Theresa Crabtree

Day 8: Create Abundance, Lamat 8

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 05/27/2015 - 22:30

CREATE ABUNDANCE   Limiting belief codes keep many of you at the level of poverty. This need not be so. Consider what good you could do in the world if you had more than you needed. At the least, you could free up a tremendous amount of time and energy that is currently expended on making ends meet or saving for a “rainy day.” Your dreams and goals will be limited as long as you hold onto fears and limiting belief codes. Truly, the world is yours to co-create and to manifest whatever you wish to experience.

There are legions of us on the “Other Side” who are more than willing to fulfill your desires. As long as you feel yourselves unworthy of receiving an abundance of gifts, you will be blocked from having all you desire. Look back on your life and find those blocks that keep you from realizing the powerful and wonder filled person that you are. Dare to imagine how your life could change if you had all you needed and more. Where would you go? What would you do? What changes would you make? Begin to make those choices today. Feel what it would be like to have a life of abundance.

Day 7: Uni-Verse, Manik 7

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 05/27/2015 - 07:46

UNI-VERSE  — ONE VOICE   Our main goal at this time is to assist each of you in remembering your true “roots” as spiritual beings. Once you understand how the creation process works, it will be much easier to make the changes you wish to see. This can be done literally in the “twinkling of an eye.”

What we wish to impart to you today is to find ways to create peace and harmony every moment of your day, no matter what frustrations are presented to you. As you learn more of the dishonesty and treachery imposed upon you from those in places of authority, it is imperative that you quickly move from anger to compassion. The energy of love flows freely; fear and anger glop together and can cause extensive problems. Before any worlds were created, all existed in a state of perfect love. There was no sense of time or space.

All that existed were like wispy clouds, floating in and out. There was no such thing as being an individual, all simply was One. There came a time when the essence of One wanted to experience “More” and through many eons, innumerable episodes of ‘Separateness, Individuality and Not-Love” have been experienced. Follow your intuition and allow yourself to walk along the path of discovery. Know that no thing you do is “wrong” or “bad.” All you do is simply an experience. Each of you is living a unique existence.

Day 3: Body, Mind and Spirit, Akbal 3

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 05/23/2015 - 08:34

BODY, MIND AND SPIRIT   Consider your physical human body as one point of a triangle, the conscious part of your mind as the second point of a triangle, while the third point is the part of your essence self that is still in spirit form, commonly called the “Higher Self.” These three work in a symbiotic fashion to allow for the experience within the realm of humanity on planet earth.

Your physical body is similar to a computer, having the capability of storing tremendous amounts of information. Humans store emotions and memories in various parts of the body. Events that cause emotional and mental trauma can be as much a cause of dis-ease as physical traumas. Even thoughts of trauma or the fear of being traumatized can be stored in the body and cause reactions similar to having experienced an event. There are many cases of “miracles” in which people’s tumors spontaneously dissolved, bones healed rapidly, heart diseases cured overnight, etc. Many times these miracle cures came as a result of fervent prayer. This is one clue that “loving” thoughts can “undo” the damage caused by fear-based thoughts.

Day 258: Choose Love, Etznab 11

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 05/18/2015 - 08:37

CHOOSE LOVE   There are many signs that allow you to know when you are on the best path, leading to what you choose, whether those choices are conscious or unconscious. These include a feeling of knowingness, when everything easily falls into place, luminosity (when things seem to glow), goose bumps, extraordinary happenings, coincidences and synchronicities, to name a few.

Choose love in all situations. If love seems to be too far out of your reach, focus on kindness, to yourself and others. Be in joy. Seek the advice of others who have surpassed what you are grappling with. Take time to meditate, turning your life into one continual prayer of thanksgiving and gratitude. Look for the positive in all things. Do what brings joy to your heart and increases the passion for those things you love. Be prepared to share your hope and messages of love with others who are willing to listen. For those who are not ready, simply hold love in your heart and know that it will be felt on a level they can receive.   Selamet  Etznab 11

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 258 at:  Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.   Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

10 Keys to Ascension: Day 255, Men 8

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 05/15/2015 - 08:11

10 KEYS TO ASCENSION   In one sense, you are already perfect and pure, but in another sense, there is much you wish to experience, thus you have temporarily separated yourself from Source. Know that you are truly not separate, for within you resides the Oneness of Source. You have chosen individuation, just for a time. In the Earth Realm, it was decided that this feeling of separation would be allowed to exist. Many of you sense that time is near its end and are thus propelling yourselves forward at a speed that is unrecorded in the history of the universe. To best ensure your success in these endeavors while embodied in human form, consider the following. Rest when you are tired. Eat foods that are as close to their natural state as possible. Be kind to yourself and others. Laugh often. Enjoy life. Choose jobs that give you joy. Be respectful of the beliefs of others. Pay close attention to your own beliefs. Pray often. Feel gratitude in every moment. These are ten key ingredients in your ascension process. Develop your daily routines around them and watch as your life unfolds before you as beautiful as the opening of the lotus blossom.   Selamet!  Men 8 There is much more to this inspirational Message. Read the rest by scrolling to Day 255 at:   Please include this web address when posting and sharing.  Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree…

Inner Peace Day 253: Ben 6

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 05/13/2015 - 08:40

INNER PEACE   We would like to encourage you to go within daily. There is no more important activity that you can do each day, besides breathing and eating!

There are many health benefits associated with meditation and daily prayer.

PHYSICALLY, you will experience health benefits as you relax and relieve stress. As you work through problems, you will become better equipped to handle stressors as they emerge.

MENTALLY, you will become more alert and focused.

EMOTIONALLY, you will learn to balance yourself in all situations, regaining your composure more easily.

SPIRITUALLY, this is the most important practice to remain consciously connected to Source.

Whenever you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, off-center or need clear answers, take time to go within.

Train yourself to instantly go into a relaxed state of consciousness. This comes with practice, but is well worth the effort when it comes to helping you achieve a sense of well-being.

There is much more we could say on this subject, but like many things, experience is a far better teacher than an orator. Thus, we leave you with this message in hopes that you will take time to go inward these next few moments.   Selamet!  Eb 5, Day 252

Read the Mayan Messages in their entirety at: Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.  Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

Baggage Check: Day 248, Lamat 1

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 05/08/2015 - 08:45

BAGGAGE CHECK   How does one get weighed down so readily in this Realm? Negative belief codes are like magnets, drawing unto them more negative thoughts and beliefs. Once one begins to understand the nature of thoughtforms and how they manifest into physical reality, one can begin to unravel the entangled mess, one layer at a time until it is fully dissolved. Like any void on Earth, once something is removed, something else attempts to fill the void. Thus, it is important to fill the gap of the unwanted thoughtforms with those that are more appealing.

Thoughtforms create reality, so choose those that will lead you to the outcome you desire. When you have a thought that is unsettling or undesirable to you, immediately think again by choosing thoughts that will lead you toward your chosen destiny. Low-density thoughtforms vibrate at a slower speed. This slow speed allows it to interact with physical matter. In this way, dis-eases are born. Higher frequency vibrations run through the body, sending sparklets of light and love as it flows through. In this way, when you exchange lower thoughtforms with those that are of higher frequencies, such as love and peace, you in essence are lightening your load. You will fly through your day with less weight bearing down upon you.

Be Love All Ways, Always: Day 247, Manik 13

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 05/07/2015 - 06:59

BE LOVE ALL WAYS, ALWAYS   Make this your daily practice and be watchful as all fears and forms of disease fall to the wayside. Celebrate yourself and stay connected with God Source, allowing all blessings to flow freely through you. This can best be done through maintaining positive thoughts, words spoken only in love and actions that are kind. All else is unworthy of your time and effort and leave you feeling separate from your Creator and your fellow man.

Go forth today, shining your light of love from within and outward to all that you encounter. Be grateful for every opportunity that arises, looking for the blessing in all things. Some may be harder to accept as blessings, however, there is a gift in everything that occurs to you. Be mindful of this and for those things that happen that are less than pleasant, ponder ways to avoid these things in the future, for with the law of attraction, on some level, you have attracted it to you.

Empower yourself with the knowledge that God resides within you, not as an entity that you must beseech. Know that you have the ability to create your future with each moment and action that you encounter in this moment. Choose all experiences wisely, accepting as truth only those things that bring kindness, love, abundance, joy, peace and hope to you and from you.   Selamet!  Manik 13,  Day 247…

Celebrate! Day 244, Kan 10

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 05/03/2015 - 18:38

CELEBRATE!   Day 244  As we end this 260 daily study of the Mayan Messages, can you feel the growing excitement as you begin to lighten your load and enlighten your circuitry? Can you feel the joy each time you break through bonds that held you in fear? Are your passions being ignited as you release negative thinking that kept you from changing the events in your life?

Is your ability to love increasing? Can you feel the sensation of love when you make heart-to-heart connections with others? Have you been changing your eating habits, choosing smaller portions and foods that are healthy and alive?

Have you been exercising your body and becoming stronger and more vitalized? Are your relationships smoothing out, becoming less demanding with the ability to communicate deeper and with more truth? What areas of your life are fulfilling your heart’s desires?

Are you daily clearing things that bring you down? Have you seen growth within yourself and maturity in your choices this past Tzolkin cycle? Take time to reflect on those changes, perhaps writing them down in a list for your review. When you come to those moments when you feel despair or uncomfortable in any situation, you can glance at your list of accomplishments and remember that all choices are within your grasp.

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