The Healers Journal

Psycho-Spiritual Astrology: April 2015 Horoscope

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/30/2015 - 13:25

April 2015 Horoscope – Astrological Psychology

By Dr. Ron Holman | Discerning Wisdom


Written in Twilight Language which Incorporates Spelling & Other Grammatical Intentions

Aries – 3/21 – 4/19

It is truly due to the past and the good works that you have done that today you are in a unique position to Be Sharing what you have, know and Suspect Is True, with others joyfully and freely. The Dream is Alive and you know it, Congrats. You are so very close to noticing That that is sought is already in sight and can be felt. At some stage Knowing makes It True. So, how about now? Know that the Light connects you deeply and completely to what you seek, sought and what will be coming your way.

It is truly an Adventure that is coming your way...


How to Bring the Wisdom of Love More Deeply Into Your Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/28/2015 - 09:15

HJ: At the core of our essence, we are love.  Pure and simple love.   And it is not so much that we are love but that the universe itself is a construct of love.  And so as a microcosm of the universe we too are love.  And the more deeply we can embody and express that (in our own unique, individual way…) the better our lives will get..

- Truth

What Would Love Do?

By Lissa Rankin MD | Wake Up World


He broke your heart, violated your trust, betrayed your confidence, ignored your needs, and disrespected you. When you tell your friends, they shake their heads, clucking, shaming. You’re better off without him. He doesn’t deserve you. You can do better than him. You make up a story, one that casts him as the villain and you...


10 Things to Let Go of That Will Make You Happier and Freer

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/27/2015 - 11:10

HJ: Sometimes it’s not about creating happiness, it’s really just about removing everything that’s blocking our natural, organic happiness shinning from within.  Often times we already have what we seek but because we are looking outside of us for it, we miss the fact that it already exists within us.

- Truth

10 Things You Do NOT Need to Be Happier in Life

By Marc Chernoff | Marc and Angel


Saying yes to happiness means learning to say no
to the desires that drain you.

They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for...


How to Access and Strengthen Your Connection to Your Higher Self

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/26/2015 - 12:10

HJ: Your higher self will always lead you down the path of your highest success, expansion, fulfillment and growth.  It is like your compass for navigating life in a way that always leads to more beauty, peace, health and abundance.  Sounds pretty amazing, no?  It is.  And being strongly connected to your higher self is truly the only way to live.  And so, it is with great pleasure that we present this highly insightful article by the always wise Brandon West.

- Truth

Accepting Your Calling and Accessing Your Higher Self

By Brandon West | Project Global Awakening


The only true hindrance to any individual on this planet is themselves. Yes the educational system, financial system, judicial system, and political...


The 4 Keys to Understanding How Your Mind Works

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 03/25/2015 - 12:05

HJ: When you really begin to understand how your mind works, you start to become the architect of your reality.  In this interesting and insightful article and video, Brendon Burchard shares 4 meta filters your mind uses to create your life.

- Truth

How the Mind Works

By Brendon Bruchard | Huff Post



How does our mind work?

Here’s four insights that can improve your life:

1. Information: Your mind consumes information from the environment and circumstance you are in… and it reacts to it. So what comes in matters...


8 Ways to Amplify Your Self-Love

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/24/2015 - 12:05

HJ: Self love is an art… a way of living… a daily practice… that cultivates this quality within you and shines it out upon the rest of the world.  It is a profound state of living and being… a return to your essence… who you really are beyond all the layers of conditioning and pain and trauma.  It is, in a sense, your truest self and we are all on a journey back to this state whether or not we are currently aware of it…

- Truth

8 Ways to Increase Your Self-Love

By Elyse Gorman | Notes on BlissHuffington Post


We spend so much time doing our best work on the outside — working on our bodies, careers, relationships, cooking skills and goals.


The 7 Keys to Cultivating Synchronicity in Your Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/23/2015 - 12:15

HJ: Synchronicities often seem to happen randomly, but they actually obey a set of principles that when applied in your life cause synchronous moments to happen far more frequently.  And these moments are a sign that you are on the right path… the path towards your highest growth and expansion, which is, of course, what life is all about…

- Truth

Hand of God: 7 Keys to Synchronicity

By David Starlight | All Things Healing

Out of the blue, something catches your attention, a blinding flash seemingly answering an inner calling or question… Have you ever met someone one day and bumped into them “randomly” the following day or soon thereafter? Or seen a word that answers a question you’ve been meditating on?...


3 Simple Shifts You Can Make That Transform Problems into Possibilities

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/22/2015 - 11:35

HJ: Challenges are inevitable… it’s all about how you perceive and approach them that makes all the difference and allows you to transform them from problems into possibilities.  One of my personal favorite ways to do that is to first accept the wisdom of the challenge that is showing up in your life, as on some level you called it in as an opportunity for growth and expansion and so it is truly a gift.  The second thing is to ask what is the ideal outcome?  The third thing to ask is how I can I create the ideal outcome?  And you get as close to it as possible.  That combined with the shifts Manal outlines in her wise article below should give you the tools to navigate anything that appears in your life rather gracefully.  And of course, the icing on the cake is acceptance of however things ultimately do turn out, as even if the situation does not end up how you ideally envisioned it, there is a reason for this is well that you may not understand until further down the line.  Sometimes what we perceive as a failure in the moment is often the foundation of a future success.

- Truth


How to Develop The Six Essential Qualities of an Extraordinary Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/21/2015 - 11:20

HJ: Every single person on the planet has the potential to create and live a truly extraordinary life.  And to do it, there are qualities we must embody — qualities that produce an extraordinary life because they allow us to know what decisions to make that will lead us there with steadfast certainty.  And that is exactly what this article is all about.  Enjoy.

- Truth

When Genius Calls: The Spontaneous Achievement of the Six Qualities of an Extraordinary Life

By Brandon West | Project Global Awakening


It is my intention to achieve and maintain a state of balance, bliss, love, rapture, inspiration, and peace; in essence, to live from a higher state of energy.


How to See the Wisdom in Negative Emotions

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/20/2015 - 13:10

HJ: When you begin to realize that there is great wisdom in everything that occurs in your life, suddenly struggle and suffering starts to drop away and you begin to appreciate everything.  And that, in and of itself, disarms negative emotions quite rapidly.  Instead of dominating you, they come and go like a cloud floating through the sky, which is a beautiful thing indeed.

- Truth

Let Me Challenge Your Perception of Negative Emotions

By Jenny Florence | Huffington Post | A to Z Emotional Health


One of the most influential relationships that you will ever have in your adult life is the relationship between your mind and your emotions.



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