The Healers Journal

How to Expand Your Awareness into the Realms of Enlightenment

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 04/11/2015 - 12:15

HJ: Few things are as misunderstood in our society as enlightenment.  Mysterious, nebulous, difficult to attain or comprehend, just to name a few of the ideas commonly associated with it.  In this article by Dr. Itai Ivtzan, he clears up many misconceptions and offers some valuable insight into the path towards enlightenment.

- Truth

Enlightenment – Becoming All That You Are

By Dr. Itai Ivtzan | Wake Up World | Awareness is Freedom


Enlightenment. The E word. The state of consciousness all spiritual seekers hope for. And yet wishing for enlightenment is a wonderfully paradoxical experience: craving the state of non-craving, trying for effortlessness. There is something fascinating about this conflict be...


8 Powerful Tools For Opening Your Heart and Cultivating Joy

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 04/10/2015 - 12:20

HJ: Joy is the natural state of life and the universe.  It is a reflection of the love that permeates all things.  And it is your natural state.  Fear is only an absence of joy and love — a temporary forgetting of your true nature, which is infinite and expansive and whole.  So use these tools for opening your heart and cultivating joy so that you may reconnect with your divine essence and experience just how amazing your life can get.


- Truth

8 Tools to Open Your Heart and Cultivate a More Joyful life

By Carolanne Wright | Wake Up World


Isn’t it wonderful when the heart is in balance, where feelings of love and appreciation, connectedness and compassion take center stage? But when this energetic balance is off-k...


15 Things Keeping You Stuck (and How to Breakthrough Them and Move Forward With Ease and Grace)

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 04/09/2015 - 14:10

HJ: As a wise teacher once said, what’s in the way is the way.  There is wisdom in our obstacles and in transcending them we grow and expand in beautiful ways.

- Truth

15 Things Stopping You from Moving Forward

By Marc Chernoff | Marc and Angel


In a culture that seeks quick results, we must learn the beauty of effort, patience, and perseverance.

Be strong, present, and steadfast.

Have you ever told yourself that you’re going to make something happen and then nothing happened?  That’s because you didn’t follow-through.  You didn’t have the right rituals in place – little things you do each day that build up and gradually condition your body and mind to make thing...


15 Powerful Natural Remedies For Anxiety and Calming the Heart and Mind

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 04/07/2015 - 12:25

HJ: As an adjunct to deep mental and emotional healing, natural herbal remedies are extremely powerful for dealing with anxiety and calming the heart and mind.  With that being said it is important to note that chronic use of any of these remedies is not ideal.  If you are experiencing chronic anxiety, in order to effectively deal with it (read: ELIMINATE it), you must begin the internal healing process of identifying it’s source and working through whatever belief or emotion is keeping it trapped in your heart and mind and expressing itself consistently in your life.

- Truth

The 15 Most Effective Natural Remedies For Anxiety

By Dave Mihalovic | Prevent Disease


Herbal therapies are astoundingly popular among and their interest is growing as the dangers of pharmaceuticals become widely known and accepted...


How to Transcend Time and the Ego in Advanced States of Consciousness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 04/06/2015 - 12:05

HJ: Since you create your perception of time, you can change it and even transcend it.  Brilliant researcher and professor Steve Taylor dives into the various ways to achieve this by working with and transcending the ego.

- Truth

Transcending Time in Egoless States of Consciousness

By Steve Taylor | Wake Up World | Steve Taylor


A few years ago a friend of mine was knocked off his motorbike at a high speed. The impact catapulted him through the air, and when he hit the ground he lost consciousness. The next thing he knew he woke up in hospital eight hours later. But he can still vividly remember the few moments before he lost consciousness:

“I saw the car’s windscreen shattering. The glass...


How to Access the Wisdom of Your Infinite Self

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 04/05/2015 - 11:15

HJ: You are infinite.  You are powerful beyond measure.  You are an aspect of the divine in human form and as soon you as realize and embrace this fully to the depths of your heart and soul, you will begin to fully embody your infinite self.  It’s the journey we’re all on, taking as much or little time as we need to get there… infinite lifetimes learning, growing, expanding, healing and on and on.  This article is designed to speed that path up, if you are one of the ones ready to return to your infinite self in the shortest time possible.

- Truth

I Surrender to the Infinite that is Within Me

By Brandon West | Project Global Awakening


Let go. All of our internal resistance is the result of us clinging to past experiences and outdated dreams and ideas of who we are and who we should be...


3 Powerful Methods for Pineal Gland Activation

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 04/04/2015 - 12:00

HJ: Your pineal gland is the interface between the spiritual levels of consciousness and the physical manifestation of consciousness.  It is a gateway, in a sense, that translates information and impulses between two varying aspects of reality.  And it is also one of the body’s master hormonal glands.  As you might imagine, it’s health and vitality is important and so without further ado, here are three powerful methods for pineal gland healing, activation and cleansing.


- Truth

The 3 Most Powerful Tools for Pineal Gland Activation

By Joshua Eagle | Wake Up World | Bloominati


Of all of the countless foods, exercises and techniques used to help awaken and activate the pineal gland, perhaps ...


9 Steps to Conquer Fear With Spiritual Awareness

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 04/03/2015 - 12:20

HJ: Understanding fear is one of the primary keys to conquering and transforming it.  And by bringing a high level of spiritual awareness to any situation that causes fear you can quite easily transcend the situation and turn it into a experience of learning, growth and expansion, which is the path of wisdom.

- Truth

9 Steps for Transforming Fear with Spiritual Surrender

By Lissa Rankin MD | Wake Up World


To celebrate the birthday of my new book


10 Questions to Transform Problems Into Opportunities and Growth

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 04/02/2015 - 12:00

HJ: Most problems can be solved and handled quite easily by simply shifting your perspective.  And one of the fastest and easiest ways to do that is through the asking of brilliant questions which magically shift your perception.

- Truth

10 Questions that Will Change the Way You Think About Your Problems

By Angel Chernoff | Marc and Angel


It’s not about having all the answers – it’s about asking the right questions.

The saying “She who teaches others, teaches herself” is very true, not only because constant repetition helps impress facts indelibly on the mind, but also because the process of teaching itself gives greater insight into the subject taught...


The 7 Keys to Interpreting Your Dreams

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 04/01/2015 - 11:20

HJ: In every sense, your dreams are just as real as your waking reality.  However, dreams take place on a higher plane — the astral plane, where the normal laws and rules of physical reality don’t entirely apply.  This allows reality to become much more maleable and responsive to your thoughts and whims.  And furthermore dreams are reflection, in large part, of the contents of your subconscious mind and so they seem random, but are really just the symbolic expression of forgotten memories and beliefs and patterns. 

- Truth

HOW TO INTERPRET DREAMS: 7 keys to gain guidance from your inner self

By Aneta Baranek | The Mindful Word | Som


Someone is chasing me!


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