Theresa Crabtree

Masters in the Making: Day 52, Eb 13

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/24/2014 - 09:15

MASTERS IN THE MAKING When a human is fully conscious, following the path of the lightworker and striving for unity through unconditional love, all things are available. There have been many Masters who have walked the Earth in human form. These Be-ings were able to do amazing things: heal the sick, resurrect the dead, teleport, manifest objects from thin air, etc. Within each of you is the ability to be a Master. It is through facing your fears and learning to love all Beings unconditionally that your gifts will be restored to you. True unconditional love comes from understanding that each and every one of you came from the same Source and will eventually return to the same Source.

As each of you begins to have more understanding of unconditional love, one by one, your abilities will return to you. Take time to look at the dark energies within you, those shadows that are less than loving and kind. Clean out the cobwebs by facing your fears, apologizing to others and taking responsibility for your actions. You cannot rise vibrationally as long as you harbor dark feelings towards others and blame them for your station in life.

Dark thoughtforms glop together. Love flows freely. In order to raise your vibration, you must lighten up and let loose of all dark thoughts, words and actions. Set your intentions to live the life of your dreams and visualize the utopian society you wish to dwell in.…

Day 51: Laughter IS the Best Medicine, Chuen 12

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/22/2014 - 20:57

LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE Welcome to this grand and glorious day! You are encouraged to take care of yourself and truly lighten up. Begin by laughing. Deep, hearty, belly laughs. Get your energy flowing. Work your internal muscles. This will energize you. Do this anytime your energy is feeling low. Although it may not be socially correct, do it anyway and encourage others to laugh with you.

When you have gatherings of a spiritual nature, take time to have laughter sessions. Rejuvenate the energy and get it flowing. Joy is the essence of your Being. Feel the joy awaken as you laugh with uncontrollable mirth. It has been proven by scientists that laughter is wonderful exercise for the internal organs. Laughter is the best medicine and it’s free!

When you feel sad; laugh. When you feel tired; laugh. When your energy runs low; laugh. Laugh! Laugh! Laugh!

Laughter from deep inside releases hormones at subatomic levels. It enhances awareness as you inhale more oxygen, bringing more creativity into your life. When you yawn, you are bringing in more oxygen as you relax. When you laugh, you are bringing in more oxygen as you prepare to be more active.

To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 51 at: Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others. Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree…

Energy in Motion – E-Motion

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/21/2014 - 23:04

ENERGY IN MOTION = EMOTION There is nothing in this universe that is static or stands still. Before arising each morning, build a sense of love by creating an attitude of gratitude, thanking all persons, places and events, in all the Realms for the gift of the present moment.

You are now on the threshold, ready to leave unwanted patterns and belief codes behind. Take time to mull over your dream or project and ask for guidance throughout the day to recognize the clues and synchronicities that will come your way. Bring up feelings of trust that all is in motion and that in essence, it already exists. “Fake it ‘til you make it.” Feel what it will be like to walk this Path in joy. Feel what the outcome will be like.

Pay attention to each choice you are presented with this day. Take time to reflect on whether this might possibly lead to your goal, in a graceful way. As your day unfolds, be mindful of your thoughts. Whenever you find yourself indulging in stinking thinking, simply think again! Daily meditation and short breaks throughout the day in which you train your mind to shut off are highly recommended.

Pay attention to your actions. To reach your desired goals, you must walk towards them. This means becoming aware of each foot as you place it in front of the other to take the next step. At first, this may seem tedious. However, with practice, your desired behaviors will become habitual and happen on the unconscious level, allowing you to pay attention to the beauty that surrounds you.

Here and Now: Day 49, Muluc 10

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/20/2014 - 23:07

HERE AND NOW   There are infinite possibilities in every moment from which you can choose your next project or experience. We invite you to dream your highest dream of what you wish to manifest in your personal life, your public life and the planet as a whole. Go beyond what you think is possible and let your imagination run wild. Set aside quiet time each day for this purpose. As you envision the utopia you wish to experience, begin jotting down ways you want to be a part of creating this dream. Don’t be concerned with any current fears you have: money issues, lack of education, belief codes. You are in the imagining stage, honing down the limitless list of possibilities to a more manageable size.

As you list possible ways to co-create this utopian society, pay attention to how each idea feels. It is also good to reflect back on the experiences you have already had, paying attention to those that energized you and got your passionate juices flowing. Perhaps there were certain aspects of a particular job or project that you liked although you didn’t care for the other parts. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Enjoy the Journey: Day 48, Lamat 9

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/20/2014 - 11:04

ENJOY THE JOURNEY   Enjoy each step of your journey, knowing that nothing is ever complete. All things are always in a state of growth or decay. There is no stagnation. Even during times of apparent stagnation, there is still movement and evolvement. Any act of completion is a doorway to a new beginning. Once you have finished a project or a journey, it is time to start something else.

By peeling away unwanted behaviors, belief codes and reactions that keep you from being in joy, step by step you will walk towards a life filled with magic that at this moment may be totally unimaginable to you. Take time to imagine the unimaginable. Dream high and dream big! Co-create with others who are like-minded and desire the same things you want to experience. There is power in group intention. Never underestimate this power. Call in Helpers from the Other Side to help manifest the reality you aspire to. Together we will create Paradise on Earth.

As you peel away layers of fear and old negative patterns, new doors will open to you. If you have done your homework, when you have completed one project, the next project you choose will bring you closer to what you truly desire. You will do this over and over until you find yourself living the life you now barely dream can be possible.…

Gateway to Paradise: Day 47, Manik 8

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 10/18/2014 - 23:36

GATEWAY TO PARADISE It is a Universal Law that when you ask for Spirit Guidance, you will be supported. There are myriads of us on this side patiently and excitedly waiting for you to make the call. Once the call is made, immediately we set into motion events to support your intended desire. Your job is to state your intention clearly and to be passionate about what you want. For added fuel, express love and gratitude toward the unseen Helpers who are putting your prayers into motion. To receive what you wish to create, stay aware and look for clues.

Many times what you pray for doesn’t show up in the time frame or parameters you expect. The steps to delivering what you intend can be very complicated. Some factors to consider are your ability to keep a clear vision of what you wish to experience, your expectations of the outcome (Your Higher Self has a bigger picture and may choose different options for you.), fears or blocks to receiving the gift fully, missing the clues along the way, choosing different options, the number of people involved in the process, etc. The more conscious you are and the more conscious all the other players are, the easier it is for us to set up the scenarios for you to co-create the experience.…

Balance Point: Day 46, Cimi 7

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 10/17/2014 - 22:05

BALANCE POINT Today we will look at the process of death, not in a physical sense, but on the etheric, energetic level relating to the release of belief codes and old habits. The death we speak of is the releasing of what is unwanted after observing or experiencing either end of any polarity issue.

What is it you wish to lay to rest, to release? What is not working for you? What habits keep you from living the life you now only dream of? What behaviors keep you locked into patterns of distrust, unhappiness and unfulfillment? What fears hinder you from being loving and kind?

Take time each day to look at these issues. Be honest with yourself and dream big. Step by step, start releasing the old habits that no longer serve you. This may include finding new friends who are supportive of your ideal life. This may involve finding a new career or changing an attitude you have in your daily job with your work associates.

Uncover belief codes that do not feel right. Have the courage to face your fears. By walking through the veil of fear, you enter the Death Gate. This is not a physical death, although for many it may feel that way. The Death Gate is a space where humans go to be purified upon releasement of each and every layer of negative thoughtforms. It is where you go to be showered with love and support from the Other Side.

Balancing Act: Day 44, Kan 5

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/15/2014 - 22:00

BALANCING ACT Take time each day to go within: meditate, pray, contemplate, breathe. Begin first thing in the morning before you arise. Feel gratitude for the experience and blessing of being on Earth at this time. Be mindful of all the blessings you have. Ask for guidance for the things that are happening around you that pull you out of a state of gratitude. Set your intentions for what you choose to create this day.

Now you are ready to arise and begin your day. When possible, follow the lunar and solar cycles. Arise at dawn and gaze at the sun while filling your soul with love of the universe and all it contains. Do you have any idea how important sun gazing is to your physical form? The indigenous ones know and have followed this practice for centuries.

Conscious Living: Day 43, Akbal 4

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/14/2014 - 23:19

CONSCIOUS LIVING From birth onward (and also from previous lifetimes) each of you has unique life experiences. Along the way, you make a myriad of choices. These experiences imprint in your memory, which are then stored in your physical and aural bodies.

Love, in all forms, whether they are thoughts, words, actions or emotions are free flowing. They wisp in and out, flowing through the Uni-verse, creating waves of sensuality and causing tides of yumminess. Fear-based emotions and thoughtforms, on the other hand, glop together, creating a dense mass that is hard to penetrate. Through time, this will destroy your health as they manifest in a variety of dis-eases. With sincere desire, you will be able to uncode these thoughtforms before they manifest physically. In addition, they must be eradicated from your aural field in order to not cause you problems in the future.

To change these belief codes, they must be unraveled, one at a time. At times, they’ll be like dominoes; when you break through one belief code, many others that were built on that premise will dissipate as well. What is happening within your body is that you are re-wiring the neural transmitters in your brain.

Purpose of Polarity - Mayan Messages

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 10/13/2014 - 08:35

PURPOSE OF POLARITY   Without polarity, your world could not exist. It is designed foremost for the ability to experience what is, as well as what is not. From our perspective, all is Love and we have no desire to experience Not-Love. However, among you are those who expressed a desire to experience Not-Love. This does not make you lesser when you are having this experience. It simply makes you an adventurer.

At times, you may go to extremes; sometimes this is necessary in order to experience what you chose to accomplish during this incarnation. Be careful not to judge those who are doing what you would label as outlandish. You have no idea what their full agenda is. Many times, you aren’t even sure what your own agenda is. You, as a human, have the ability to choose how you will experience each polarity.

This often happens on a subconscious level, especially when you are not being aware and living in the moment. Take time to quiet your inner and outer mind. Look at the things that are happening in your life: your actions and reactions, your re-creation, your relationships, your eating habits, your belief codes, etc.

When you learn to balance the extremes and become more centered, you will then be able to empathize with others who have been where you were and now want to be more centered. This is what great teachers are made of.

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