Theresa Crabtree

Mirror Exercise: Day 137, Caban7

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 01/17/2015 - 08:49

MIRROR EXERCISE   Greetings, dear one. We are happy to be of service as you wander throughout the universe seeking to find joy and happiness in all things. Today we wish to invite you to take a journey with us.

Get comfortable on your magic carpet, visualizing a place you find to be serene. Take a few moments to unwind by breathing in and out while relaxing all your muscles. Before you begin, mentally push the “off” button on your left-brain, placing it on auto restart when you return to your normal active brain state.

Our journey today will be to explore the universe that lies within you. There are many challenges you are facing as you reach towards your goal of happiness and peace. Let us drift inside these spaces for a while, simply gifting yourself with love and assurance that all is well.

As you allow your mind to drift, focus only on love. Perhaps you will visualize your Guides meeting you and holding you in their etheric arms. In whatever way you choose, focus on loving every part of your Being. Do not try to focus on anything specific, just send unconditional love through your whole Being on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Fill your heart with gratitude for all the support you receive from those in the physical realm as well as the unseen Realms. Bask in the love that returns to you. Stay in this space for as long as you wish.

Judgment Day: Day 135, Men 5

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/14/2015 - 19:55

JUDGMENT DAY  None will be lost; all will return to Source. Can you imagine a Creator who purposely creates a magnificent Being just to destroy it?  Be creative with your life and release any thoughtforms and belief codes that leave you feeling less than another. You are all children of Source, pure Beings of light arriving on the Earth, for a time, to experience just one small piece of God’s creation.    Selamet!  Men 5

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 135 at:  Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.   Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

Release Time Constraints: Day 134, Ix 4

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/13/2015 - 19:30

RELEASE TIME CONSTRAINTS  Many of you are feeling a quickening, as though there is no time to get things done, wondering where the hours went at the close of your day. There is a shattering of time as you begin to ascend to higher frequencies of vibration.

Time is relative to your interest in an activity, as well. All of you have experienced performing a chore that you disliked and it seemed to take forever. Yet, when you spent the same amount of time involved in a task that was of high interest, you exclaimed, “Where did the time go?” Each of you has within you the ability to warp time so it benefits you, without harming anyone else.

Many of you cannot wear watches, for they either stop or lose their ability to maintain correct time. When a person chooses to follow his intuition and allows himself to flow with what is happening around him, this belief code creates a higher frequency of love, which is the flow. What happens is that clocks and watches are jangled by this frequency and will not work properly. Have you noticed how those who live this way always seem to show up at places at the perfect time?

Following your intuition and gut feelings is your inner guidance leading you to experiences That you have set up through your prayers and requests. Hone your ability to recognize these pulls. Watch for synchronicities that occur when you release the constraints you place on your time and allow yourself to go with the flow. You will find yourself drawn to places you didn’t plan to go.…

Cohesive Prayers: Day 133, Ben 3

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 01/12/2015 - 20:00

COHESIVE PRAYERS   What we suggest is before you pray for anyone or any event, hydrate your body with pure water, go within, tune into your Higher Self, then ask if the prayer you are about to request is appropriate. If you get a positive answer, then call in the Higher Self of all those involved and ask the same question. Often, you will find that it is not your business.

Another area that needs clarity is in group prayers. We will use the example of “world peace.” The group spokesperson states the intention, “We are gathered here to focus on creating world peace.” Yet rarely are the people involved setting off cohesive thoughtforms. Some of the people in the circle may be visualizing the rounding up of government officials they label as criminals, perhaps even seeing them suffer horrendous deaths. Others may be visualizing armed troops moving into foreign countries, gathering up and torturing terrorists. Others may be visualizing everyone on Earth filled with peace, getting along with everybody and living happily ever after. This is a fairy tale and not a good solution, either, for the results generally are that people give up their voice to keep peace at all costs.

We see this type of incoherency repeatedly in your gatherings. We suggest you take care of yourself first, so you can better understand how peace feels and how to release judgment. Until you have a firm grasp of unconditional love and inner peace for yourself, your prayers will be skewed by your misunderstanding, which many times are erroneous and lead to more confusion.

Make Joyful Noises: Day 132, Eb 2

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 01/11/2015 - 20:51

MAKE JOYFUL NOISES   Many of our lessons have brought up heavy issues and although we will be returning to delve deeper into your past wounds, today we wish to celebrate and practice making joyful noises.

Are you ready? Try to release all inhibitions and begin to sing. Make up words as you go, they need not be in a language you know; they can be just silly utterances. Build your crescendo, play with the sounds. Ohm, if you choose. Shriek with de-light. Make silly faces and movements. Have fun and release yourself. Make body movements; get up and dance around the room or better yet, in nature. Let the playful child inside come out. Pay no attention to others who may watch you. If there are others around you, invite them to join you.

Make silly faces at each other. If you feel like laughing, laugh. If you feel like crying, cry. Allow any emotions to arise. There is no need to attempt to understand why you are feeling these emotions, simply let them arise.

Continue to dance and sing for as long as you choose. Then, drink plenty of pure water and relax. Quiet yourself and go within for about fifteen minutes, expressing feelings of gratitude for all those who have been of assistance to you, both on Earth and beyond. Again, allow any emotions to arise.

Once you have finished, arise and create a splendid day for yourself! Make this a part of your routine at least once a week and enjoy the freedom of releasing parts of you that are ready to be expressed.    Selamet!  Eb 2

Decrease Fear, Increase Love: Day 130, Oc 13

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/09/2015 - 23:23

DECREASE FEAR, INCREASE LOVE   In order to conquer your fears, you must face them. Just as a bully often backs off when his target steps up to him, your fears will dwindle and back off when you boldly confront them. Changing the behaviors that kept the fears intact also requires effort and courage, for this is your public statement that you are changing something inside yourself that no longer serves you. You may be encouraged by some and ridiculed by others, but stand fast to your truth and press forward.

Your love will exponentially increase with each fear you release, for you cannot hold on to both at the same time. If you are having an issue with a loved one and harboring anger, hate or frustration, you will block the flow of love. Although some love may filter through, when your time together is going well, the flow is still constricted due to the lower frequencies still targeted towards that person.

Others around you will be operating on their own fear-based foundations. Thus, when you react to something that is triggered within you, they in turn will react to something you said or did that triggered an unresolved issue in their life. Thus, wars are waged in the schoolyard, the bedroom and boardroom. When each of you individually faces your fears and feelings of inferiority and overcomes them, you will begin to have functioning relationships.…

The Root of all Evil: Day 128, Lamat 11

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 01/07/2015 - 22:18

THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL   Humans have been led to believe that money is the root of all evil. Some go further to say that it is the love of money that is the root of all evil. Yet both are far from the truth, although we do understand the basic underlying message. It is the intention of the uni-verse to allow each soul to love all things, allowing them to be as they are, so loving money is not a bad thing.

However, using money to gain control over another is not a good thing. Spending more time focusing on acquiring money rather than taking care of your personal needs and your loved ones can create an imbalance in your life. Using money to buy the affections of another is a very low density proposition, leading to pain. There are many unhealthy ways a person can be attached to money, but it is not the root of all evil.

Although there are a myriad of causes of evil, we would claim that fear is the root of most evil. Understand that we do not use the term “evil” in our Realms, for we do not judge anything as good or bad. We accept all things as choices or experiences. It is up to the individual to decide which path to choose in each moment of existence. We know that each person will ultimately return to Source, bringing with him/her a wealth of experiences that each can share with the whole.…

The Grand Experiment: Day 127, Manik 10

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/06/2015 - 20:40

THE GRAND EXPERIMENT   As each of you left Source and moved into other Dimensions, there remained in you the whole of the Source. Although you vibrate differently than Original Source, you have the same function, to experience All That Is. Original Source is pure energy. As you move “from” Source and choose material bodies, you become denser, yet not necessarily of lower frequency. There are myriads of souls who live in bodies much less dense than you. Due to their closer association with the pure Love of Source, they vibrate at a much higher frequency. Similarly, there are many walking on the Earth inhabiting low-density bodies, but vibrating with high degrees of Love.

Whatever you can imagine, exists somewhere, whether in this universe or beyond. Every soul that has left Source has the ability to create what it is they wish to experience. It may be a short-term experience, while others may wish to stay in the experience for extended periods. When a Soul chooses to experience something, “he” can create on two levels: personal or group.

When there are a group of Souls who wish to have a specific experience, they come together and create the form in which this can occur. This is how your Earth and physical planets came into being. Each galaxy and universe has its own set of rules or parameters designed to allow those who wish to participate to have the experience they desire; not all of these places are material.…

Create Your Reality: Day 126, Cimi 9

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 01/06/2015 - 09:04

CREATE YOUR REALITY   Our goal is to encourage each of you to become responsible for your thoughts, words and actions. It is time to pay attention to the way you affect your world individually. Take time to research the pros and cons of every action you take. Listen to those who have opposing views, for you may find fragments of truth you overlooked in your zealous appeal to be righteous. Take time to read the labels on things you place on your body and ingest, for many are toxic and causing you great havoc.

Rest when you are tired. Eat when you are hungry. Drink when you are thirsty. The best form of nourishment for you is pure, untainted water, which currently is in short supply. Pray over your water, asking for it to return to its pure crystalline structure. The ancients have done this for eons. When you pray, know you have the power within you to create whatever it is you wish to experience. However, be mindful when you pray for others. What you are requesting may not be in their best interest.…

More than a Human Be-ing

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 01/02/2015 - 23:12

MORE THAN A HUMAN BE-ING   Once you remember who you are, material possessions and kudos from others loses its importance. Once you have fully gained peace and inner balance, you will begin to enjoy every moment of your life. You will feel equally balanced whether someone is yelling in your face or giving you a heart-felt hug. You will know who you are and can appreciate the opportunity of each experience on Earth.

Whenever you have an experience that leaves you feeling anything less than peaceful, take time to look at the event and uncover the reason why you are off balance. Your emotions are an excellent barometer to awaken you consciously to areas in your life that need to be addressed.

You are on a Path of ascension. If you resist words such as ascension, interject the words “be a kinder person” and say the same thing. You are on a Path to become a kinder person.

Open yourself to the possibility of the truth others speak, not shutting them out because they are of a different religion or speak words that are different from what your group uses. Find the commonalities between you and have the courage to openly question each other’s beliefs. In so doing, you may find you will have a deeper understanding of each other and some of your own belief codes.   Selamet! Akbal 6

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