Theresa Crabtree

May the Source be with you

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/19/2014 - 19:38

MAY THE SOURCE BE WITH YOU   In order to gain a deeper understanding of unity, remember that you came from one Source and you will return to one Source. In the meantime, you are all scouts that are gathering information for the rest of the tribe. Your body is a living library, storing every experience of your life until you leave this earthly Realm. These memories are also stored in the Akashic Records, where they will remain untainted and accessible for all time.

Know that each of you is perfect and has all that you need within you. Enjoy each day to its fullest and allow yourself to set aside memories and emotions that no longer serve you. Gain understanding through internal searches, for by going within, you will find answers to all your questions. Selamet! Cauac 1

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 79 at:   Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others. Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

DNA Activation: Day 78, Etznab 13

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/18/2014 - 16:15

DNA ACTIVATION Know that you already possess all the knowledge, wisdom and skills needed to live a happy, productive and miraculous life. We do not use the word miraculous lightly, for indeed, once you rediscover the power contained within you, your life will be filled with miracles! Scientists have determined that humans use only a small percentage of their brain. The search has continued to find ways to unlock the dormant sections of the brain in order to increase the capabilities in humans. Although there is some truth in this theory, we suggest that attention be drawn to the DNA instead, for this is where the encodements lie.

The secret of unlocking your psychic abilities lies in the advancement of your ability to love all things unconditionally. As you clear out belief codes and retrain your negative thoughts, words and actions, your DNA codes are activated. In this world of duality, every choice you make is based on either fear or love. When you choose love, the energy within you flows smoothly and freely. When you make a choice based on fear, energy contracts and becomes denser. Peeling away these layers of fear will re-activate your DNA.

Moving Beyond Doubt: Day 76, Cib 11

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/16/2014 - 20:10

MOVING BEYOND DOUBT   There is nothing wrong with doubt, for there are many false teachers and many invalid responses to scientific query. However, instilled within each of you is a way of knowing what is true and what is the best solution for whatever you seek. How can you tap into this knowingness to such a degree that you move beyond doubt?

Can you recall moments when you just knew something was going to happen and it did? Have you ever been thinking about calling someone on the phone, while at the same time she was dialing your number? Have you ever felt someone was in danger or ill and then discovered this was true? There are countless stories of people knowing when a loved one has crossed over. How can this be?

Have you ever been seeking information on a topic then walked into a bookstore and instinctively been drawn to the perfect book? Have you ever had a question and somehow the answer came into your mind even though you didn’t know where the information came from?

There are many ways we respond to your desires. Once you clearly state an intention and put passion behind it, we can move forward to help you create your desire. What if you were able to move beyond doubt and were to begin creating your reality on a conscious level in tandem with your Higher Self and Spirit Helpers? Can you imagine the possibilities?…

True Love: Day 74, Ix 9

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/15/2014 - 08:27

TRUE LOVE   Just as an outbreath follows an inbreath, at one point, all will return to Love. No one is ever lost, although it may appear that way while in your state of amnesia. There is order in the universe and the laws are upheld. Trust that all is well and decide where you would like to put your time and energy. What brings you joy? What ignites your passion? Dream of ways you can live a passionate life full of joy.

What do you need to release in order to live the life of your dreams? Start today by taking steps towards realizing your goals and taking care of your needs. Many are preoccupied with taking care of the supposed needs of others. You are solely responsible for your soul. Choose what you wish to experience and say, “No, thank you.” to anything that leads you away from your goal.

Take time each day to meditate upon the things you wish to experience. With the help of your Angels and Guides, you will be able to release the pain and suffering you hold so close to your heart. Tear down your barriers of protection and allow your love to shine and learn once again how to receive love. Do not be naïve, you still live in a world designed to experience Not-Love. As you reconnect with your intuition, you will more readily be able to discern the motives of others and to be more aware of where each path is likely to take you.

Awaken From Amnesia: Day 73, Ben 8

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/13/2014 - 19:35

AWAKEN FROM AMNESIA   It is imperative that you clean out the cobwebs of your negative thinking and close-mindedness, for you are about to enter into a realm of unbelievable events. If you choose to walk your path gracefully, we suggest you begin immediately to start with the basement of your soul and work upward and outward to clear negative memories that keep you in fear and mistrust.

As you clean your interior, you will discover the door to unconditional love is in front of you. What do you need to clear from the path in order to reach it? What do you need to do in order to have the courage to open it? What behaviors do you need to change in order to walk over the threshold? What do you need to leave behind in order to live in a state of unconditional love and beauty?

Take time to go within and move into the deep cleaning process. Pull up your memories, look at your habits and face your fears. Have courage to change the way you think and look at what is occurring around you. Make the necessary changes to live the life of your dreams. Know that possessions only bring a temporary relief to whatever ails you. For permanent relief, try forgiveness and allowance instead of numbing drugs.


Promise of Abundance: Day 72, Eb7

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 11/12/2014 - 18:39

PROMISE OF ABUNDANCE   Which do you truly desire, to be richly rewarded with emotions of peace, joy and happiness or is the lure of material wealth more satisfying to you? Most of you already realize from past experiences that no matter what you gain, there is still a lingering desire for more and better. Why is this? Mainly because you have stepped out of the realm of gratitude and live more often in the state of expectation.

When you expect something for your work or efforts, there is often dissatisfaction when your blinders are set solely on the outcome. Remove your blinders and watch in amazement as you discover myriads of options and experiences that were hidden from you before. Many times, we attempt to answer your prayers, but due to the blinders, you miss the yummy treats along the sides of the path. By taking your focus off the reward at the end of the race, you are more likely to discover other avenues of possibilities offered you.

Lighten Up! Day 71, Chuen 6

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/11/2014 - 19:28

LIGHTEN UP!   Are you ready to release some of the old baggage you have so dearly been clinging to? Well, let’s get on with it. Time’s a’wastin’! There’s just too much fun that you are missing out on! Let’s go!

Where shall we start? How about the usual place, inside yourself, for that is where the seeds have been planted and where the roots are growing. Let’s do some weeding today so you can better nurture your growth.

Take some deep breaths, using whatever method suits you to become relaxed while releasing the concerns of the day. Take a few moments to do this. When distracting thoughts come in, gently release them. If need be, focus completely on your breath as you inhale and exhale.

Ahhhhh, doesn’t that feel better? You know, you can do this anytime you are feeling out of sorts and full of anxiety. Teach it to your friends, your children, your co-workers. It’s easy and you can do it while driving, walking, eating or any other activity. You will be much better able to make clear decisions and to find areas that need your attention when you are not all caught up in tension.

Take about five or ten minutes to set the intention that you will have a day of fun and in-joy-ment. Visualize yourself smiling and giggling all day. If there is an activity that is likely to be heavy or dark, see yourself happy, no matter how glum everyone around you may be. Well, that’s it! Class dismissed! Go out and have some fun! Be in joy! Enjoy! Selamet! Chuen 6, Day 71

Self Acceptance: Day 70, Oc 5

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 11/10/2014 - 19:57

SELF ACCEPTANCE Look into the mirror; what do you see? If you like your face, you will smile back at yourself. If you look at your face and notice what you consider to be imperfections, there will be no smile. We suggest you continue to look into the mirror until you can embrace your imperfections as perfection.

Beauty truly is in the eyes of the beholder. Practice beholding everyone as a perfect spiritual equal. Practice observing Nature in all her glory, noting how everything works perfectly together. Practice seeing perfection in all events surrounding you. Know that each of these events offers you an opportunity to be more loving and accepting. As you begin to see yourself and all else as perfect, your ability to love unconditionally will greatly expand.

Not only acceptance, but the underlying knowledge that all is perfect is the basis of love. Learn to love one another without conditions. When you notice imperfections in things around you, embrace them and look for the beauty in them. Know within every event there are opportunities to express love and acceptance. It is by doing these things that your path on Earth will lead you to joy in every moment.

Be in Joy! Enjoy!: Day 69, Muluc 4

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/09/2014 - 19:49

BE IN JOY! Enjoy!   Are you ready to embark on a journey towards everlasting joy? Take several long breaths. As you exhale, let out the worries of the day. Consciously pay attention to each muscle in your body, starting at the top of your head. Note the muscles in your jaws, tighten them for a second and then allow them to relax. Move down to the shoulders, arms, fingers, etc. tightening then relaxing each set of muscles, down to your toes. Breathe in as you tighten the muscles; breathe out as you relax the muscles. This is a good exercise to practice whenever you find yourself out of balance or wish to relax or meditate.

How do you find balance in all things? How can you stay centered no matter what event is occurring in your life? How can you find and experience joy even in times of extreme chaos? Start by simply telling yourself it is so, that you are balanced in this moment. That may seem overly simplistic, but it is the bottom line. With practice, it will become easier until it becomes second nature.

Where to begin? In this moment. Well up memories and feelings that made you feel good in the past or present. Feel these emotions. Send gratitude to anyone involved. Allow yourself to feel the joy you felt during that event. Bask in these feelings for as long as you desire. The purpose is to remind yourself how it feels to be in joy. Remember these feelings. Many of you have denied yourself the feeling of joy for eons. You can be the catalyst to help others out of their misery when you learn to find joy in everything.

Victim Be Gone! Day 66, Cimi 1

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 11/06/2014 - 18:25

VICTIM BE GONE!   How to slay the pains of the past and present? Forgiveness is the key. Personally removing yourself as a “victim” is the lock.

Are you ready to slay the dragon and begin to change your behaviors in order to become a more loving and compassionate person? It can happen in the twinkling of an eye, whenever you make the conscious choice to stop beating yourself up or convincing yourself that this is your lot in life. First, you must fully desire to give up your role as victim. Accept any part of the scenario that you were responsible for, forgive others involved and by all means stop identifying yourself as a victim.

Practice loving all unconditionally. Express your love by accepting others as they are. When each of you learns to do this, you will have gained the world and be able to receive all the blessings that are offered to you. In an instant, you can transform this world back into the paradise that it once was. It is simply a matter of choice and intention.

There is much more to this Message, to read it in its entirety, scroll to Day 66 at: Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others.

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