Theresa Crabtree

Stand in Your Truth: Day 13, Ben 13

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/15/2014 - 01:00

STAND IN YOUR TRUTH   It is time for you to regain control of your life. You can do this by going within on a daily basis. Clear your mind of the worries of the day. Ask your guides to help you find ways to empower yourself. Work through the fears that allow you to give your freedom to others. Choose the life you wish to live for yourself. Rediscover what gives you joy and passion. Speak your mind. Know what it is you want. What is your truth? Speak it, with integrity. No matter what others around you do, remain true to your self and stand your ground when you see things around you that do not resonate with you. It is only through standing in your truth that you will be able to change the world. It will not happen overnight; it has taken eons for your systems to become so skewed. However, by remaining in peace no matter what situation you find yourself in, you will be better armed to make decisions from the heart. No longer live in fear of what the future holds. You will never attain what you want as long as you are focused in the past or future. Every dream you hold has the chance to blossom only in the present moment. Seek ways to maintain peace in every moment. Speak your truth in every moment. When your thoughts wander to the “poor me syndrome” of the past or the “what if syndrome” of the future, return to the present moment. The key to happiness lies in living in the present moment with gratitude for all the blessings you have. Each of you is able to live fully in joy at this time.

Human Evolution: Day 9, Muluc 9

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/11/2014 - 07:00

HUMAN EVOLUTION All humans on earth are currently in a state of evolution. Whether each of you remains in a state of conscious or unconscious living remains to be seen. All knowledge of your spiritual nature is available to you. It is one of the laws of this universe that nothing remains stagnant; all is ever evolving. Humans are one species on earth with the capability to consciously choose the pace they want to evolve. As you begin to understand the power within you, it is likely that you will begin to shed layers of behaviors and belief codes that currently rule your life, keeping you from experiencing all that you desire. We encourage you to move forward, holding your head high and facing any fears you encounter along the way. Push yourself, especially when you have those “feelings” of knowing that you are on the right path. It is love of self and others that will break these codes. Compassion is the first step; this is learning to treat all with respect no matter what they say or do. Kindness is the next step: this involves learning to accept all people regardless of how they treat others. Forgiveness is another step, allowing others to experience whatever they choose without judging them. No one knows fully what fears or belief codes others are working with. No one has control over what another person believes or chooses to do. No one has the right or ability to take away the “free will” of another soul.

Uni-Verse, One Voice, Day 7, Manik 7

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 09/09/2014 - 07:00

UNI-VERSE, ONE VOICE   Our main goal at this time is to assist each of you in remembering your true “roots” as spiritual beings. Once you understand how the creation process works, it will be much easier to make the changes you wish to see. This can be done literally in the “twinkling of an eye.” What we wish to impart to you today is to find ways to create peace and harmony every moment of your day, no matter what frustrations are presented to you. As you learn more of the dishonesty and treachery imposed upon you from those in places of authority, it is imperative that you quickly move from anger to compassion. The energy of love flows freely; fear and anger glop together and can cause extensive problems. Before any worlds were created, all existed in a state of perfect love. There was no sense of time or space. All that existed were like wispy clouds, floating in and out. There was no such thing as being an individual, all simply was one. There came a time when the essence of One wanted to experience “More” and through many eons, innumerable episodes of ‘Separateness, Individuality and Not-Love” have been experienced. Follow your intuition and allow yourself to walk along the path of discovery. Know that no thing you do is “wrong” or “bad.” All you do is simply an experience. Each of you is living a unique existence. All of you are operating on different levels of understanding and awareness. All of you on earth, in every moment is writing and living a unique play that can be enjoyed by others.

Transformation Meditation: Day 6, Cimi 6

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 09/07/2014 - 23:00


TRANSFORMATION MEDITATION: BREAKING HABITS THROUGH INTENTION   Experience this powerful meditation by scrolling to Day 6 at: The following are the closing comments from the Day Keepers: “We are here to “in courage” and support you. We hold no judgments regarding your decision to experience any thing. Our mission is to serve you, for that we receive much joy. We encourage you to reach higher than you have ever reached before. Be creative! Know that your wish literally is our command! You can have anything your heart desires. The universe is endless and boundless. There are some universal laws that we all have to adhere to. These were set in place during the creation of your universe in order to allow the specific experiences unique to humans on earth. Know that before your incarnation, you were in agreement with these laws. All other choices are free for you to choose. We take leave of you and suggest that you take time each day to go within and work on creating a life of pure joy and love for yourself.”  Selamet! Cimi 6





The Nature of Polarity: Day 2, Ik 2

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 09/04/2014 - 09:00

THE NATURE OF POLARITY There were several reasons for creating a realm with this duality. Yesterday, we spoke of how the universes were created in order for souls to have the opportunity to experience “not love.” This would be impossible in a realm where all is one. Thus, the vast majority of new realms have been set up with a balance of both light and dark. For those choosing earth, you have the unique opportunity to choose what you wish to experience due to the creation of what you call “free will.” Know that each person “reaps what he sows” and that “like attracts like.” In this realm, everything has a “boomerang” effect. The more you give love to others, the more love you will receive in return. The more fear you impose on others, the more fear will be returned to you. We share this with you to let you know that although you have “free will” to choose whatever you experience, there are repercussions associated with each of your choices. If it is your desire to create “heaven on earth” then it is your responsibility to make the choices leading to your desired outcome. Each one of you that learns and practices inner peace and kindness towards another, moves one step closer to creating “heaven on earth.” Take time each day to reflect on your thoughts, words and emotions. Be mindful of your actions and reactions. Take time to deep breathe each day and to quiet your inner thoughts. Selamet!

Happy Tzolkin New Year!

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 09/03/2014 - 04:00

Welcome to a new round of the 260 day cycle of the Tzolkin calendar. This sacred cycle offers you insight into yourself, a guide to self-empowerment. If you wish to follow the daily Messages, consider purchasing your own copy of the Mayan Messages in paperback or eBook, both reasonably priced.

As long as I am able, I will continue to post a daily summary of the Messages. However, it is most beneficial to read the full message for maximum benefit. Be well, be wise and may this be your best Tzolkin ever.

Thank you for being part of the Great Awakening on Planet Earth!

Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

The End is Near: Day 259, Cauac 12

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 09/01/2014 - 08:00

THE END IS NEAR   Home is wherever you are. There is no need to pine for future events, for in a moment you can be wherever you choose, perhaps not in your body, but in your heart. Do not be concerned about “saving” others, for all is well. There is no hell; there is no punishment. All will go to a place where they can continue to experience what they choose. It is wise to share what you know with others, but do not be overly concerned for their well-being. In the end, all will be reunited with Source. You can be assured that you will see your loved ones again, perhaps in another lifetime or on another planet. Mmmm, doesn’t that sound mysterious! Be happy, be well and be loved, Beloved! Cauac 12 To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 259 at: Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others. Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree The end of this current Tzolkin calendar round ends tomorrow. If you would like to continue reading the Messages on the current day, consider purchasing your own paperback or eBook copy at:

Choose Love: Day 258, Etznab 11

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 08/31/2014 - 10:00

CHOOSE LOVE   There are many signs that allow you to know when you are on the best path, leading to what you choose, whether those choices are conscious or unconscious. These include a feeling of knowingness, when everything easily falls into place, luminosity (when things seem to glow), goose bumps, extraordinary happenings, coincidences and synchronicities, to name a few. Choose love in all situations. If love seems to be too far out of your reach, focus on kindness, to yourself and others. Be in joy. Seek the advice of others who have surpassed what you are grappling with. Take time to meditate, turning your life into one continual prayer of thanksgiving and gratitude. Look for the positive in all things. Do what brings joy to your heart and increases the passion for those things you love. Be prepared to share your hope and messages of love with others who are willing to listen. For those who are not ready, simply hold love in your heart and know that it will be felt on a level they can receive.  Selamet Etznab 11 To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 258 at: Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others. Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

Avatar Training: Day 257, Caban 10

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/30/2014 - 16:00

AVATAR TRAINING   Within you lies all answers to any problem or situation you encounter. Know that you need no one to tell you what to do, or what is best for you. Trust your intuition and inner guidance. We are all here to help and support one another, but the ultimate choice of what is best for you in the moment, has much to do with the preferences you choose to experience. The best solutions may be tainted by fears and belief codes that keep you blocked from making choices that bring you joy. Clear these blocks on a daily basis, connect with higher guidance and choose what feels best for you. If it is ascension or an evolution to higher frequencies of love you wish to experience, then make choices that bring joy to your soul. Be kind to others in all situations and go within daily to keep yourself balanced in all areas of your life. Live life to the fullest, for it is fleeting and the time is moving rapidly to when you will no longer reside on Earth in physical form. Lighten up by releasing anything that burdens you physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Once complete, you will live the life of an Avatar, always at ease in every moment of your existence. The concerns of the past and future will melt away, being only fleeting moments of recall that has nothing to do with what you choose in this moment. When you stay present in the moment, you will have no concern for past deeds or misdeeds. You will be aware that your future is secured by the choices you make in the present moment.…

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