Theresa Crabtree

Hologramic Universe: Day 118, Etznab 1

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/28/2014 - 17:42

HOLOGRAMIC UNIVERSE  You are part of the original Source of pure love, light and energy. One way to imagine this is to visualize the original Source as the sun. There came a time when Source chose to allow itself to fragment in order to experience something other than its full perfect Essence. In that moment, Source fragmented itself, knowing it had full power at any moment to recall those fragments and reconfigure itself into wholeness again. Imagine these fragments as candles or flames, each a part of the whole sun.

You came from one of those initial fragments. Each of these fragments retained the entire memory and essence of the Source, much like a hologram. Each one of these fragments made various choices of what it wanted to experience.

Through time, each of the fragments had the ability to step down another notch from Source. Every level, down to the you that is now reading this script, has always retained its full scope of love, light and energy. Every one of you is the original Source, not a separated part, such as when you cut a cake into parts, but a hologramic part in which the entire essence of the Source is a part of you.

What this means is that each of you is Source or God. This does not mean that in this moment you are of the purest light imbued with all the capabilities of Source, such as omniscience, omnipresence and perfect love. In one sense, you do have these capabilities within you, but they have been locked up and not accessible due to your agreement to uphold the contract of the universe you live in.…

Speak Your Truth: Day 117, Caban 13

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/28/2014 - 08:32

SPEAK YOUR TRUTH   How many times has someone asked you a question, seeking your advice, yet you were uncomfortable stating your true opinion? Perhaps you were ridiculed or had a relationship tattered because you had the courage to speak your truth. To protect yourself, you created a belief code such as, “Telling the truth is not safe.” As a result, telling white lies became a habit. Other truths were built on these white lies until you became unsure of what your truth is. Many of you are living your life based on a foundation that is unstable, unconsciously creating walls that are destined to crumble.

You have the choice to tear down the unstable walls and to restructure your foundation. It will take courage, but you have the ability within you to rediscover your true Self and to begin to make decisions and take the necessary actions to create the life of your dreams. The best time to start is now. Will you choose to continue building a life around falsehoods or make the effort to create a life based on your Truth?

Do you even know what your Truth is? Look at your beliefs and choose those that feel right and make sense to you. In doing so, you will discover that you may need to make some behavioral changes. Do your thoughts, words, actions and emotions reflect what you hold to be true?…

Attend to Your Needs: Day 112, Eb 8

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 12/23/2014 - 09:22

ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDS   Your body, mind and spirit all work together. When one is out of balance, it affects the other two systems. We cannot stress enough the importance of setting time aside daily for reflection. Go within and seek things that are holding you back from your true destiny, a life filled with joy and abundance.

We encourage you to bless your emotions, whether you deem them good or bad, for a time will come when you realize the importance and value of each. In your daily reflections, arouse the highly charged emotions that drive you toward fulfilling your passion and those that hinder you from fulfilling your dreams. Use these emotions in such a way that the energy (E) pushes you into motion (E-motion).

Allow yourself to feel the emotions of past events that are triggered by current events. If they leave you feeling anything other than joy, pay attention to them. Look for ways you can bless the past situation, forgive yourself and others involved and move on, for emotions that create fear, anger, frustration and such will block the flow of love, joy and peace.…

Darkness to Light: Day 111, Chuen 7

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/22/2014 - 08:37

DARKNESS TO LIGHT   If you wish to change your status on the Earth, you will need to release the dark energy that inhibits you from accepting the blessings of free-flowing love. We highly suggest you spend much time reflecting on your own inner darkness rather than what others have done, for you have no control over their choices, only your own. This is the time to begin, for there is no other thing on Earth that is more important.

You are the creator of your reality. Yes, there are things that are beyond your control due to the mass consciousness of large groups. However, these issues cannot affect you on a deep level, if you choose to believe otherwise. Disease, depression, oppression are all belief codes you can hold dear to your heart or reject. Look inside deeply, observe your beliefs and choose whether to continue with those belief codes or to discard them and replace them with new codes.

You do have the power and ability to create a utopian society for yourself even amongst all the angst of the world. Seek like-minded individuals who are not in the doom and gloom of the unthinkable acts of those who have taken control of the masses. Talk to these like-minded individuals, learn what they have done and are currently doing to avoid being caught in the web of hysteria. Make friends with these people. Move to another location if you feel that where you are is not in your best interest. Pay attention to your passions. What do you truly desire? Once you find your passions, take steps to make them a part of your reality.…

Love Thyself: Day 110, Oc 6

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/20/2014 - 20:38

LOVE THYSELF   We are all from the same Source and will return to the same Source. Many of your ancient and religious teachings make the statements that we are all One, that we are brothers and sisters and indeed, this is true. Know it in your hearts, look into each other’s eyes and see this Truth. Until you know in your hearts that you are the same, you will create separation, which is the downfall of any civilization.

When humans create labels of separateness, all hell breaks loose. Heaven on Earth can be a reality when each of you consciously chooses to make it so. There is one underlying theme that can make this a reality, love thy neighbor as thyself. The problem is that many of you have not learned to love thyself. How can anyone expect to love their neighbor if he cannot love himself first? This is an impossible reality.

It always begins by going within. Many of you spend an exorbitant amount of time and energy on your outer self when it comes to grooming and appearances. Yet far fewer take time to go within and do the necessary grooming that allows them to shine their inner light. This is best done in deep meditation; however, you can also reflect during any moment of the day. This can only be done if your mind is not cluttered with fear or busy-ness that keeps you distracted from what is essential, love of Self. We encourage you to make a commitment to spend time working on your inner self. Learn to connect with your personal Spirit Guides; they are waiting for you to ask for their assistance.

Discover Your Truth: Day 108, Lamat 4

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/18/2014 - 21:35

DISCOVER YOUR TRUTH Today is a grand day, one of great celebration, for you have chosen to be alive on planet Earth! The time has come to look closely at every belief you hold to be true. Most beliefs were inhaled on blind faith, never once questioning the authority of those who proclaimed these truths. The Truth is ever-present in the world around you.

There is much you can learn by observing Nature in action, for Nature is a reflection of the Creator. All is perfectly balanced and in harmony when there is no human intervention. Have you studied the symbiosis between plants, animals and landscape? Every birth, every new sprout unto itself is a miracle. You also are given the ability to sprout and grow when given the proper circumstances.

The ability to go inside and to connect with your Higher Self and Source is within your grasp. It is your intuition, that inner knowing, that is your connection. Paying attention to this knowingness is your key to fine tuning your connection to Source.

Dare to be open-minded and look for Truth in all things. Ask questions, especially of those who have thoughts different from your own. Instead of perpetuating the differences among yourselves, learn to work together and discover the similarities. Break down the barriers of separation. There are no two among you who have the same beliefs in all things.…

Manifestation Process: Day 104, Kan 13

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 12/14/2014 - 21:02

MANIFESTATION PROCESS   It is your Higher Self that wrote the script for what you wish to experience during this lifetime. It is imperative that you learn to tune into your Inner Guidance, especially when setting conscious intentions.

You may feel a gut reaction or knowingness as to whether your request is appropriate for you. If your prayer involves others, always check with their Higher Self for permission to intercede. In all cases, ask for what is for the highest good for yourself and all concerned and finally, add the statement that you would like to experience this gracefully.

Be clear on what it is you wish to occur. Empower the request by visualizing the outcome, using your five senses. Know that the more passion and fervor that is placed into this dream, the more likely we are to know that you are serious and want this to occur.

There is one other point we wish to make. We have the ability to see much more than you, so we may take liberties and fulfill your dream in a way that is similar or even better than what you requested, although it may not come in the way you expect.

With this in mind, we ask that you be specific about what you want fulfilled, then be open-minded and pay attention to your intuition so you do not miss the mark. We rejoice in the heavens when a prayer is received and especially when the person making the request consciously realizes it was our co-creative abilities that made it happen. Most of all, it is an attitude of gratitude that makes it all worthwhile for us to assist you.…

Ascension Process: Day 100, Ahau 9

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 12/10/2014 - 18:33

ASCENSION PROCESS   The word “ascension” has many meanings, depending on your cultural beliefs. The term literally means, “to rise above.” What is it that you are rising above? It is the menial nature of humanity. All of you have the ability to rise above mundane living and live in a world you co-create with others, both on Earth and with those living in other Dimensions. Time and space are illusions to allow this experience to feel real. There was no other way for you to have the experience of Not-Love when you were fully immersed in Love. Birthing into a Realm where you have forgotten your true roots allows you this experience.

Many of you have been on Earth for scores of lifetimes and have now tired of the tedious nature of mundane living, having experienced all there is to offer here. We suggest you no longer be concerned with the “what ifs” and spend your time making the changes necessary in order to fill today with joy and peace. What do you need to do in order for this to happen? It is imperative that you take time each day to monitor what you are feeling and then make changes in the areas that cause you unrest.

Have you noticed the feeling of quickening time, where things seem to be happening faster? Did you know that the heartbeat of the Earth is pounding faster than ever before? What does this have to do with you? You are essentially a child of the Earth; you are made from the same molecules that she is made from. She is your host; try to live without her! As the earth’s vibration raises, so must yours.…

Mirror Images: Day 98, Etznab 7

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/08/2014 - 20:06

MIRROR IMAGES   When you feel emotions such as anger, fear or frustration, it is the result of an unresolved issue. Like a mirror, the person or event triggers a past experience, which was either too painful or too bothersome to deal with when it first occurred. It is imperative to live in the now and deal with all issues as they arise. This will keep your energy clear and retard any stagnant issues that cause disease in the body or emotional realm.

Your senses also bring up emotional issues from the past. Photographs, scents, songs, fabrics and tastes all have the ability to instantly take you back to a memory, sometimes one that has been deeply locked away for years. If the memory that arises causes you distress or discomfort, take time to go back and observe the event. Find ways to release any negativity related to this event. Perhaps there is someone you need to forgive; maybe your behavior was less than honorable and you need to forgive yourself. If you hold a victim mentality regarding this issue, now is a good time to release it. Accept full responsibility for your actions without beating yourself up with shame or guilt.

If there is any action you need to take to rectify a situation, do so. Send love to all involved, no matter how deeply wounded you feel. Know in your heart that you all come from the same Source and one day you will all return to the same Source. In the meantime, each of you is having a human experience.

Veil of Separation

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 12/06/2014 - 18:28

The veils of separation are rapidly dissolving. What does this mean to you and how will it affect you? Soon you will see that each of you are brethren. Not only do you all have the same blood running in your veins, but you also have the same spirit connection on the Other Side.

You truly are children of God; in fact, you ARE gods, each of you being one aspect of the whole. Many have already grasped this teaching; most of you are still grappling with it, not understanding how we can all be One. We suggest you take time each day to go within and find ways to make this connection with your fellow man and all of creation.

There are a few things that need to be addressed in order for you to prepare yourself for the removal of the veil. We will enumerate a few key points here:

Think only positive thoughts.

Build a feeling of love for all of creation.

Allow everyone to be who they are.

Face all fears.

Forgive yourself and all others for past wounds.

Focus your attention on what is happening in the moment.

Follow your intuition each step of your journey.

Many of you are feeling deep sorrow and isolation from loved ones, both those living on Earth and those who have crossed over. We encourage you to find joy in all things and to spend time creating in your mind what you would like the world to be like. Working together, you are creating a collective conscious group similar to a board meeting where all come together to reset company policy and revamp the system.

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