Theresa Crabtree

The Shadows Within: Day38, Etznab 12

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/09/2014 - 23:05

THE SHADOWS WITHIN   In this world, it is your interactions with others that allows you to have a human experience. Think on this for a moment. What if there were no other people on Earth? How would you be able to experience forgiveness, sharing or any multitude of events? The world would be a lonely place.

If you believe in the premise that man was placed on this Earth to experience its bounty and to share with one another, then how far is it for you to stretch your mind that perhaps this world is also a place to experience the “negative” side, as well?

Currently, you live in a world of separation. There is so much judgment placed on insignificant things such as body design, race, religion, job choice, etc. that you have created walls around yourselves to keep the “wolves” out. Yet, with each condemning thought you think and word you utter, you push the wolves away and judge them with the same words you use against others.

Looking at the shadow self is not an easy task. We understand this. We also know that hiding in a castle with walls and a moat filled with alligators can be very lonely. It is you that built those walls and moat and it is you who can tear them down and let love shine within.

Seek guidance from your Angels and from those whom you know who have overcome obstacles in their lives. There are many paths you can take. Having assistance from those who have been where you are can be of tremendous value to you.…

Staying Centered: Day 37, Caban 11

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/08/2014 - 21:00

STAYING CENTERED   All is available to you in moments that you remain centered, especially in those times that are full of stress. When you are able to keep your focus and remain “level-headed,” you are able to make better decisions. Clarity comes from remaining peaceful. We would like to suggest that you slow the pace of your life. Simplify.

It is up to you personally to regain control of your life. Quiet moments are a must to even begin the process of slowing down. Look at your routines and find ways where you can truly relax every muscle in your body. Return to nature for quiet walks or to sit next to a tree and simply be. You have become human do-ings instead of human be-ings. Your society as a whole is moving at lightning speed, with everyone trying to “improve” themselves at the expense of their mental, emotional and physical health.

As you work through fears and belief codes that keep you entrapped in old habits, you will find yourself refreshed and energized and will develop courage to make decisions that will make your life more fulfilling. It may take stepping “out of the box” to reach your goals.…

Heart Connections: Day 36, Cib 10

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 10/08/2014 - 00:00

HEART CONNECTIONS To make a heart connection, it is imperative that you focus your attention on the person, animal or plant that you wish to connect with. In your heart, well up feelings of love. This is best achieved by feeling gratitude for all the blessings in your life. Focus on the other and be grateful for the opportunity to be with this Be-ing. Look beyond their physical body and attempt to see them as they truly are, a reflection of God, pure Love.

Look into their eyes. Gratitude and eye contact will create much more depth. Consciously send them a wave of love and appreciation. No words need to be spoken; the other need not know what you are doing. Even if the other has no idea what you are doing, there will be an energy exchange that will be felt by both of you. If the receiver is open, he will feel a sense of calm and will be more relaxed in your presence. You will be able to sense the receiver’s response, even if he/she does not consciously return your love.

You can do the heart connection anywhere, at anytime, even when you are not near the one you wish to connect with. Smile and send a conscious burst of love to people you pass on the street: the grocery clerk, the gas station attendant, pets, wild animals and the roses in your neighbor’s yard. The more you connect with others, the more you will learn to love unconditionally.

Relationships: Day 30, Oc 4

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 09:00

RELATIONSHIPS   Think of the base of a building in which there are four pillars. If one pillar collapses, the building will fall. The four basic pillars of relationships are love, kindness, empathy and trust. Each of these encompasses a broad range of emotions and possible experiences. Love ranges from absolute hatred or fear to unconditional love. The parameters of kindness range from co-dependency to allowing others to follow their dreams. Empathy ranges from being completely ignorant of another’s emotional state to a feeling that you must persuade others to embrace your beliefs. Trust ranges from total wariness to seeing another as a great Master. Some foundations will remain at a superficial level. These are generally relationships with people you’ve just met or run into occasionally such as the grocery store clerk, post office personnel and people you meet on the street or at social gatherings. Your relationships with these people are dependent on your life experiences and belief codes. If the pillars (belief codes) you set for your relationship foundation include, “If I let someone get close to me, they can hurt me. If someone is kind to me, then I will have to repay that kindness. I don’t want to be bothered by others’ problems; they need to take care of their own problems. People have to earn my trust,” your relationships will likely not grow beyond the moment; there is no bonding. If the pillars you have created include belief codes such as, “In essence, all people are good. I love all without conditions. People are kind.

Dream Symbols: Day 35, Men 9

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 10/07/2014 - 07:00

DREAM SYMBOLS   The value of dreams cannot be overstated. Perhaps you have a problem to be solved and that night you dream of a wonderful solution. At other times, the dreams are entangled masses of events or thoughts you had that day or in the recent past. Dreams such as premonitions that come true, can be very profound. Flying, being naked in public places and other such “non-reality” dreams many times are symbolic and sometimes provide clues to intentions you have set in your conscious state. Some dreams are just plain fun, they may reflect how you felt after having a day where everything flowed well for you. Some dreams are just plain strange and may reflect several issues your busy mind is working on. Symbols are “archetypes,” or representations of emotions, objects or events. Look more deeply at the archetypes in your dreams and what they mean to you, personally. For some, roses are symbolic of Mother Mary. Perhaps for you, when you smell roses, it reminds you of a loved one who grew beautiful roses and has now passed away. In your dreams, it is possible that this loved one is trying to contact you. When your mind is relaxed while sleeping, it is sometimes easier for those on the Other Side to make contact. Dreams can help to solve problems and lead you to a life of abundance. It is important to pay attention to recurring dreams. It is also good to decode the symbols in your dream time. Once you understand the symbology, it is much easier to understand your dreams.

A Bun Dance: Day 32, Eb 6

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 10/04/2014 - 03:00

A BUN DANCE Do you want an abundant life filled with joy, happiness and all the creature comforts? Well, let’s make it happen! Here’s how it works. First step is to believe that you can have whatever you want. Second step is to identify what you want. You can be general in wanting things such as good health, wealth, loving relationships and joy.

Then you can choose specific things such as a new car, lover, dream vacation or health cure for a loved one. Third step is to begin the visualization process of how to get these things to materialize for you. First, clearly intend what you want by making a written list, making an oral statement to others or your Spirit Helpers, creating a vision board, joining others in a prayer circle, etc.

Next, visualize what you want, using all your physical senses. The fourth step is to set the creation process into motion. There are myriads of Angels and Beings on the “Other Side” that are happy to serve you and provide your dreams for you. But, you must ask and really desire what you want.

They will lead you to your goals, however, you must notice the steps. Your fear and disbelief can instantly shut off the quickest route. Through diligent paying attention to coincidences and synchronicities, you will reach your goal. The fifth step of “a bun dance” is motion.

Paths of Joy: Day 31, Chuen 5

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 10/02/2014 - 21:00

PATHS OF JOY “Many on Earth are so focused on their enlightenment and the future prospect of ascending that they totally miss all the pleasures of being in the Now. Many who are not consciously moving towards enlightenment are doing the same. It is understandable, for at this time on Earth, many cannot grasp even the basic necessities to stay alive such as food, shelter and clothing.

Look around and notice how many cheerful people there are who are in dire need. Ask them what their secret is. These people are the way-showers. They can be of tremendous value in helping you find joy in your life. There are an endless number of Paths to happiness and joy. It all comes from within, going back to the belief codes you have created and built your foundation upon. With diligence, you can break through the codes that keep you locked into sadness, victimhood and depression.

You can begin to day by calming your inner and outer world. Clear all thoughts racing through your mind. Clearly state that you intend to bring an abundance of happiness and joy into your life, NOW.

Forgiveness and release are important factors for growth. Once you have accomplished breaking through one belief code, it affects many others, and like dominoes, they begin to fall. This is scientifically proven, you can do research on the neural connectors in the brain and how they are changed when your thoughts are changed. Fascinating bodies you have on Earth!

Divine Trinity: Day 29, Muluc 3

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/30/2014 - 19:00

DIVINE TRINITY   On this Tun day of 3, we will look at the aspect of the Divine Trinity within your Self. The elements of three can be seen as your Inner Self, your Outer Self and your connection to your Higher Self. When you are operating from a “conscious” level in all three arenas, you have the potential to fully create your reality.

The Inner Self is the “knowing” within each and every one of you. It comes from Source and is your inherent birthright. It is most known as “intuition” or a feeling of “knowing” something is true for you. Many times, through life experiences, this knowingness is ignored, mistrusted. However, at any point, by simply paying attention and trusting in this inner guidance, your ability to hear and listen can dramatically improve.

By following the leads which generally appear as coincidences and synchronicities, your life can truly become magical. Your Outer Self is centered around your five physical senses. It is your physical body and includes the way you portray yourselves to others. Many times, through life experiences, it is believed that the body, in this lifetime, incorporates your entire experience on earth. This is not true.

Stargate Experiences: Day 28, Lamat 2

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/30/2014 - 09:40

STARGATE EXPERIENCES   For some, going through a stargate is a physical activity. They actually walk through and know they are in a different time or place. Some are transported beyond the earthly realms to spaceships or other planets. Some experience nothing. Many experience a feeling of peace or calmness. For most, they receive an answer to a question, a solution to a problem, a deeper understanding surrounding an issue that is important to them. Quiet your inner and outer mind. Many times it is difficult to quiet the “mind chatter” and to tune out distractions. Tell your left brain to rest during this time, this will stop the analyzing. Tell your body that you are safe and to set your body at a temperature that is perfectly comfortable so that it is not a distraction. Tell your ears to shut down during this time; do the same for your eyes. Place your body in a position that is comfortable and perfectly balanced. Close your eyes and visualize a doorway in front of you. As you stand before this doorway, in your mind, clearly state your intention for entering the stargate. Once stated, ask permission of the Gate Keeper to enter. Before entering, ask your Guides to remain with you, to protect you and allow you to have a pleasant and magical experience. To fully experience all that you wish, you must fight any fears that may creep in. Make the declaration that you will fully return to your body within a certain parameter of time, such as 30 or 45 minutes. You are now ready. Relax and in joy, walk through the doorway. Allow your mind to wander; notice where you are.…

Heavenly Theatre: Day 27, Manik 1

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/28/2014 - 20:05

RELEASEMENT MEDITATION Going with the flow is all-important. Watch your words, monitor your thoughts and intentionally choose your actions. Be creative. See your life as an empty canvas with the ability to choose your subject, colors and mediums. Think out of the box. Each fear or belief code that you release allows more flow into your life. Seek ways to remove layers of fear and negativity. We are here to assist you with these very things. The energy I work with is to help release the things that are a burden to you. Together, we will simply set them out to sea. In your inner mind, visualize yourself at the seashore. You are comfy, the sun is warm and the light salty breeze is balmy. Listen as the waves gently lap on the shore. You can hear the gulls in the distance. What issues are weighing on your mind today? Bring them up, one by one and lay them onto the barge, docked at the water’s edge. Watch as the barge leaves the dock and slowly heads out to sea. As it floats away, watch it slowly dissipate, atom by atom, until nothing remains. Know that these thoughtforms have now transmuted into pure light, returning once again to the sea of possibilities. Now enter the water and bathe your skin and hair, a baptism of sorts, as you soak in the healing essence of the water and rinse away any residue of unhealthy negative thoughtforms. You are now whole again, ready to fill the void with new and wondrous beliefs! Take a few moments to lie on the beach, soaking up the sun’s rays as your body is warmed and rejuvenated.

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