Theresa Crabtree

Overcoming Obstacles: Day 94, Ix 3

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 12/04/2014 - 18:13

OVERCOMING OBSTACLES   One way to gracefully overcome obstacles is to prepare yourself before you stumble. Many of you stumble over the same rock several times and either are unaware of repeating this pattern or once aware, you decide to take measures so you will not stumble on the rock again. This is the difference between unconscious and conscious living. When you pay attention to what is happening around you, the life you live becomes more meaningful and magical.

Once you are consciously aware of the rock, you come up with solutions to avoid stumbling over it again. In your mind, you see yourself either stepping over the rock or around the rock. Perhaps you choose to move the rock to the side of the path. Maybe you choose to put a colorful flag or sign next to the rock to alert yourself the next time you walk the path. Perhaps you choose to paint the rock a bright color.

Whichever choice you make creates a different impact upon you and the rock. However, the result will be the same; you will break the pattern of stumbling over the rock. You may find that your first choice isn’t effective. Let’s say you chose to place a flag next to the rock, but the wind blew the flag over and you stumbled on the rock again. Simply choose another method until the pattern is broken.…

Feed Each Other: Day 92, Eb 1

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 12/02/2014 - 19:47

FEED EACH OTHER  Today we would like to focus on the issue of poverty. Many among you are homeless and starving, more than ever before, as a result of war and mismanagement of resources. Not one single person on this Earth needs to die of starvation. There is plenty of food available, but due to greed, ignorance and superstition, many die while lying in fields of plenty.

Are you aware of the huge increase of obesity and malnutrition in your westernized societies? The starving children in third world countries are better off in many cases than those who have huge stores of fat in their bodies. Both are starving, yet western societies are overloaded with toxins that their bodies do not know how to process. Gain control of your food sources and enjoy a healthier life.

Many countries with a high increase of starvation have plenty of sources for nourishment. However, their governmental regulations and religious beliefs keep them from partaking of what they need to sustain their lives. There are many entrenched belief codes to break that must be addressed in order to save lives. One way to do this is to share information, as well as bags of rice.

Share Your Knowledge: Day 91, Chuen 13

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/01/2014 - 21:30

SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE Imagine the entire world returning to a cycle of communing together and assisting each other to overcome the negative thinking and belief codes that currently wreak havoc on the Earth and beyond.

Can you imagine the beauty and peace that will exist as each of you returns to your way of Be-ing, of perfect Spirit, while living in the human form? It is possible, but will take effort from all, beginning with you.

There are many ways to be of service, yet the most overlooked is the simple act of sharing what has been of value to you. This does not mean that what works for you is the best for all; it only means that you have found something of value that may be of assistance to others.

There is danger in becoming superior and feeling that your knowledge is better than others. Fight this belief code for it is the ego that is talking and will create issues of power and control over others. It is the balancing of the ego that is required in order to create peace and harmony on the planet.

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 91 at: Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others. Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree…

Create Time and Energy: Day 90, Oc 12

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 12/01/2014 - 08:27

CREATING TIME AND ENERGY   We invite you to take a few moments to relax your muscles and to let go of the concerns of the day. Take several deep breaths in and out to oxygenate your cells and to increase the energy running through your body.

In order to have a more fulfilling life filled with passion and excitement, you would be wise to be selective of the activities in which you choose to be involved. Every person has the same 24 hours to work with each day. Sleep takes a major portion of that time. By the time you finish adding on the hours required to make enough income to take care of your basic needs, to cook and clean, there is little time and energy left in the day for recreational activities.

Many of you would do well to streamline the above-mentioned events first. Do you sleep more than you need? Diet and medications affect the amount of sleep needed to feel rested. When you are in a highly stressed job and lifestyle, the requirements needed for your body to rest are increased.

When you are healthy and vibrant, you will need less sleep to feel rested. Many of you sleep very little and wake up tired. This need not be. Does your work fill you with energy or deplete you? Are the people you work with kind and considerate? Are you able to take a day or two to rest when you are sick and tired? Is there another type of work you would rather be doing? Take these things into consideration and decide whether it is in your best interest to find a better-suited form of income for yourself. Have the courage to make the necessary changes.

One With Nature

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 11/28/2014 - 17:35

ONE WITH NATURE   “Isn’t Earth a lovely place to spend some time? Take a few moments to drink in the beauty of this planet. Focus on the flowers and plants. Feel gratitude for the animals that hold everything in balance. Be appreciative of the water sources that provide nourishment for your body and soul. Feel the magnificence of the mountains, the prairies, the seaside and deserts. Breathe it all in and receive the nurturance that Mother Nature provides for all.

We offer you an exercise to help become more in tune with the energies and sentience of the Beings around you. The best place to do this is in Nature, away from the noise and interruptions of humankind. If you have trees nearby, choose one for this activity. Second choice would be a bush or perennial flowers. If you are in a place that has no outdoor space or you must remain indoors, then cozy up to a houseplant. Lean with your back against the tree or sit near the plant.

Take several deep breaths while relaxing your muscles and clearing your mind of the day’s activities. As your mind clears, focus on the plant. Scrutinize the plant, looking carefully at each part, including the underside of its leaves. Notice the coloration of the various parts, the shape of the leaves, the bark or stem, each section of its blossoms. Are there any insects on the plant, if so, what are they doing?

How are You? Day 87, Manik 9

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 11/28/2014 - 09:51

HOW ARE YOU?   Practice this little exercise on a daily basis. Stop all you are doing, take a few breaths, then notice how you are feeling. This is a good way to monitor where you are emotionally. Notice how you feel inside. Is there tension or calmness? Are you feeling antsy or at peace? Are you afraid or confident?

Whenever you notice you are feeling tense, take time to go into a deeper state of relaxation. By making this a habit, eventually you will find yourself being more at peace and centered, no matter what is occurring around you. Decision-making will be much easier. You are likely to make better choices when you are relaxed.

Your body uses many muscles and more energy when it is tense. Your whole system becomes over-stressed when tension is allowed to build up on a daily basis. Release the stress and enjoy a more fulfilling life!” Manik 9, Day 87

Read the Mayan Messages at:   Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others. Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree


The Truth Shall Set You Free: Day 85, Chicchan 7

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/25/2014 - 21:39

THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE Try placing on a garment that is several sizes too small. You will feel very uncomfortable and eventually lose energy as the flow of blood is restricted. This is what happens on an energetic level when you restrict your energy flow by holding onto fears and old belief codes. Once you release constricting fears and belief codes, the energy flows freely, allowing you to think more clearly and to make more creative and healthy choices.

Belief codes are set up in moments that are emotionally charged. The event could be positive or negative. Most codes are created without the person being consciously aware that this is occurring. You begin to live your life as though this is a reality. With the universal law of attraction, what you believe, you create.

It can be very difficult to break belief codes, for in so doing you will have to accept responsibility for setting up the codes in the first place. You will also have to release any thoughts of being a victim and give up retelling your stories. It will take effort to change the behaviors and habits you have adopted. It will also take courage to replace your old beliefs with new beliefs, for you risk losing friends and making extreme life changes.

How do you move beyond limiting belief codes? One way is to look at an area of your life where you feel dissatisfied. Perhaps it is the way you react to others or a habit you would like to change. Choose one aspect you would like to change. Take a few moments to focus on what generally triggers this behavior.…

Befriend Your Dragons: Day 83, Akbal 5

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/23/2014 - 22:05

BEFRIENDNG YOUR DRAGONS There are several layers of emotions that need to be peeled in order to release the patterns and behaviors associated with deep-seated hurts. The goal is to free yourself from fears, habits and belief codes that no longer serve you and keep you locked away from a life filled with joy and peace. The following are some layers to address in order to change belief codes and heal wounds from past experiences.

Forgive your perpetrators.

Know that all persons are operating to the best of their ability, even though they may be choosing things that are not for the highest good for themselves and all concerned.

Allow all persons to be who they are, whether or not you are in agreement with their behaviors.

Release all judgment of people, places and events.

Release any feelings of victimhood.

Recognize the blessings in all situations, no matter how horrendous.

Change all negative thoughts aimed at yourself and others.

Stop re-telling stories that keep your unresolved issues alive.

Face buried fears and emotions and replace them with love.…

Love and Gratitude Exercise: Day 82, Ik 4

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/22/2014 - 20:42

LOVE AND GRATITUDE EXERCISE   Find a quiet space where you will not be disturbed for at least 15 minutes. The purpose of this quiet time is to become balanced and to release tension and stress. It is necessary for you to be in a relaxed and harmonious state of be-ing in order to be able to move beyond yourself and to experience love for all. When your energy is contracted by fear and your thoughts are focused on all the things happening around you, it is easy to get lost in frustration and impatience. It is very hard to love others when you are in this state of mind.

After you have prepared your space by turning on the music, lighting the candle and incense or whatever works best for you, get into a comfortable position. It does not matter whether you are sitting or lying down, the important thing is that your spine is aligned as straight as possible in order for your energy to flow freely. Once you are settled, take a few deep breaths in and out, relaxing your body and allowing yourself to release the busyness of the day.

Focus on your breath. When you inhale, visualize breathing in love and kindness. When you exhale, release tension and thoughts or emotions that drain your energy. Continue with this pattern for a few minutes until you feel deeply relaxed.…

New Thoughts, New Beginnings: Day 81, Imix 3

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 11/21/2014 - 20:44

NEW THOUGHTS, NEW BEGINNINGS    One of the laws of the universe is that like attracts like. If you are continually focused on being a victim and believe that everyone is out to get you or that you have bad luck, this is what you will attract to you. Your thoughts and things you pay attention to are what create your reality. In every situation, there will be people who see blessings and those who will focus on its curses. The good news is that each of you has the ability within yourself to transcend negative thinking. Once you gain control of your thoughts, you will then be able to release belief codes and change behaviors that have kept you locked into negative thinking.

Many of you are locked in suspension, not knowing which way to go. Those of you who are afraid to make the wrong choice, we suggest you go inward and allow yourself to experience what feels best at the time. Know that throughout your life you will be presented with multitudes of ideas. All have their credence and validity. Take for yourself that which feels right, try it on; if it doesn’t fit, try on something else.

Your life will be enhanced when your thoughts center on paying attention to the divinity within rather than on your differences with others. Life will be lived in a more loving manner when each of you sets aside your differences and learns to love one another.…

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