Theresa Crabtree

DAy 34: The Dark Night, Ix 8

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 06/22/2015 - 23:14

THE DARK NIGHT   Dark energy patterns do occur in your physical and astral bodies. They are created by your thoughts, words and actions. There is a universal law that “like attracts like.” Light or positive thoughts flow freely in energetic patterns. Dark or negative thoughts glop together like a sticky substance. Be aware of your words.

The first time you say something like, “I am sick and tired,” you have created an energetic pattern. It is considered “negative” because it emits a low frequency thoughtform. The next time you repeat the same words or energy pattern with feeling, this thoughtform will attach itself to the first thoughtform. As time goes on, if the attitude remains the same and the feelings occur repeatedly, this dark glop of energy will continue to grow.

Once imbedded securely, these glops of dark energy become so large, tight and energized that it actually manifests into a physical dis-ease within your body. How to break through these patterns, whether they have already manifested physically or still in your auric field?

Day 33: In Courage, Ben 7

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 06/22/2015 - 08:43

IN COURAGE   As you go through your day today, you will be presented with a countless number of choices. When you wake up, will you have something to drink or eat? What clothes will you wear today? Will you make the bed or not? Do you work or relax today? Do you walk or drive where you need to go? What shall you prepare for each of your meals? Do you smile at everyone you meet or not?

These are polarity issues. For many of these, you are on “auto-pilot,” there is little to no conscious thought about it. These are habits; you just do them as part of your daily ritual. My challenge to you is to be more observant and look at each of these choices to determine if they are in your best interest or not. What is your highest goal for yourself?

If you intend good health for yourself, be cognizant of each choice you make in your food intake, habits and what substances you put on your largest organ, the skin. If you intend abundance, what limiting thoughts and behaviors are stopping you from reaching your desire? For each of the intentions you have set for yourself, monitor your thoughts and behaviors diligently in order to catch the belief codes and unconscious habits that keep you off your Path to Passion. Each one of the changes you need to make requires a specific amount of courage.

Day 30: Relationships, Oc 4

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/19/2015 - 07:50

RELATIONSHIPS   Think of the base of a building in which there are four pillars. If one pillar collapses, the building will fall. The four basic pillars of relationships are love, kindness, empathy and trust. Each of these encompasses a broad range of emotions and possible experiences. Love ranges from absolute hatred or fear to unconditional love. The parameters of kindness range from co-dependency to allowing others to follow their dreams. Empathy ranges from being completely ignorant of another’s emotional state to a feeling that you must persuade others to embrace your beliefs. Trust ranges from total wariness to seeing another as a great Master.

Some foundations will remain at a superficial level. These are generally relationships with people you’ve just met or run into occasionally such as the grocery store clerk, post office personnel and people you meet on the street or at social gatherings. Your relationships with these people are dependent on your life experiences and belief codes.

Day 25: Changing Habits, Chicchan 12

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 06/14/2015 - 08:22

CHANGING HABITS  In order to manifest anything, the basic order is the same for all scenarios. Clear your mind, speak you intention and then visualize the outcome. See yourself in the final outcome of the situation. As much as possible, feel those emotions; use your senses to see, touch, smell, taste and hear yourself in the situation.

By stating, visualizing and practicing what you want, you quickly break the habit by simply doing or being what it is you want to create. However, by stating the intention and visualizing yourself in the process of breaking the habit, you will find yourself in repeated patterns or situations that give you the choice to practice the behavior you wish to change. In most of these cases, the habit is never broken. Ponder on this until you see the full implications.

Practice it in any situation where you are able to shed old patterns and transform yourself into the beautiful being that you already are.  Selamet!  Chicchan 12

There is much more to this important Message. Read it in its entirety by scrolling to Day 25 at:   Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.  Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

Day 17: Thoughtforms are Vibrations, Caban 4

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/06/2015 - 08:44

THOUGHTFORMS ARE VIBRATIONS All things on earth carry a unique energetic signature pattern or frequency. The frequencies of love and light are very high. As can be expected in your world of polarity, the opposite, the frequency of fear and darkness are very low. The earth itself resonates at a frequency that must be compatible with her inhabitants, or else life cannot be sustained. Emotions resonate at specific frequencies, just like material objects. Your Masters know of this.

Those such as Gandhi and Mother Teresa focused on peace, not on anti-war protests. They knew that by focusing on “not war,” it strengthens the frequency of war. By focusing on “peace,” the same activist is now resonating in the frequency of peace, the opposite of war. You cannot be peaceful and yelling about peace at the same time. Negative thought forms glop together due to the law of attraction; like attracts like. Positive thoughtforms simply flow in, around and through all things. It all has to do with vibrations.

Negative thoughtforms have low frequencies. They are like a thick paste. Consider the making of a papier-mâché piñata. Bits of paper are layered one by one and held together with paste. Each layer makes the piñata stronger. In the beginning, the first layer of paper was quite flimsy. However, after you have added several layers of paper and paste, it will take a bat and quite a bit of effort to break the piñata.

Day 15: Soar Like an Eagle, Men 2

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 07:34

SOAR LIKE AN EAGLE   Like the eaglet, you must first be fed by your mama. This is like receiving information from other sources such as books, videos and conversations with those who feed you information to help you grow. Just as an eaglet sheds its baby feathers, so must humans shed their fears and out-dated belief codes in order to be able to fly.

As negative belief codes are shed, allowing you to be in your integrity and to speak your truth, the freer you become. Like the eagle, you can soar higher and higher, playing with the thermals and keeping a sharp eye out for your next meal, simply living in the moment, flowing with life while taking care of your basic needs. As you mature, it is time to leave the nest.

For humans, this is a time for introspection, going within and learning to rely on yourself. Each of you must make this solo flight if you want to reach your highest potential. It is your choice to create the path you wish to walk, taking responsibility for each step along the way. As you get better at making choices that lead you toward your desired destiny, life gets easier and more profound. This is like the eagle that has mastered his flight patterns and is adept at catching his prey in order to sustain himself.

Day 12: Gifting and Receiving, Eb 12

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 05/31/2015 - 19:49

GIFTING AND RECEIVING   Abundance comes in many forms: good health, joy, friends, loving family members, a puppy’s kiss, anything that brings joy and assists in your evolution towards light and pure love. You each have within you the power to manifest anything you want or wish to experience. All humans desire abundance on some level. This doesn’t necessarily mean material goods, for there are many who prefer a simplistic lifestyle. However, all desire an abundance of peace, the ability to choose what they wish to experience and whom they choose to be their friends.

Day 10: Nurture Your Self, Oc 10

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 05/30/2015 - 08:19

NURTURE YOUR SELF  Do you daily take quiet time to simply be? When is the last time you enjoyed a massage, a manicure or a day at the spa? If you have a partner, when was the last time you received special attention, such as having your hair brushed or head petted?

Have you taken time to soak your body in warm water? Do you often stop and enjoy the beauty in nature? Have you taken time to read books or magazines that you find interesting? How often do you call someone to get their opinion on how you can improve yourself? Take time each morning, before you get out of bed and ask your body, “What do I need today to be full of energy and joy?”

Once you learn to listen, you will find that your body will tell you exactly what it needs. Pay attention to your aches and pains; your body was designed with alarm systems to tell you when it needs food, water, exercise and rest. Do you feel hot or cold? Wear the appropriate clothing, even if it is not fashionable. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to regulate body temperature.

Day 9: Human Evolution, Muluc 9

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 05/29/2015 - 10:03

HUMAN EVOLUTION   It is one of the laws of this universe that no thing remains stagnant; all is ever evolving. Humans are one species on earth with the capability to consciously choose the pace they want to evolve. There is no thing on earth that has ever been created or experienced that was not first a thought, then an action. Think of something you wish to experience or gain. Make a clear intention and muster the belief that it is now in the process of coming to you.

Use your physical senses to visualize what it will be like when it arrives at your door. If there are steps you need to take to make this a reality, take the first step. Once completed, take the next step. Watch for signs along the way. Learn to live in the moment, fully present; for it is in the present that you will receive the gifts. Set your intentions for the highest good for you and all involved and ask that they come to you as gracefully as possible. Expect to experience coincidences that will lead you to your destination or possible solutions that you hadn’t dared to even dream of. As you begin to understand the power within, it is likely you will begin to shed layers of behaviors and belief codes that currently rule your life, keeping you from experiencing all that you desire.

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