Theresa Crabtree

Day 59: Purification, Cauac 7

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 07/18/2015 - 08:01

PURIFICATION  Purification simply means to cleanse. What is it that you need to cleanse? Yes, your body can use an occasional cleanse by bathing in water. You will find that as you improve your diet, your body smells will become pleasantly fragrant. Sometimes a rinse is all that is needed.

Remember to bless and thank the water as you immerse yourself with its cleansing and healing properties! The first step in purification of the physical body is to fast, which allows your body time and energy to purge itself of unnecessary toxins and stored substances. Once purged, the body feels invigorated. What other ways can you purify yourself?

Pay attention to your thoughts, words, actions and feelings, for it is here that you have the power to purify your body, mind and soul. Negative thoughtforms glop together. When a person makes statements such as, “I am sick and tired of this. That is such a pain in the neck! You’re killing me!” he is in actuality creating dis-ease in his body. Many times, it is not the actual words that are the cause of the dis-ease; it is the emotions behind the words that are the triggers.

Day 55: Focused Prayers, Men 3

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 07/14/2015 - 08:10

FOCUSED PRAYERS  “You are loved beyond all measure. If you have not experienced your Higher Self, Spirit Guides or your concept of God, we ask that you trust that they do exist. They are ever-present to fulfill your highest dreams. You need simply ask for their help. The more focused your prayers are, the more able we are to set into motion the events that will lead to your desired outcome. Wavering back and forth tremendously slows down the process while fears and doubts can fully block progression towards your goals.

When you have thoughts such as, “I can’t have it. That is impossible!” the universe sees these as your truth and will not try to convince you otherwise. Your Angels and Spirit Guides know that nothing is impossible and that you can have anything you desire. However, they cannot and will not impose anything on you that goes against your free will or is not in alignment with your belief codes. Look at your belief codes. Take them apart, brick by brick and examine them to see which ones are not structurally sound.

Day 49: Here and Now, Muluc 10

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 07/08/2015 - 09:31

HERE AND NOW   There are infinite possibilities in every moment from which you can choose your next project or experience. We invite you to dream your highest dream of what you wish to manifest in your personal life, your public life and the planet as a whole. Go beyond what you think is possible and let your imagination run wild.

Set aside quiet time each day for this purpose. As you envision the utopia you wish to experience, begin jotting down ways you want to be a part of creating this dream. Don’t be concerned with any current fears you have: money issues, lack of education, belief codes. You are in the imagining stage, honing down the limitless list of possibilities to a more manageable size.

As you list possible ways to co-create this utopian society, pay attention to how each idea feels. It is also good to reflect back on the experiences you have already had, paying attention to those that energized you and got your passionate juices flowing. Perhaps there were certain aspects of a particular job or project that you liked although you didn’t care for the other parts.

Day 49: Enjoy the Journey, Lamat 9

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 07/07/2015 - 00:02

ENJOY THE JOURNEY   Enjoy each step of your journey, knowing that nothing is ever complete. All things are always in a state of growth or decay. There is no stagnation. Even during times of apparent stagnation, there is still movement and evolvement.

Any act of completion is a doorway to a new beginning. Once you have finished a project or a journey, it is time to start something else. By peeling away unwanted behaviors, belief codes and reactions that keep you from being in joy, step by step you will walk towards a life filled with magic that at this moment may be totally unimaginable to you.

Take time to imagine the unimaginable. Dream high and dream big!  Co-create with others who are like-minded and desire the same things you want to experience. There is power in group intention. Never underestimate this power. Call in Helpers from the Other Side to help manifest the reality you aspire to.

Together we will create Paradise on Earth. As you peel away layers of fear and old negative patterns, new doors will open to you. If you have done your homework, when you have completed one project, the next project you choose will bring you closer to what you truly desire. You will do this over and over until you find yourself living the life you now barely dream can be possible.

Day 47: Gateway to Paradise, Manik 8

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 07/05/2015 - 20:56

GATEWAY TO PARADISE   It is a Universal Law that when you ask for Spirit Guidance, you will be supported. There are myriads of us on this side patiently and excitedly waiting for you to make the call. Once the call is made, immediately we set into motion events to support your intended desire.

Your job is to state your intention clearly and to be passionate about what you want. For added fuel, express love and gratitude toward the unseen Helpers who are putting your prayers into motion. To receive what you wish to create, stay aware and look for clues. Many times what you pray for doesn’t show up in the time frame or parameters you expect.

The steps to delivering what you intend can be very complicated. Some factors to consider are your ability to keep a clear vision of what you wish to experience, your expectations of the outcome (Your Higher Self has a bigger picture and may choose different options for you.), fears or blocks to receiving the gift fully, missing the clues along the way, choosing different options, the number of people involved in the process, etc.

Day 43: Conscious Living, Akbal 3

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 07/02/2015 - 06:37

CONSCIOUS LIVING   From birth onward (and also from previous lifetimes) each of you has unique life experiences. Along the way, you make a myriad of choices. These experiences imprint in your memory, which are then stored in your physical and aural bodies. Love, in all forms, whether they are thoughts, words, actions or emotions are free flowing. They wisp in and out, flowing through the Uni-verse, creating waves of sensuality and causing tides of yumminess. Fear-based emotions and thoughtforms, on the other hand, glop together, creating a dense mass that is hard to penetrate.

Through time, this will destroy your health as they manifest in a variety of dis-eases. With sincere desire, you will be able to uncode these thoughtforms before they manifest physically. In addition, they must be eradicated from your aural field in order to not cause you problems in the future. To change these belief codes, they must be unraveled, one at a time.

Day 40: I Am That, I Am, Ahau 1

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 06/28/2015 - 23:09

I AM THAT, I AM   Clear your mind of all things. Enter the space of No Thing and allow yourself to become one with all. This is best done in nature. Focus on a person, place or thing. Repeat in your mind, “I am that, I am.” Consciously look at similarities you have with the person, place or object you are focusing on. Make a heart connection, creating an energetic flow of energy between you. Well up feelings of gratitude.

The goal is to develop a sense of Oneness, knowing that you come from the same Source. Go deeper into the feelings of actually being that person, place or thing. With practice, you will begin to merge as One. As you go about your day, consciously connect with others, mentally repeating the statement, “I am that, I am.” until you begin to feel one with all. Take time to do this often and your life will blossom in all areas as you rediscover your true spiritual Essence and re-member who you truly are.   Selamet!  Ahau 1, Day 40

Read the Mayan Messages online or purchase a copy at:      Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.  Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

Day 36: Heart Connections, Cib 10

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 06/24/2015 - 22:15

HEART CONNECTIONS  To make a heart connection, it is imperative that you focus your attention on the person, animal or plant that you wish to connect with. In your heart, well up feelings of love. This is best achieved by feeling gratitude for all the blessings in your life. Focus on the other and be grateful for the opportunity to be with this Be-ing.

Look beyond their physical body and attempt to see them as they truly are, a reflection of God, pure Love. Look into their eyes. Gratitude and eye contact will create much more depth. Consciously send them a wave of love and appreciation. No words need to be spoken; the other need not know what you are doing. Even if the other has no idea what you are doing, there will be an energy exchange that will be felt by both of you.

If the receiver is open, he will feel a sense of calm and will be more relaxed in your presence. You will be able to sense the receiver’s response, even if he/she does not consciously return your love. You can do the heart connection anywhere, at anytime, even when you are not near the one you wish to connect with. Smile and send a conscious burst of love to people you pass on the street: the grocery clerk, the gas station attendant, pets, wild animals and the roses in your neighbor’s yard.

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