Theresa Crabtree

Physical Ascension: Day 159, Cauac 3

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 02/08/2015 - 09:28

PHYSICAL ASCENSION There are many among you who believe that physical death is a necessary part of the progression of your soul. However, this is not true. There are many who walk among you who are highly enlightened. They remain on Earth to assist others, such as yourself to attain higher degrees of love and understanding of your Self.

Many bow down to these gurus, but know that they are just like you. You have just as much ability to attain the higher frequencies of love as these gurus are experiencing. You would do well to sit with these souls or to read the original writings of those who have passed on to the Other Side in order to gain perspectives on ways you can change your life.

There is no need to follow any one Order. There is no need to live a minimalistic lifestyle. You can enjoy all of the beauty and wonder of this world, for this is the intention of its original design. What is necessary is an earnest desire to leave behind the things that keep you locked into negative thought patterns and fear-based actions. You have within you the ability to make these changes.

You simply need to begin observing and paying attention to the things you say and do. Take time daily to reflect on your activities. Be filled with gratitude for those things that are flowing smoothly and do not punish yourself with feelings of shame or guilt for choices you have made that were less than kind. Start each day anew, firmly stating your intentions for the day.

Take Chances, Make Changes: Day 155, Men 12

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 02/03/2015 - 22:20

TAKE CHANCES, MAKE CHANGES   We cannot overemphasize the necessity of looking within and pulling out the thoughts that keep you from experiencing your dreams. Know beyond any doubt that you are loved and worthy of all the Earth has to offer. You did not come here to be in misery or to solve all the problems of the world. You did not come here to save the souls of others. You came here to enjoy this realm and to be part of the solution, yet when you wallow in negative thinking, you create more problems.

You have the ability to change your thoughts by focusing on things you desire. You have the ability to change your actions by doing the things you want. You have the ability to change your words by expressing your truth. You have the ability to change your attitude by focusing on gratitude.

Only you can make you happy. Do not give this power to others. Recognize that at all times, each of you is doing the best you can. Sometimes you may know what you are doing is harmful to others, yet fear and belief codes motivate you to continue. You each have the power to support one another and gain each other’s trust so you can each live more fully in your truth. Be mindful that you cannot change people, although you can support them. Allow them to make the choices they prefer; you would want the same for yourself.…

Smile Awhile: Day 151, Chuen 8

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/31/2015 - 08:25

SMILE AWHILE   Today we have a simple exercise for you. It is called “smile.”

If you are reading this in the morning, then we ask that when you go out today, smile and nod a greeting to everyone you meet, making brief eye contact when possible.

If you will not be going outside today, send smiles telepathically to the people you find yourself thinking about, especially those you may be having any problems with. Consider taking a few moments to go through your address book and send a brief smile to at least twenty people.

If you are reading this in the evening, then make a note to yourself to remember to smile at everyone you encounter tomorrow.

Make smiling a habit. It is a great physical, mental, emotional and spiritual exercise!   Selamet!  Chuen 8

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 151 at:   Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.   Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

You Are Loved: Day 144, Kan 1

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/24/2015 - 08:32

YOU ARE LOVED   Each of you comes from Source.  At one point, we all were a part of the energy that Source is. We cannot describe to you the beauty of this energy, for we ourselves have no full remembrance of how it was before we separated from Source. However, we know that the Dimension between where you currently reside and where we are is separated by a huge chasm of difference in the understanding of this Love.

We wish to impart to you the knowledge that you are fully loved by Source and us. There is never any judgment. Once you have detached from the Earth Realm, judgment does not exist except in other planes where this was created as part of their experience. Speak to your Masters who reside on the Earth, they know this is true. They are the ones closest to understanding the true nature of the universe.

You will know these Masters for they are meek and kind and spend much of their time in introspection and praying for the world. Their lives are devoted in service to mankind, never asking for payment, for they know all their needs will be met. Read their writings, learn their ways and integrate those aspects that increase your capacity to love, unconditionally. Simplify your life so you will have increased time and energy to devote to those things that pull at your heart.

Synchronicities: Day 143, Akbal 13

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 01/22/2015 - 22:30

SYNCHRONICITIES   We encourage you to take time to clear your mind, meditate, pray and seek inside for answers. Often the responses are subtle: a fleeting thought, an intuition, a gut reaction or goose pimples. How do you know when it is us or your Higher Self making contact? First is the ability to trust your instincts. It is much easier to trust your instincts after you have relinquished your fears. At times you may get an intuition, but your fears create a gut reaction response that keeps you from following through with the intuition. This is an important reason why facing and walking through your fears is imperative. Once you have learned to walk with courage, your next task is to follow your intuition.

If what you are prompted to do is for your highest good and for the highest good of all concerned, then know you are on the right Path. We understand that this is not always a good indicator, for you do not know all the ramifications that may occur as a result of any action or if the results ultimately are for the highest good of all. Many times what seems painful for another turns out to be a great gift or teacher.

Another indicator to know if what you are experiencing is for your highest good is to pay attention to your feelings as you make choices. In most cases, if you have released associated fears and blocks caused by belief codes, you will know for certainty that you should follow through with what you feel prompted to do.…

Time in Nature: Day 140, Ahau 10

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/20/2015 - 08:44

TIME IN NATURE  Today we suggest you spend as much time in Nature as possible. Do only those things that give you pleasure. Pay attention all day to how you feel, bringing up feelings of joy whenever any lower vibrational emotions come up. Be mindful of every word you utter and every thought that comes into your consciousness.

Go forth in joy!  Selamet!  Ahau 10

To read the Mayan Messages in their entirety, visit:   Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.   Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

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