Theresa Crabtree

The Path to Mastery: Day 64, Akbal 11

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/04/2014 - 19:48

THE PATH TO MASTERY You are blessed with the gift of free will, which allows you to choose whatever path you wish to walk. Will you make choices based on fear or choices made from love of self, others and planet Earth? The choice is yours.

Reflect on the knowledge you have gained from your relationships with people, places and events. You have a unique set of circumstances that has given you much to reflect on. The question is how to integrate this knowledge so it becomes a part of you? How will you use these pieces of the puzzle to create your own set of rules and sense of identity? Once integrated, they become who you are and the source from where you pull your strength and courage. It is your wisdom and yours alone.

To be able to share your wisdom with others in a way that does not interrupt their walk of life is an art form. There is a fine line between sharing and expecting others to follow your advice. Whenever you give advice or suggestions to others, pay attention to the purpose behind your action. If on any level you have the expectation that they should follow your advice, your ego is in the way. If you feel any resentment or frustration when others do not do as you suggest, look within yourself to find why you have this pressing need to help or fix others.…

Forgive The Past

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 11/04/2014 - 07:58

FORGIVE THE PAST   “What do you wish to create? Your future begins now, in this moment. No matter what you have chosen in your past, the Path you walk today will create your future. Take time to quiet your mind and relax your body. Take a few moments to breathe in and out, releasing the thoughts and cares of the day. Feel your muscles relax while focusing on your breathing. Take a moment to reflect on the circumstances of your life. Feel gratitude for each of the blessings that comes to your mind. Are there any areas of dis-ease or unrest you would like to change? Choose one, it matters not which one for you can return at any time and work on other issues.

Look closely at the problem you wish to focus on today. When did it first appear in your life? What were the circumstances surrounding the event? How did you react at that time? How did any others involved react at that time? Was there something that could have been said or done to resolve the issue when it first arose? If so, take note of this and let it be a reminder to you to have the courage to say what needs to be spoken when future issues arise, so they will not fester and become problematic.

Manifest Your Dreams: Day 62, Ik 10

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 11/02/2014 - 16:51

MANIFEST YOUR DREAMS Welcome to this blessed day in which exists all possibilities. Of the myriad of choices available, what will you choose? Do you realize the importance of your words and how they ripple throughout the entire fabric of the universe? Have you any realization of the impact your thoughts, both positive and negative, have on yourself and others? Thoughts and words fueled by your emotions are the stuff that manifestation is all about.

What is it you desire? What forgotten dreams lie within you? Have you a problem that needs resolved? Is there a fear you wish to overcome? Have you an addiction to a food or substance that you would like to regain control over? Is there a relationship you would like to establish or reconnect? Choose one to focus on today.

Take a few moments to center yourself and release the worries of the day. Clear your mind of the clutter that distracts you. Focus on your breathing, letting your breath flow in and out at a normal rate. Relax your muscles and let your mind wander to an issue you would like to work on today. See it clearly in your mind. Use all five senses to make the visualization as real as you can. In your mind’s eye, look at what is happening around you. If there is some part that you don’t like, change it until the dream feels comfortable and gives you joy. When any fears or doubts come in, let them flow by. If concerns over money arise, set them aside and know that you will be shown ways to purchase or obtain this item.…

The Nature of Cycles: Day 61, Imix 9

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 11/01/2014 - 17:44

THE NATURE OF CYCLES It is important to pay attention to endings of cycles, no matter how trivial they seem. Paying attention to what is happening in the moment will allow you to find satisfaction and joy in all things. Many start tasks with the goal of completing them, yet no joy is found along the way. When you come to the end of the journey, there is just a hurried sense of getting on with the next project.

Nature has no deadlines, yet all is done on time. The seeds know when to sprout. The leaves know when to fall. The birds know when to migrate. The bears know when to hibernate. You can learn much from Nature through observation.

Take time to quiet your outer world and go within. Have the courage to step back and reflect on dreams you set aside. Are they still valid? What is hindering you from fulfilling those dreams? You may need to make great changes such as leaving a church, ending a relationship, changing jobs or moving to a new location. Each one of these takes great courage, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

If you are not ready to make great changes, start by allowing yourself to dream. Many have lost the art of imagination, yet this is the keystone to any great change. If you can visualize it, if you can feel it, if you can taste it, then you can create it!…

Highest Form of Abundance: Day 60, Ahau 8

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/31/2014 - 19:32

HIGHEST FORM OF ABUNDANCE   If I were to pose the question, “What is the highest form of abundance?” What would you reply? Some may say wealth, health, wisdom or knowledge. All these things indeed are forms of abundance. Yet only a few would look at friends and family as a source of abundance. How many of you thought of your pets or plants as a form of abundance? One of the greatest gifts of abundance comes in the form of unconditional love.

If you have the love of all men and all things, there would be an increasing desire to share all your health, wealth and wisdom with others. In your prayers, seek for ways you can increase the abundance in the world by releasing any fears or blocks that stop you from being a fully loving conscious Being. The abundance you seek lies within you. Through the ages, many wise sages have written about the law of the universe that promises, “What you give, you shall receive.” However, in your heart do you truly believe these words?

As the Masters have observed, as you give unto others, so shall you receive. What is it you wish to have an abundance of? If it is health, wealth and wisdom, then share gifts of health, wealth and wisdom. If it is joy, kindness and love, sow joy, kindness and love. If it is material objects, share material objects. It is a law of the universe that what you sow, you shall reap. If you plant a tomato seed, do you expect to reap carrots?…

Purification: Day 59, Cauac 7

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/30/2014 - 18:51

PURIFICATION Purification simply means to cleanse. What is it that you need to cleanse? Yes, your body can use an occasional cleanse by bathing in water. You will find that as you improve your diet, your body smells will become pleasantly fragrant. Sometimes a rinse is all that is needed. Remember to bless and thank the water as you immerse yourself with its cleansing and healing properties!

The first step in purification of the physical body is to fast, which allows your body time and energy to purge itself of unnecessary toxins and stored substances. Once purged, the body feels invigorated. What other ways can you purify yourself? Pay attention to your thoughts, words, actions and feelings, for it is here that you have the power to purify your body, mind and soul.

Negative thoughtforms glop together. When a person makes statements such as, “I am sick and tired of this. That is such a pain in the neck! You’re killing me!” he is in actuality creating dis-ease in his body. Many times, it is not the actual words that are the cause of the dis-ease; it is the emotions behind the words that are the triggers.

Rewriting Old Programs: Day 58, Etznab 6

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/30/2014 - 09:17

REWRITING OLD PROGRAMS  One method of forgiving yourself and others involves a policy of “Fake it ‘til you make.” Have you ever watched a movie or listened to a story that emotionally engaged you? It matters not whether it was fiction or based on a factual event, you responded as though it were real and cried, laughed or felt various other emotions. You were feeling the experience as though it were your own or feeling compassion for those involved in the story. Your subconscious mind was taking the story literally, for it does not know the difference between fiction and reality.

This knowledge can be used as a healing process. You can program your unconscious mind to record events to help yourself heal. What we encourage you to do is to write down a few specific statements, such as, “I forgive my father for doing this or that to me. I release all anger at my mother for saying this or that.” If you had a traumatic incident such as a near drowning experience that left you afraid of being in deep water, you can write something like, “I enjoy floating on water.”

Be brave and look at your wound as deeply as possible. You can ask your Guides to help you look back as an observer in order to avoid feeling the pain you had during the initial event. There is no need for you to ever feel the negative emotions again. However, these emotions do need to be released in order for you to fully experience a healthy life on Earth. As you prepare to write your statements, strive for your highest desire. As you heal, you may find yourself able to go even higher.…

Advice vs Sharing

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/27/2014 - 20:53

ADVICE VS. SHARING Know fully that your Path is your path only. It is wonderful to share what you have learned with others, but quite another thing to manipulate and force your beliefs on others. Not one of you knows the full desires, intent or purpose of another’s life or why they chose to come to this Earth in the first place.

Acknowledge that everyone is unique. Each has enough wisdom within one’s self to make choices. Even addicts can pull themselves out at any time. Know that each is living their life to the best of their ability within the belief codes they currently hold. We know that it is difficult for you to watch those you love make choices that will cause them difficulty. However, we suggest you let them do just that. You have had your experiences; allow them to do the same.

Quite often, those who insist on giving advice only tell part of their story. How much stronger their stories would be if they shared their disappointments and the fears they were harboring when they made those decisions. Giving advice without sharing the entire picture of the emotions that fueled their experience is similar to giving someone a roadmap that leads to a destination other than the one the person has sights on. It’s a path, but not the one the other wants to follow.

Focused Prayers: Day 55, Men 3

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/27/2014 - 09:37


“You are loved beyond all measure. If you have not experienced your Higher Self, Spirit Guides or your concept of God, we ask that you trust that they do exist. They are ever-present to fulfill your highest dreams. You need simply ask for their help.

The more focused your prayers are, the more able we are to set into motion the events that will lead to your desired outcome. Wavering back and forth tremendously slows down the process while fears and doubts can fully block progression towards your goals. When you have thoughts such as, “I can’t have it. That is impossible!” the universe sees these as your truth and will not try to convince you otherwise.

Your Angels and Spirit Guides know that nothing is impossible and that you can have anything you desire. However, they cannot and will not impose anything on you that goes against your free will or is not in alignment with your belief codes. Look at your belief codes. Take them apart, brick by brick and examine them to see which ones are not structurally sound. When you enter this world and as you mature into adulthood, you pick up other people’s fears and belief codes. Humans tend to mold their self-concept around the way they think others view them.


Clear Intentions: Day 54, Ix 2

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 10/26/2014 - 09:42

CLEAR INTENTIONS Each of you has the free will to choose whatever you want to experience. Set goals or intentions, yet know that at any time, you can change them. However, wavering creates a shift that makes it harder to realize your goals. Clear intentions are crucial. Being alert and looking for synchronicities and coincidences while following your intuition are ways we lead you to your desired outcome. Often, aware people over-hype the coincidences and read more into a situation than is really there. That is how many of you get off track. But, no need for despair, we will continue to nudge you back on track as soon as you overshoot or miss the mark.

The main point we would like to make today is that you not attach yourselves to any goal to the point that you feel you have failed. Often, much time passes before you can see the blessings in what you felt were failures. Then you can see how the experiences led to your desired outcome, which many times is better than your initial dream. Set your dreams high. Energize them with passion. Watch for synchronicities. Follow the clues even if you have to go beyond your comfort zone. Then watch your life unfold!

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 54 at:   The Mayan Messages are also available as an eBook or paperback. Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others. Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree.

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