conscious path, interested in deep healing.

- Truth

Releasing Painful Memories to Live More Fully in the Present

By Eddie Yu | Tiny BuddhaMindlogr


12 Secrets of People Who Became Successful Following Their Heart and Dreams

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/30/2014 - 11:15

HJ: The irony is that when you stop worrying about how you will make money and start passionately following your heart and dreams, abundance in all forms can’t help but follow.  And if you take it one step further by simultaneously doing the inner work and ridding your heart and mind of any limiting beliefs and emotional blockages, you literally becomes unstoppable.  This IS the formula for making an awesomely abundant living doing what you love.  You must have faith, you must have commitment and you must be willing to play all out in favor of your passions.  It is you Hero’s journey and it will be damn exciting and amazing should you choose to dive in like these people did.

- Truth

12 Secrets From People Who Found Their Own Paths To Success

By Alena Hall | The Huffington Post


3 Powerful Techniques for Accessing Your Brilliance

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/29/2014 - 11:10

HJ: You have an innate brilliance that you can access whenever you want simply by practicing certain ways of being, that counterintuitively are actually fun and relaxing.  That’s right, our brilliance tends to arise when we let go and relax to balance out the intense focus and concentration with which most of us engage our work.  Like all things in life it is about balance.

Marcia Reynolds offers some fascinating and powerful insights into tapping into your brilliance with reliable precision.

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The Secret to Accessing Your Brilliance

How to find new and amazing solutions to your problems.

By Marcia Reynolds, Psy.D. | Psychology Today | Outsmart Your Brain


How to Discover Your Spiritual Power Animal

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/28/2014 - 15:15

HJ: Discovering your spiritual power animal is an incredible potent, ancient way to connect more deeply with yourself, who you are and the natural world.  Power animals are archetypal and have much to teach us about ourselves, our strengths and our own innate wisdom.  They also act as guides and usually show up in our lives in synchronistic ways.

- Truth

Own Your Animal: Find your power animal to guide yourself to greater expression

By Stacey L. L. Couch | Mindful Word | Wild Gratitude


We believe that we are separate from our animal guides. Our perceived separation from power animals is a reflection of how we think we’ve taken ourselves out of nature. We can’t be apart from nature any more than we can live wit...…

How to Lovingly Deal With Your Inner Critic

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/26/2014 - 22:10

HJ: There is a big difference between self-improvement and self-criticism.  The former is constructive and the latter is limiting.  Criticizing yourself arises from negative, self deprecating limiting or conflicting beliefs you hold and is an automatic, self-limiting reflex.  Whereas a love of and commitment to self growth or self improvement is a loving acceptance of where you are at, acknowledgement of what you have accomplished and a desire to actualize into an even higher level of your full potential.

Many have commented that it is their inner critic that helps them grow.  Maybe, but from a place of feeling not good enough.  Why not trade it for growth from a place of love and joy?

Lissa Rankin shows you how…

- Truth

How to Deal with Your Inner Critic

By Lissa Rankin MD | Wake Up World | Lissa Rankin…

How to Tap Into and Grow Your Personal Power

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 10/25/2014 - 23:05

HJ: To feel and be empowered is a key quality necessary to step into your full potential and reach the highest levels of self-actualization.  This is a power that comes from being unabashedly you — a power rooted in deep self-love and acceptance.  It is one of the most beautiful states of being a person can achieve and it bestows a charisma and natural attractiveness in the best possible way.  People want to be in your presence and shower you with love.

It is rare in our society and therefore exceptional.  When you fully tap into your personal power, the world bows at your feet and anything truly becomes possible for you.

The article below is designed to get you in touch with this momentous force within you, if that is something you seek.

- Truth

The Powerful Self

Would you rather feel powerful or be powerful?

By Steven Stosny, Ph.D. | Psychology Today…

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