The Healers Journal

How to Give Up Worrying Once and For All

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/24/2014 - 23:10

HJ: Worry is the fear of something that will probably never happen.  Ridiculous right?  And yet even though we know better, it can be hard to break the habit.  But it is not impossible.  In fact, people do it all the time and it is absolutely within reach for anyone who has a desire to do so.  The article below contains some wise words and suggestions for making this a reality in your life so that instead of worrying, you can move into a state of peace and acceptance — the hallmarks of living firmly in the flow.


- Truth

Give up Worry by Recognizing it as a Bad Habit

Here are 9 tip to put boundaries around your worries.

By Marci G. Fox, Ph.D. | Psychology Today

Give up Worry by Recognizing it as a ...…

Living in the Flow: How to Let Go and Start Inviting Unlimited Possibility into Your Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/24/2014 - 11:05

HJ: When we live in the flow, we let go of how we think life should be and invite the unlimited possibility of the moment into our life.  If we are attached to how things should be, rather than letting them unfold organically, we miss all kinds of opportunities for expansion and growth that are only available to someone open to whatever the flow brings them in the moment.

You never know what a person, experience or circumstance is going to lead you to.  Your mind cannot comprehend the infinite possibilities available to you at any given moment.  The mind is finite and can only see a few steps ahead at best.  But the things you seek may be 10 steps ahead and so in order to find them, you must be in the flow.  This means letting go and following your excitement instead of what you think is the right way.  It means tuning into your emotional guidance system, also known as your intuition as your main driving force forward in life.

- Truth

Living in Flow: Letting Go of Control and Surrendering to All That Is

By Vaz Sriharan | W...…

9 Ways to Transform Self-Destructive Behavior into Self-Loving Habits

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/23/2014 - 11:10

HJ: At your core, you are pure love.  You are whole.  Transforming self-destructive behaviors is about returning to your true nature.  We only engage in these behaviors because we are out of touch with that self-love and ironically most self-destructive behaviors either makes us feel good temporarily (simulating that self-love we miss and crave) or put us in a victim state or experience that elicits attention and love responses from other people.  As has been widely stated in A Course in Miracles, ‘Everything we do is either an offering of love or a cry for love.’  Self destructive behaviors are a cry for love.

When they are transformed, we enter the process of reconnecting with our own self-love, which is the source of all healing, happiness, peace and wisdom.

- Truth

A Guide to Changing Self-Destructive Behaviors

By Leo Babauta | Zen Habits


How to Overcome the Biggest Obstacle To Being Happy Right Now

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/22/2014 - 12:05

HJ: Most people unconsciously make their happiness conditional, however, happiness grows and thrives when we make it unconditional.  It’s tempting to think ‘I will be happy when…’, however, the truth is that this is a trap, because you will actually be happy when you achieve whatever goal you set… for a little while.  And then you will sink back into dissatisfaction and setup the cycle of longing and wanting all over again.  The happiness you experience as a result of ‘I will be happy when…’ is transient and does not last.

But the happiness that comes from accepting your life as it is now and being grateful for everything you have and have experienced, is authentic, lasting happiness.  This is happiness that keeps on giving as long as you can remain centered in this state.  It is unconditional happiness and the article below is all about how to get there… right now.

- Truth

Your Life Wake-Up Call

By David Wygant | Huffington Post…

18 Powerful Things to Remember When You Are Having a Difficult Day

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/21/2014 - 12:15

HJ: It’s easy to get sucked into a spiral of negativity when you are having a difficult day or facing some challenging moment.  That’s why it’s so great to have a resource like this — 18 powerful reminders that you can tap into to help you remember just how great, capable and amazing you really are.  Sometimes you just need a little pick me up or perception adjustment to get you back on track and find newfound clarity and confidence in your abilities to successfully navigate whatever you experience in life.

- Truth

18 Great Reminders When You’re Having a Bad Day

By Marc Chernoff | Marc and Angel


Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you’ve ever been to stand up taller than you ever were bef...…

High Vibrational Foods: How to Raise Your Consciousness With Your Diet

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/20/2014 - 11:05

HJ: Everything you put into your body has effects on your vibration, state of mind, health and consciousness.  Therefore by choosing to only ingest those foods, medicines and substances of the highest vibration, you can effectively shift your consciousness in substantial ways, of course, as just one part of a larger spiritual practice and way of life.

The three articles below contain lots of powerful, valuable information about raising your vibration with diet, food and herbal medicines.  Enjoy!

- Truth

Food with a High Vibration which Results in a Higher Consciousness

By Susan & Scott Anderson | Morgan Potts | Shift Frequency | Astounding Elements | Justalist


How to Break Through the Illusion of Limitation (and Start Creating Your Hearts Deepest Desires)

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/19/2014 - 12:05

HJ: The only limitations that exist for us are the ones that we falsely believe are true.  Limitation only exist in the mind and therefore it can be erased.  It is absolutely an illusion, which is the most beautiful thing, because it is not real.  This article is designed to help you permanently see through the illusion and begin to live in an unlimited, abundant way.

- Truth

Break Through the Illusion of Limitation

By Guy Finley | Trans4Mind | Guy Finley


Here’s a strange paradox of the upward path that runs through Real Life: the more conscious we become of what limits us, the more limitless becomes our reality! So, take as long as you need to understand the following special lesson; it sheds much needed light on ...…

The Art of Reflection: How to Let Go of What No Longer Serves You

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 10/18/2014 - 11:05

HJ: Life is meant to pass through us like clouds drifting through the sky, but we often times try and hold on long after an event or circumstance has passed, essentially binding us to the experience and causing the energy of it to become stuck and trapped in the body.  The art of reflection and more specifically, letting go, helps us to remove these energetic blockages and resume our lives in the flow.

Letting go of everything and accepting what is, is the most surefire way to instant happiness, freedom and flow.  It initially takes some trust but you quickly are rewarded as you watch events, and more specifically your life, begin to take on new rhythms that are far more synchronistic and spiritual in nature.  Extended practice of letting go and acceptance leads directly to miracles and the realization of your hero’s journey.

Learning the daily reflection practice below is an amazingly powerful way to begin this new habit and way of living.

- Truth

Reflection: Let Go of the Day By Doing These Exercises Before Bed

By Barb Schmidt |…

30 Core Habits and Beliefs of the World’s Most Happy and Successful People

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/17/2014 - 12:05

HJ: Happiness and success leave clues, as they say.  By observing and integrating the habits and beliefs of the world’s most effective, happy and successful people you too can begin to experience the same levels of daily awesomeness they have learned to cultivate.  And the best thing about this list is that it’s solidly grounded in many spiritual principles and truths.  So learning and integrating these qualities is truly an evolution of the self in many ways, not just a strategic move to get certain results.  Authenticity is always supreme to strategy.

- Truth

30 Ways of Being That Fill People With Joy and Make Them Highly Effective At Anything They Do

By Josh Richardson | Prevent Disease


Highly effective and hap...…

The 7 Keys to Creating a Deeply Fulfilling Life That You Love

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/16/2014 - 11:10

HJ: There are 7 core areas of your life that contribute to and ultimately determine your level of happiness and fulfillment.  When you begin to gain mastery, or rather, you begin to harmonize and balance them, your life begins to get better and rapidly at that.  Most people believe if they just had enough money everything would work itself out, but that is not the case.  Money can be helpful, but money cannot buy you a spiritual connection, money cannot change your attitudes and beliefs.  Money can facilitate a journey towards health, but it in and of itself cannot buy you health.

And that’s a big part of the beauty of these 7 keys — money is not required.  It is more about your relationship with yourself and you willingness and ability to look within and heal those parts of yourself that need it.  And doing so will provide you with the richest rewards and splendors — a deeply fulfilling life that you wake up everyday loving wholeheartedly.

- Truth

The Seven Keys to Creating Your Best Year (and Life)

Creating a deepy fulfilling life is easie...…

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