Theresa Crabtree

Sep 29 – Oct 11, 2014: Manik as overseer of this trecena

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/28/2014 - 19:00

This Trecena (thirteen day cycle) is overseen by the Day Keeper, Manik, who is symbolically represented by the deer. In glyphs, Manik is often represented by the following mudra. Both deer and this mudra are symbolic of the power of going within, being still in nature and reflecting on what is important in one’s life. This is also a good time to nurture yourself.…

Garden of Possibilities: Day 24, Kan 11

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/25/2014 - 19:05

GARDEN OF POSSIBILITIES   Today we will embark on a journey inward, to the place where ideas and dreams are seeded. These are created first by the mind and then with conscious intention. For anything to become a reality in your personal life, you must first know it as a possibility. Then among the myriad of possibilities, you may choose those that you would like to incorporate into your life. We will use the an analogy of a garden. In order to create a garden, you must first have a basic idea of what a garden is. Gardens are of human creation, nature does not plant gardens, as such, unless you choose to look at the entire surface of the earth as one garden. Now, you have seen gardens and decided you would like to create one in your space. What do you want to put into your garden: fruits, veggies, herbs, flowers? How will you decide what to put in your garden: see what others are growing, deciding what foods you like to eat, browsing seed catalogs? After you have chosen what you would like to grow, it is time to choose the seeds you will plant. You will also need to know what steps are needed to allow the seeds to grow and mature. These include issues such as soil temperature, irrigation needs, sunlight and fertilizer. Creating anything in your life follows the same pattern. It is up to you to choose which seed and the amount of nurturance or attention you will give that seed. The fulfillment of your goals and dreams are in your hands.…

Pros and Cons: Day 22, Ik 9

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/23/2014 - 21:00

PROS AND CONS Some view polarity as dark vs. light, one being higher, better or positive, yet both are equal in importance. Both the “shadow” and the “light” have a purpose; it is only the human perspective that makes one judge them as having a different value. Choose one project, “problem” or insight to look deeper into this day and simply ponder all sides of the issue. You may find parts that are distasteful, perhaps it is a problem you wish would go away, maybe the project is too large and feels overwhelming. Look at all aspects in such a way as to see the blessing in each. By developing this skill, you will quickly begin to see that there is value in all polarity. Note the “pros” (positives) and “cons” (negatives) of this event, perhaps listing them on paper. For most people, the parts labeled as “positive” are easy, so we will not spend much time there. What is more challenging is to appreciate and feel gratitude for the “negative” side of events. Look at some of the items on your “cons” list. Then look at how you can approach each in such a way that they can be placed on your “pro” list. Look closely at the “cons” to determine how many are simply excuses. Perhaps some are fear-based, in which case they could become wonderful exercises to help move you beyond your fear and open horizons to new belief codes. When you get past the “negative” issues on your “cons” list, you will find that you look forward to your tasks at hand.

Infinite Abundance: Day 21, Imix 8

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/22/2014 - 18:00

INFINITE ABUNDANCE I am Imix, welcome to this day of new beginnings! With the Tun of 8, we would like to bring to your attention the infinite number of possibilities that are presented each moment to you. In the “ethers,” there are tiny particles of no-thing-ness that at any moment can be activated and manifested into any-thing your heart desires! Once you have a true grasp that all literally is One, then you will better understand how to use this Oneness to create heaven on earth. It is true that at your fingertips there is forever the ability to create infinite resources. However, it is all too often that we lay gifts at your feet that you either walk past without noticing, or that you refuse to accept because you are looking for “something other” and don’t recognize the potential for what is gifted to you. We ask that you pay closer attention to the people and events that occur in your life. Watch for coincidences and synchronicities, especially after you have made a fervent request for something to occur. Have the courage to take the steps to reach your highest goals. Know that you may experience moments of unrest as you begin to realize that you are fully responsible for the current situations in your life. In this new beginning, you will start with the knowledge of the full abundance available to you in all aspects of your life. Your passion will surpass anything you have thus far experienced on earth as each of you works together to support and encourage one another.…

Soar LIke an Eagle: Day 15, Men 2

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 09/17/2014 - 19:00

SOAR LIKE AN EAGLE   Like the eaglet, you must first be fed by your mama. This is like receiving information from other sources such as books, videos and conversations with those who feed you information to help you grow. Just as an eaglet sheds its baby feathers, so must humans shed their fears and out-dated belief codes in order to be able to fly. As negative belief codes are shed, allowing you to be in your integrity and to speak your truth, the freer you become. Like the eagle, you can soar higher and higher, playing with the thermals and keeping a sharp eye out for your next meal, simply living in the moment, flowing with life while taking care of your basic needs. As you mature, it is time to leave the nest. For humans, this is a time for introspection, going within and learning to rely on yourself. Each of you must make this solo flight if you want to reach your highest potential. It is your choice to create the path you wish to walk, taking responsibility for each step along the way. As you get better at making choices that lead you toward your desired destiny, life gets easier and more profound. This is like the eagle that has mastered his flight patterns and is adept at catching his prey in order to sustain himself. Then comes the day when the eagle chooses a mate. If you still tend to harbor anger and resentment towards your friends, you will surely do the same with the one you live with. For those of you who have completed your “homework” and have cleaned your nest of unnecessary habits and belief codes, you will draw unto yourself appropriate mates.

New Trecena Begins Sept 16, Ix as OverLord

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/16/2014 - 00:00

September 16 – 28, 2014-09-16 This trecena (13 day period) is overseen by Ix, who represents the jaguar/ocelot and is also symbolic of the shaman or high priest(ess).

Like the jaguar, the “ruler” of the Underworld, this trecena is an excellent time to go within and seek your spiritual power tools and how to use them wisely. These tools may come to you in a physical form, such as crystals, or as a skill such as a counselor or public speaker. The energies of Ix can help increase your shamanic skills. Welcome the assistance of Ix to guide your spiritual journey.…

Diet Affects Spiritual Growth: Day 14, ix 1

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/16/2014 - 00:00

DIET AFFECTS SPIRITUAL GROWTH   In the beginning of human creation, your bodies were designed to eat the foods native to the place where your culture resided. With the advent of food transportation, each of you now has access to food that nature designed to be eaten by other cultures and which may create havoc in your body. To make matters worse, chemicals have been added to preserve the life of these natural foods so they can handle the transporting process better. This includes the unnatural process of forced ripening, hybridization, genetic modification and grafting. The result is an unnatural product loaded with enough chemicals to kill insects, animals and humans. Everything in this world vibrates at a specific frequency. Take into account any one factor such as genetic modification, herbicides, pesticides, processing, microwave cooking, etc. and the natural frequency will be modified. The vast majority of food that most of you consume has no life force in it. In most cases, the frequency is altered; it is the same as ingesting poison. When your body is battered day after day with these low frequencies, it alters your innate ability to perceive through your psychic senses. In order to obtain full shamanic abilities, you must vibrate at a higher frequency. This can be done through diet, positive thinking and connection with spirit guides. As you enhance your ability to discern what is “good” for you, your ability to “know” what is good for others will increase.…

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