The Fearless Journey

Why I Gratitude

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 08/09/2016 - 15:48


For many, many years now, a movement popularized by Oprah, Gratitude has been a buzz word. There is in fact such a buzz around it that it often falls upon deaf ears.

Many of us, including myself, have become desensitized to the concept of gratitude. This is not to say that I am not grateful. I live in complete gratitude each and every day. It has just taken me some time to learn to be grateful toward gratitude.

I would even call myself a gratitude junkie now. When I wake up each morning I thank the day and the sun and my soft cotton sheets. I thank myself for being me. It may sound a bit strange but it comes so naturally to me that I’m no longer trying to be grateful I just am.

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The Roadblock of Fear

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/23/2016 - 20:50

IMG_7356Fear. False Evidence Appearing Real.

We all know what fear is and I’m not referring to the fear of danger. Fear of danger can be healthy. It can protect us from all kinds of things.

What I’m talking about here is the fear we live with daily that stops us from truly living. It shows up throughout the day; in dealing with new situations, in our relationships, in our thoughts, in our day to day activities.

Fear is synonymous with Ego. It keeps us small and keeps us stuck. We hear that voice in our head telling us what we can’t do or shouldn’t do. Through fear we stop moving forward and we get trapped in old patterns.

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You Are Not Broken

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 05/13/2016 - 17:38


You are not broken.

I think that’s the first thing I want you to understand. The second thing is that even if you feel broken and in the need of help and repair, there’s nobody on the outside that can help you.

Yes, this sounds harsh but it is the truth.

Let’s start first with why you are not and can never be broken. A vase can break. It can shatter to be swept away and thrown out. But you are not an object. You are a human with a soul existence.

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In This Moment

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/28/2016 - 17:03


Focus only on this moment.

This moment you’re having right now is it.

In this moment you are most likely thinking about and planning what’s going to be happening in the next 10 minutes, hour, day, week, and year.

This moment here, you are not aware of because you are planning what is next. And when that moment you are planning on is here you will not notice it or be aware of it because you will instead be focused on what comes next and then next.

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Creating Your Life Through Your Observations (Who Are You pt. 2)

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 02/22/2016 - 09:39

Who am I? Who are you?

We’re back to the question after a week of contemplation. I hope you’ve had a chance to think about this. If we’ve come to the understanding that we are not our labels or classifications then we must figure out who we are without these.

We exist in human form. We breathe. We move. We think. These are 3 realities in our life that confirm “human” existence. But who are we that separates us from the next person who also breathes, moves and thinks?

There must be something that distinguishes us from other people. I would say it is our personal essence. No two people have the same essence.

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Who Are You?

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/10/2016 - 16:32

Who are you?

When asked this question, what do you think? What do you answer?

Take a moment and think about it.

Without much thought I would tell you I am a woman and a mother. I’m a writer and a dreamer. I can think of many adjectives I would use to describe who I am.

But wait. Without those adjectives, without those descriptions, would I still exist?

Yes, I’m pretty sure I would.

If this is true then that means I am in fact not any of those things or words I used to describe myself as. If I still exist without gender classification, without kids, without an occupation or dreams, then those labels cannot be who I am.

So I am back to trying to answer the question of “who am I?”

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All You Need is Love, Love, Love, All We Need is Love

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/08/2016 - 09:49

What’s Love got to do with it?

In a typical day you can’t walk out the door, pick up your phone, scan through the TV without hearing about something that is plaguing our world.

There’s terrorism, guns, racism, political upheavals, random acts of violence, and more. It’s enough to eat away at us as if we’re a rotten apple in a sea of ants.

How does one proceed in a life  when the outcome of each day is unknown and fear abounds?

I have contemplated it. I have sat in circles of friends discussing it. I have sat in solitude with it. In all the worries, anger and problem solving I realized something so pure and true.

There is only one thing that can solve all these problems. It sounds so simple that it will appear at first impossible but hear me out before shutting me out.

It’s L-O-V-E.

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Love is the Only Answer

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/15/2015 - 14:58

IMG_6815Hate + Hate = Hate

Hate + Love cancel each other out.

Love + Love = Love

These simple equations are the answer to all problems.

When tragedy happens, it opens up so many avenues of discussion. I have already read many opinions and theories. I have lain in contemplation and wonder. I have asked the big question, Why?

I think of the people who can choose a path of hate and again I ask, Why?

I have no answers. All I know is that answering the call of hate with hate, anger, discrimination, and judgment breeds more hate. I do know this is not the answer.

It starts with forgiveness and then ends in love.

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Be Like Water- 4 Steps to Surrender

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/07/2015 - 14:56

IMG_6627I remember it quite clearly lying in agonizing pain laboring my third child. My unborn son was in a position preventing his imminent birth. I was at home with my midwife sensing that things weren’t progressing as they should, as they did with my previous births. Time had slowed to a crawl yet I wasn’t making it any closer to the finishing line.

In this time I never worried or became anxious. Somehow in this moment I knew surrender was the way. I fell into rhythm with a force outside myself and through the process of having my son’s position manipulated through 2 excruciating contractions I surrendered.

In my surrender I knowingly trusted that all as it should be and that no matter what, in some fashion, there would be a conclusion.

I couldn’t define how I would get there. I couldn’t worry my way through in self-made scenarios. I relinquished control and surrendered to a force that was with me, one that was always with me.

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Being Great

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 08/24/2015 - 12:04

IMG_6578Do you know what’s tough?

Being Great.

Do you know what I mean?

Have you tried it? I bet if you have then you know exactly what I’m talking about.

You give yourself a compliment


you think you’ve done something pretty amazing…

THEN you encounter this voice is your head that levels you. You’re told you’re really not that great, that there are loads of people doing better things or knowing more. You’re just average. Don’t even think about  bragging about yourself because people will just think you’re conceited.

That resistance you hear is a lie. It is created by your fear living Ego.

What’s really wrong with being great?

Absolutely nothing.

It’s time to own up to our greatness, live it, like it and let it shine.

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