Higher Perspective

How Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help You Lose Weight And Reduce (Bad) Cholesterol

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/08/2014 - 16:21


Apple cider vinegar has been in use since the times of ancient Egypt. It was considered a weight loss and overall health ‘helper.’ And some scientific studies have shown that apple cider vinegar speeds up the metabolism, burns fat, and reduces LDL, or bad cholesterol, levels in the blood.

It’s also a good detoxification agent. It helps blood oxidation and prevents hypercoagulation, is a great source of potassium, and can be an energizing tonic and healing elixir.

It’s also incredibly dense in vitamins and nutrients. Apple cider contains:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Beta carotene
  • Phosphorus
  • Calcium
  • Amino Acids
  • ANzymes

New Scientific Breakthrough Will Allow Humans To Breathe Underwater Without Oxygen Tanks

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/08/2014 - 10:41

This sounds exactly like something out of Star Wars. We may soon be able to breathe underwater without having to carry massive oxygen tanks on our backs. All we’ll need is a a few drops of a newly discovered material.

The substance is extremely effective. Just a few drops are capable of storing enough oxygen for a single human breathe. An entire bucket of the material could store an entire room’s worth of oxygen.

This material opens up endless possibilities. Medical units would no longer have to carry bulky tanks and SCUBA divers would also be able to use the material to collect oxygen from the water, enabling them to stay submerged almost indefinitely.

The discovery was made when scientists with messing with the molecular structure of cobalt, an element found with in meteoric iron, and resembles a silver-gray metal.

H/T ScienceDump

The post


Leading Scientist: ADHD Is Not A Real Disease

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 07:44



Dr. Bruce D. Perry is one of the world’s leading pediatric neuroscientists, and he’s making a claim that will rattle the pharmaceutical industry and parents. Perry recently stated publicly that Attention Deficit/Hyper-Activity Disorder isn’t a real disease and suggested that giving children psycho-stimulant medications to kids is dangerous.

Perry told the Observer, “It is best thought of as a description. If you look at how you end up with that label, it is remarkable because any of us at any given time would fit at least a couple of those criteria.”

And if you look at the symptoms of ADHD, it really does seem like we could all identify a symptom or two in ourselves, right? From WebMD:

  • Difficulty paying attention to details an...

All German Universities To Offer Tuition-Free Education

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 07:28

Leipzig - Vorlesung im Anatomie-Hörsaal an der Uni

Universities in Germany will begin offering tuition-free higher education beginning this week after Lower Saxony changed its policies to fit the remainder of the country.

“Tuition fees are socially unjust,” said Dorothee Stapelfeldt, senator for science in Hamburg, which scrapped its fees in 2012. “It is a core task of politics to ensure that young women and men can study with a high quality standard free of charge in Germany.”

I think a lot of citizens in the U.S., being choked to death by massive student loans to pay for a college education that doesn’t get you a job would agree.

A spokesman for Germany’s Social Democrats, who are the leading political party in the nation, said during March’s elections, “Tuition fees keep young people from low-income families from studying and are socially ...


Don’t Miss It: Wednesday’s “Blood Moon” Set To Dazzle Viewers

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 07:16


Tomorrow’s “Blood Moon” is the second in an incredibly rare set of four lunar eclipses that will be visible across North America.

Lunar eclipses occur because the moon passes behind the Earth and into our shadow. This alignment usually occurs only once every couple of years. This year’s lunar eclipse is one of a tetrad, or series of four, over the next two years. We won’t see this tetrad again for two decades.

Almost all of North America is going to be able to view this beautiful spectacle, particularly the western US. It will also be viewable in Hawaii, Australia, Japan, and most of the Pacific. The eclipse will begin in your evening hours if you live in one of those regions.

In South America, only early stages of the eclipse will be visible. The moon won’t be in y...


7 Positively Healthy Things To Do When You Wake Up

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 11:11


The morning is an important time of day. Think of it as the foundation for the entire rest of your day. You’re given the choice of grabbing a poptart and some coffee in a styrofoam to-go cup, or you can set yourself up for success with these 7 awesome healthy tips.

  1. When you wake up, drink a glass of water. No need to slam it. Each morning when I wake, I fill up a 24 ounce jar of water and drink it within the first 30 minutes of waking up. Doing this helps start up your digestive system and get the juices flowing.
  2. Forget your phone and email for the first hour you’re up. This is one I should apply to my life more often. I never have anything to look at on my phone or in my email until about 10am anyway. Those days that I don’t go staring at my electronics first thing, I’m more clear-headed.
  3. Step outside. Take a deep breath. Fill your...

Study: Psilocybin “Magic” Mushrooms Can Ease Fears And Traumatic Memories

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/06/2014 - 08:20


A new study using mice suggests that psilocybin, the active ingredient in hallucinogenic, or ‘magic’ mushrooms may help erase frightening memories and encourage new brain cells. Mice were given an electric shock, then a very low dose of psiolcybin, and they lost their fearful response to a sound associated with the electric shock more quickly than mice who didn’t receive psilcoybin.

“They stopped freezing; they lost their fear,” said one of the study’s authors, Dr. Juan Sanchez-Ramos. It’s believed that psilocybin could one day be used to treat post traumatic stress disorder.

Past studies have shown that psilocybin can induce mystical experiences, improve mood, attitude, and behavior, and potentially alter your personality for the better. But another study shows that psilocybin decreases brain activity. Sanchez-Ramos have wondered about the role of psilocybin in short-term memor...


5 Foods That Detox The Body And Cleanse The Liver

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 20:17

Fresh spinach iin a wooden bowl on a cutting board

The one thing all these foods have in common is that you should be eating them anyway, but if you’ve been especially hard on your body, it might be time to add some of these to your diet. Your liver works hard, day in and day out, to clean our blood of the nasty-business we sometimes put into our bodies. It’s a natural detoxification system, but sometimes, even your filters need a cleaning.

A majority of these foods have glutathione, which is a protein that helps clean your body of toxic junk. In general, do your best to eat these foods raw.

  1. Brussels Sprouts: Did you hate eating these as a kid? Well buck up, cause they’re good for you and you should eat a serving or two a day.
  2. Garlic: Do you have any garlic in the house? Add some wh...

Mexican Judge Pulls Monsanto’s GMO Soybeans To Protect Local Bees

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 11:35


A Mexican judge in the state of Yucatan has recalled a permit from Monsanto, the biotech giant, forbidding the company from planting Roundup-ready GMO soybeans. His decision was based on scientific evidence that lead GMO soybeans to declines in be populations.

As The Guardian reports, the permit originally allowed Monsanto to plant 625,000 acres of GMO soybeans in seven states. Local Mayan farmers and beekeepers protested in the thousands against the move, but were largely ignored. Which is ridiculous when you consider that honeybees are crucial to the Mexican economy, where 25,000 families depend on honey production for income.

The Mexican government was accused of not taking the issue seriously and that there was a conflict of interest. More cases...


Research Shows That Antibiotics Used In Agriculture And Food Allergies Are Connected

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 11:23


It’s no secret that factory farmed animals are fed antibiotics. Some 80% of antibiotics made in the United States are fed to cattle, all the while millions of low income Americans struggle to get medical care. Aside from the potentially devastating impact that a ‘super bug,’ or antibiotic resistant bacteria might have on the planet, new research shows that antibiotic use in farming is related to the steep rise in food allergies.

Among children, the incidence of food allergies has risen by 50% between 1997 and and 2011. In The UK, one in three citizens has an allergy to something, be it mold, dust mites, pollen or food. Some research has been able to draw a parallel between the rise in allergies and increased antibiotic use, but a


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