Theresa Crabtree

Gratitude Attitude: Day 220, Ahau 12

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 04/09/2015 - 20:43

GRATITUDE ATTITUDE    There is no other thing more important on Earth than to become aware of your Spiritual Essence. Once you have enlightened your Self, your ability to love from a pure heart will exponentially increase.

Once you are aware of who you are and have worked through the fears and belief codes that keep you from allowing love of Self and love from Source to flow through you, your ability to be a role model for others on their Path will exponentially increase.

We are here to offer our support and encourage you each day to tell yourself how much you love you, to feel the love from Source and to extend love to all other Beings.

Be grateful for each experience, for each breath you take. Feel joy in every moment and every step you make. 

Selamet!  Ahau 12, Day 220 To purchase or read the Mayan Messages in their entirety, visit:    Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others. Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree…

Celebrate Your Self! Day 219, Cauac 11

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 04/08/2015 - 21:55

CELEBRATE YOUR SELF   Today we would like to celebrate YOU!  How often do you take time to be grateful for the person you are? If you would do this more often (every moment), your life would be much grander!

We begin by saying, “Thank you!” Without your experiences on Earth, our lives would not be as enriched. By having the privilege of working with you, our lives are filled with joy. Take time now to thank yourself. Know that every thought, word and action you have ever participated in has spread throughout the universe.

Even those things you judge to be bad are not considered negative by us. When people do things that are “bad,” they allow others to make a choice in how they will respond. There would not be an opportunity for such if no one played the role of bad guy.

Just like in the movies, the bad guy is an actor. It is not the actor being bad, he is just playing a role. Although from your perspective the “bad” may feel painful and horrible, from our broader perspective, we know you are playing temporary roles. We mention this so you will thank yourself and celebrate your Being without judging yourself or regretting choices you made in the past.

Know you are a child of love and are pure in your Spirit Essence. Celebrate this. Treat yourself to a big astral hug by calling in your Spirit Guides. Play soft music and allow yourself to relax and release any pressures you have placed on yourself, allowing your Essence to be filled with their love.…

Embrace Diversity: Day 217, Caban 9

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 04/06/2015 - 19:19

EMBRACE DIVERSITY   Today, practice feeling joy every moment. There will be situations that arise that in the past left you with heavy feelings of sadness, anger, frustration, etc. When those moments arise, look for the positive nature in them.

Feel blessed that you have the ability to be experiencing this event and express gratitude for the awareness that you no longer are a victim or hold the experience in a negative manner.

In the beginning, this may be difficult, especially in situations that are emotionally charged. However, with practice, there will come a time when no matter what situation arises, you will face it, embrace it and be thankful that you have the power within you to choose how you feel about it.

Begin today! Caban 9, Day 217

To purchase or read the Mayan Messages in their entirety, visit:   Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree…

End of War: Day 216, Cib 8

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 04/05/2015 - 21:20

END OF WAR   There has been much talk in your Realm of the need for war to maintain peace. Many of you have come to believe this is true. We disagree and ask that you open your eyes and hearts to allowing others to walk the Paths of their choice.

These wars not only exist on global levels, but within families, close relationships, co-workers, those you meet casually and within your own self. There are increasing instances such as road rage where fights, sometimes leading to death, ensue between strangers over trivial issues.

How can you help end this madness? Maintain inner peace at all times. No matter what another says or does, allow it to be, without getting caught up in the swirl of negative emotions that will surely take you out of balance. When possible, excuse yourself from the situation, go into the bathroom or a quiet space and regain your inner composure.

Realize that each person acts and reacts from his set of belief codes. Question the codes within yourself that make you want to lash back. Are there past events that have you continually reacting in the same manner in similar situations? You have the ability to change your mind, attitude and actions and begin to act differently in these situations. Once you have become a peace-full person, you will then become a role model for others.

Child Caretakers: Day 208, Lamat 13

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 03/29/2015 - 09:43

CHILD CARETAKERS    We cannot overemphasize the importance of allowing children to make choices for themselves. In many situations, children are much wiser and on higher frequencies of love than their caretakers. Parents role-model what they have learned, extending their fears and myths onto children in ways that may hamper their productivity.

It is imperative to pay close attention to what you are modeling to them. Anything other than love and kindness is abusive and detrimental, although most of you are doing these things without intentionally meaning to be harmful. Any moment when you affect a child and he reacts with emotions such as fear, anger or hurt, look at what you said or did to offend him. It is one thing to protect a child from harm, but did you cause harm in the process of doing so? It is good to teach the child manners, but did you use proper manners as a role model in doing so?

Many children are forced to eat foods they dislike or amounts that are not fit for their bodies. In doing so, they often learn the habit of overeating. They are given foods with no nutritional value as treats. Their exuberance is met with disdain or medication. Their behaviors, words, thoughts, dreams and aspirations are often met with ridicule. Allow them to dream big and perhaps they will be your role models and encourage you to dream big!…

Astral Hugs, Day 203, Akbal 8

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 03/24/2015 - 10:48

ASTRAL HUGS     Today we invite you to close your eyes and allow yourself to feel our energy. Relax. Breathe in and out at your own pace, comfortably sinking into a feeling of deep relaxation. Note any feelings of calmness, of love, of warmth and know this is us.

Receive this love as we honor you for being the wonderful and beautiful Being that you are. Remain in this state as long as you choose. Know that you can return at any time to receive more of our astral hugs.

This is how you connect with your Higher Self and Spirit Guides. Once the mind is calm, the heart can expand and allow our energies to flow more freely through you.

You can also increase your ability to make heart-to-heart connections with friends, family and those with whom you have difficulties. Have a wonder filled day!  The Day Keepers

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 203 at:   Please include this web address when posting or sharing with others.  Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

Receive Our Blessings: Day 199, Cauac 4

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 03/20/2015 - 08:41

RECEIVE OUR BLESSINGS   Today we would like to bestow upon you blessings of energy and love. We simply ask that you take a few breaths and relax. You may choose to listen to soothing music or listen to our Angelic choir in your mind or by using recorded music such as Tom Kenyon’s Ghandarva ceremony.

You may also invite other loving Beings, such as Saints, Masters, Angels and your Spirit Helpers to join us. To call them in, place your attention on each one as you invite them to join us. One way to do this is to call their name three times, either out loud or within your mind.

What we are going to do is send love and healing energies to you. You do not need to think about anything during this time, just receive the energies and feel the love. This is our gift to you. Get into a comfortable position. Remain in our energy as long as you wish. We love you dearly and are honored to gift you in this manner. Enjoy! The Day Keepers

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 199 at:   Please include this web address whenever posting or sharing with others.  Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree…

Rainbow Reminders: Day 198, Etznab 3

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 03/18/2015 - 21:39

RAINBOW REMINDERS   In your myths, rainbows are symbolic of fortune, abundance and promise. We invite you to focus on these symbols whenever you see a rainbow. Stop what you are doing and tune into these energies, feeling gratitude for the blessings in your life. Visualize yourself receiving abundance in all things. Send blessings to all other Beings so they too, may allow themselves to receive abundance and to share their gifts.

Think of the leprechaun with his pot of gold, remembering to allow abundance to flow into your life. See the arch as a portal you can enter at any time to collect gifts within you that currently lie dormant. Receive the promise that you are loved and supported by Source, your Higher Self and Spirit Guides.

Each color in the rainbow has its own energy frequency. Allow these frequencies to enter your body, healing all aspects of your self. As you look at the beautiful water crystals glistening in the sun, which creates the rainbow, send blessings to all the waters of the Earth, including the water in your body. For the fun of it, get up, jiggle your booty and enjoy “a bun dance!” Be silly and have fun today. Selamet!  Etznab 3

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 198 at:   Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.   Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree…

Out of Body Experiences: Day 194, Ix 12

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 03/14/2015 - 21:23

OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES   Before you incarnate, you are given possible exit points that are determined by your Higher Self and your Review Board. The exit points are times when you may choose to leave the Earth. These exit points come at times when it is likely you will have attained the experiences or reasons you came to Earth.

Because of the state of amnesia when you enter this Realm, many take longer than anticipated to get in touch with their Higher Selves and thus wander off their chosen Path. Others may have finished what they came to do, yet choose to stay longer in order to experience other things or to continue with their chosen work.

Sometimes your Higher Self sets up scenarios in which you nearly die as a way to wake you up to get you back on track. This is why some people dedicate their lives to spiritual endeavors after having a near death experience. While they were clinically dead, they met with their Guides or Higher Selves and were shown what they needed to do to get back on their Path.

They were told they must return to Earth to complete their chosen mission. Usually, they return with fervor, consciously remembering the reason they came to Earth, having the directions and connection to keep them on track. It is imperative to get past the blocks that keep you from having direct communication with your Guides and Higher Self. Once you do, your life will amaze you.…

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