Theresa Crabtree

Dowsing 101: Day 190, Oc 8

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 03/11/2015 - 09:31

DOWSING 101   Dowsing, in its basic sense, uses the neuromuscular sensations of the body. There are various techniques; you would do well to research and experiment until you find the technique that feels most comfortable to you.

Always word your questions in a format that can be answered with either “yes” or “no.” With practice, you will know when the dowsing tool is giving you a “maybe” answer or making an indication to ask more questions or be more specific.

Before using any dowsing tool, it is best to begin with a series of questions, such as, “May I use the dowsing tool at this time? Can I using the dowsing tool at this time? Should I use the dowsing tool at this time?” If you get a “no” response to any of these questions, it is wise to honor the answer and dowse another time. If you get a “no” answer to using a tool, it is wise to set aside a few moments and center yourself.

Never use the tools when you are upset. If you are emotionally charged over something that is happening in your life, it could skew the answers you receive from the dowsing tool. This is especially true when the questions you wish to ask are related to the issue that has you emotionally off balance. Always be sure you are hydrated before dowsing.

Nature Spirits: Day 189, Nature Spirits

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/09/2015 - 20:12

NATURE SPIRITS   All plants have Nature Spirits overseeing them. There are myriads of these Beings living among you. Their role is to assist plants in obtaining their needs. When you go into Nature that is untainted by human hands, notice the symbiotic relationship between plants and animals. There is always a perfect balance.

These areas provide enough food for the wildlife. The number of wildlife in the area is naturally balanced. Trees shade bushes, which provide homes and shelter for animals and smaller plants. Insects assist with the clean up process, breaking leaves into perfect food for animals and plants. Birds have places to roost. Bees assist with pollination.

Nature Spirits assist plants as needed. There are many types of Spirits who have been given names such as: sylphs, gnomes, fairies, elves or little people. They have been spoken about in myths and legends for eons. When you have a yard that is large enough, set aside a special area for them where no humans trod and invite them to dwell in this space. If they accept your offer, you will find that these areas flourish when left undisturbed by humans.…

Day 185: Block Busters, Chicchan 3

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 03/05/2015 - 19:28

BLOCK BUSTERS   We are truly grateful for each moment we have in which we are consciously connected. There are many ways we are connected, since energetically we are of the same Essence.

When you are knowingly aware of us and desire to work together, there is a highly charged energy frequency that occurs between us. This is similar to an electrical conduit. When you have electric lights in your home, they are always hooked up to the same energy source as all the other electrical appliances in the building.

When you decide to light up a room, you simply flip a switch and the energy flows through that conductor. It is much the same whenever you have an interaction with us or any other Being or experience.

There is always the possibility for a myriad of choices to occur, yet it is the one you focus your mind on that will manifest. Thus, be mindful of what you wish to experience, for you have within you the power to make it so.

There are often things that manifest in ways you do not desire, there are several reasons why this occurs. Since you live in a world with more than six billion persons, there will be times when you simply are a receiver of something that was not consciously intended specifically for you.

If it is something that goes strongly against your paradigm, your Guides will send messages to assist you in avoiding being part of that scenario. It is up to you to be tuned into their frequency and to recognize and choose whether to follow their guidance.

Be Sylly: Day 181, Imix 12

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 03/02/2015 - 08:17

You have worked hard and often take your Path very seriously. Sometimes, it is good to relax, rest and simply be in joy. Today we ask that every time you pass a mirror, be silly. This also includes reflective surfaces such as windows and cars.

Make a silly face, smile from ear to ear, laugh, sing, whatever helps to get you out of serious mode. You may be self-conscious about what others will think. Work through it, invite them to join you, tell them you are lightening up and encourage them to do the same.

If you cannot encourage yourself to be silly in public, then do so privately. Make yourself laugh, be ridiculous, skip, jump, dance with wild abandon and begin to free yourself from the shackles of seriousness.

Let your serious side rest and be Sylly!   Celebrate!  Imix 12, Day 181 To read or purchase the Mayan Messages in their entirety, visit:

Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.   Have fun being sylly!  Theresa Crabtree

Shine Your Light, Day 177, Caban 8

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 02/25/2015 - 19:15

SHINE YOUR LIGHT   Your Spiritual roots are created from pure love. There is nothing in the world that does not come from the inspiration of pure love. We know this is difficult for many to grasp when you look around and see all of the experiences of Not-Love.

We understand that it is hard for you to exist in such a place. As your veils of amnesia lift, it becomes even harder to remain on the Earth. Yet we ask you to have patience, for there is much that you can do to assist with the changes that are currently taking place.

Many Lightworkers have come to the Earth at this time to assist in returning the Earth to her pristine state. Although the Earth was pristine at the time of her original creation, she and her inhabitants are now beginning to vibrate at a much higher frequency. This means that those who cling to lower frequency aspirations will not be able to maintain their goals of Not-Love experiences.

You, as a Lightworker, have the ability to pressure those in leadership positions to make the changes you wish to occur on Earth. There is power in numbers and as you unite with each other, with common goals, your voice will be heard. Many of your industries will crumble overnight if each of you simply says, “No more!” and stop feeding the monster. As you bond together and boycott the industries that are harmful, these corporations will either crumble or scramble to restructure.…

Love Exchange: Day 167, Manik 11

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/15/2015 - 20:48

LOVE EXCHANGE   There are many facets of love such as compassion, kindness and respect. Above all these is gratitude. Without gratitude, love is worthless. Love has a two-sided nature, giving and receiving.

When you send someone loving thoughts, they receive them in an instant. They may suddenly feel a warm rush of energy and not know why. It is important to send loving thoughts to all of humanity. Although most do not realize what is happening, they receive the blessing anyway.

Although it may be difficult to love those who trespass against you, these are your greatest teachers, for when you can love them, it becomes much easier to love yourself and all others. Choose one person that you find very difficult to love. Keep sending this person feelings of love, releasing your judgment of his/her behaviors. Know this person was created by the same Source as you and that you are a hologramic part of each other.

Be mindful of everyone around you. Smile and send them a burst of love, no matter what your history is with each of them. Find blessings in all events.

Throughout the day, send yourself loving thoughts, feel grateful for your body and the ability to be living on Earth at this time. Practice these things until they become habits, replacing old belief codes of judgment. Go forth, enjoy this day and fill it with blessings of love and gratitude!  Selamet!  Manik 11

Greet Everyone: Day 166, Cimi 10

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/15/2015 - 08:47

Greet each person with a smile while making eye contact. Release all judgments towards others. Focus on the knowledge that every person you meet is created by the same Source that created you. See everyone as an equal, as part of you.

Whenever it is appropriate, tell the people you interact with that you appreciate them. Notice every person that comes into your visual field. Pay attention to ways you may be of assistance. A simple nod or smile can make a positive difference in a person’s day.

Notice people’s reactions. There will be some who are uneasy and avert their eyes from you. Others may grunt an acknowledgement in return. Some will markedly brighten. No matter how they react towards you, be mindful not to judge them. Do not allow yourself to become unbalanced if anyone acts in a way that you feel is inappropriate.

This exercise is for you, to assist you in paying attention, honoring and respecting all people. You would do well to repeat this exercise every day until it becomes habitual. Try it; you’ll like it!    Selamet!  Cimi 10

Read or purchase the Mayan Messages in their entirety at:  Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.  Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

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