Theresa Crabtree

Emotions: Day 256, Cib 9

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 08/29/2014 - 06:00

EMOTIONS   When you are sad, there will come a time when you will say, “Enough of this sadness, I am going to change my attitude and behaviors so I can experience happiness.” Thus, the sadness leads you to your desired goal of happiness. At times, it feels good to express sorrow or pain, for within these emotions, you are connecting to others on a very deep level, which has love as a foundation. We suggest you pay attention to your emotions as they arise. Do they have a message for you to pay attention to? Are they a means to express your love for self or others? Take time today to meditate on ways you can maintain your balance by role-playing various scenarios that are likely to occur. For instance, if there is someone at work that you dislike and everyday their presence makes you upset, look at ways you can change your attitude and behavior so you do not lose your balance. Role-play things to say and do when you encounter this person. Send heart-to-heart love connections, even if at first they feel phony. With practice, there will come a moment when you will accept this person unconditionally. It is not unusual for these relationships to develop into deep friendships, for you will have connected at a soul level, one beyond the bounds of judgment and criticism. Pay attention to your emotions, for they are your greatest teachers! Selamet!

Serenity Path: Day 253, Ben 6

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 08/26/2014 - 06:00

SERENITY PATH   Each morning as you arise, set aside a few moments to appreciate everything in your environment. Thank Creator for your opportunity to walk the Earth in physical form. Send waves of gratitude to the multitude of Guides who support and assist you. Be grateful for your body, paying attention to its needs. Begin to work together as a team with your body in order to increase your well-being and the circuitry that allows you access to All. In every moment, see yourself as whole and complete. Know that your body is a temporary dwelling place, a temple, and deserving to be treated as such. Throughout your day, be mindful of all you say and do. Be kind to others, no matter how they treat you. Be careful not to judge others or to make assumptions as to why they behave as they do. As you gain self-control and love of self, you will be able to emit these belief codes from your pores, resonating them out to others. Smile at everyone. Make heart-to-heart connections with all you meet. When thoughts that are unkind come into your conscious awareness, bless them and think again. When you think of others that you feel unkindly towards, take a moment to emit love to their heart from your heart. They will receive your feeling of love no matter where in the universe they currently reside. As you release bad feelings towards others, you increase the capacity of love to flow freely among all on your plane. This love emits waves that flow freely throughout the universe. Do all in your power each day to stay connected to the feeling of love provided by God Source.

Inner Peace: Eb 5, Day 252

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 08/25/2014 - 04:00

INNER PEACE   We would like to encourage you to go within daily. There is no more important activity that you can do each day, besides breathing and eating! There are many health benefits associated with meditation and daily prayer. PHYSICALLY, you will experience health benefits as you relax and relieve stress. As you work through problems, you will become better equipped to handle stressors as they emerge. MENTALLY, you will become more alert and focused. EMOTIONALLY, you will learn to balance yourself in all situations, regaining your composure more easily. SPIRITUALLY, this is the most important practice to remain consciously connected to Source. Whenever you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, off-center or need clear answers, take time to go within. Train yourself to instantly go into a relaxed state of consciousness. This comes with practice, but is well worth the effort when it comes to helping you achieve a sense of well-being. There is much more we could say on this subject, but like many things, experience is a far better teacher than an orator. Thus, we leave you with this message in hopes that you will take time to go inward these next few moments.   Selamet! Eb 5, Day 252

Read the Mayan Messages in their entirety at: Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others. Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree

Turn on Your Heart Light: Day 251, Chuen 4

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sun, 08/24/2014 - 07:00

TURN ON YOUR HEART LIGHT   When you turn a light switch on, darkness is eliminated. When you turn the light switch off, the darkness returns. It is the same within your electrical system. You cannot have both the dark and the light running at the same time. Your circuitry is designed to let light flow through every cell in your body. When you focus on the darkness inside yourself and others, you attract more of that energy to you. If you wish to have a life filled with love and joy, then place your attention there, every moment. Each moment that you focus your attention on the shadows, you will draw more of them to you. For this reason, it is imperative to find the areas that block your circuitry and to take the necessary actions to get the lights turned on again. Take time to go inside today and bless your shadows. Release the dark shadows that no longer serve you. Turn your heart light on and go forth enjoying each moment with a heart filled with love and gratitude. Not only will this change your life, but you will also affect every other soul in the universe, for we are all connected.   Peace be with you! Chuen 4 To read this Message in its entirety, scroll to Day 251 at:   Please include this web address when posting and sharing with others. Many blessings, Theresa Crabtree…

Choices! Choices! Day 260, Oc 3

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 08/23/2014 - 07:00

CHOICES! CHOICES! Greetings, dear one. Can you feel the excitement in the air when you make a decision that feels right? Have you ever wondered where that feeling comes from? Why do some decisions feel right while at other times you battle within your mind to choose the best outcome for a situation?

Often, there is a knowingness that something feels right because you have set a clear intention. In these moments, you are in flow with creation. You know what you want and you know what to do to obtain it. No matter what anyone else says, you know you will move forward, taking the necessary steps to attain that goal.

When a person has this surety, we on the Other Side can assist in making this a reality. It is like having a work order in which one states exactly what they want. We look at the work order, which is a clear intention fueled by passion and begin to mold whatever we can into leading that person towards his destination.

Positive Activism: Day 249, Muluc 2

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 08/22/2014 - 05:00

POSITIVE ACTIVISM You may be asking, “What can I do to assist in the ascension process?” One of the main things that each of you can do is to increase the vibration of love within your physical Being. If each of you were to do that in this moment, all wars would cease, hunger and disease would cease to exist and utopia would immediately manifest itself.

There are many who fight wars aimed at peace. Many peace activists are carrying arms to force their way upon others. Although these measures may have love and peace at their root, they still are creating much unease and distress in the energetic matrix.

We ask that you do all you can to share your goals, dreams, visions and actions with others in a peaceful and graceful manner. The universe will support these measures for they are harmonious. When love is used as the base to make changes, everyone will win. When anger and fear-based emotions are used to make changes, it only adds to the problem.…

Baggage Check: Day 248, Lamat 1

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 08/21/2014 - 07:00

BAGGAGE CHECK How does one get weighed down so readily in this Realm? Negative belief codes are like magnets, drawing unto them more negative thoughts and beliefs. Once one begins to understand the nature of thoughtforms and how they manifest into physical reality, one can begin to unravel the entangled mess, one layer at a time until it is fully dissolved.

Like any void on Earth, once something is removed, something else attempts to fill the void. Thus, it is important to fill the gap of the unwanted thoughtforms with those that are more appealing. Thoughtforms create reality, so choose those that will lead you to the outcome you desire. When you have a thought that is unsettling or undesirable to you, immediately think again by choosing thoughts that will lead you toward your chosen destiny.

Low-density thoughtforms vibrate at a slower speed. This slow speed allows it to interact with physical matter. In this way, diseases are born. Higher frequency vibrations run through the body, sending sparklets of light and love as it flows through. In this way, when you exchange lower thoughtforms with those that are of higher frequencies, such as love and peace, you in essence are lightening your load. You will fly through your day with less weight bearing down upon you.

Be Love Always, Manik 13, Day 247

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 08/20/2014 - 04:00

Beloved, know that you are loved. Be love in all ways, always.

Make this your daily practice and be watchful as all fears and forms of disease fall to the wayside.

Celebrate yourself and stay connected with God Source, allowing all blessings to flow freely through you. This can best be done through maintaining positive thoughts, words spoken only in love and actions that are kind. All else is unworthy of your time and effort and leave you feeling separate from your Creator and your fellow man.

Go forth today, shining your light of love from within and outward to all that you encounter.

Be grateful for every opportunity that arises, looking for the blessing in all things. Some may be harder to accept as blessings, however, there is a gift in everything that occurs to you. Be mindful of this and for those things that happen that are less than pleasant, ponder ways to avoid these things in the future, for with the law of attraction, on some level, you have attracted it to you.

Empower yourself with the knowledge that God resides within you, not as an entity that you must beseech. Know that you have the ability to create your future with each moment and action that you encounter in this moment. Choose all experiences wisely, accepting as truth only those things that bring kindness, love, abundance, joy, peace and hope to you and from you. Selamet! Manik 13, Day 247

Enlightenment: Day 245, Chicchan 11

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 08/19/2014 - 04:00

ENLIGHTENMENT Within you lies the ability to change yourself. As you continue to release negative thinking and behaviors built on fears and erroneous beliefs, you will understand this more. Until then, believe that all is within your power to mold yourself into the person you choose to be.

We encourage you to shed old skins of mistrust, unhappiness, powerlessness, comparisons and all things that keep you feeling separate from others and Source. These are all illusions, part of the play that you have been engaged in. At any time, you can consciously connect with Source.

You must choose and believe which course you wish to take. Be clear about the things you wish to experience and how you wish to experience them. Actions speak louder than words. When your emotions match your actions and words, we can assist in creating your vision. Be mindful of what you think and feel when you are attempting to change behaviors.

Be joyful in every choice you make, choosing only those things you wish to experience. When behaviors need to be changed, be thankful for every step you take, no matter how fearful or challenging. Stay in the moment, with gratitude, and you will find that behaviors can be changed with little effort.

Being aware and conscious of what you say and do is enlightening.
Changing those things that no longer serve you is enlightenment.…

Your Future Begins Now: Day 246, Cimi 12

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 08/18/2014 - 14:00

YOUR FUTURE BEGINS NOW On Earth, there is much light and increasing sound frequencies as more of you tune into your Spiritual nature and elevate your capacity for love. As ripples go forth when a stone is tossed into a pond, so the frequency of love emanates from you. Love is an energy vibration that knows no bounds. It continues onward from you throughout all of creation. This is how God is able to love each of you. It is through the vibration of love traveling in an instant throughout all of creation that allows all to be in continual contact with Source.

Do all in your power to remain neutral no matter what situation arises. Meditation, prayer and quiet time are needed on a regular basis in order to maintain a sense of balance and harmony. As you study our words throughout the year, you will be given many tools and suggestions on ways to go about this. Your thoughts and belief codes are the foundation of your overall physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state of Being.

Each moment, pay attention to your thoughts. If they are not supporting you, they are destroying you. Do all you can to change your thoughts to higher frequencies, thus creating health and balance. Catch yourself anytime you are about to do anything that causes your energy level to plummet. This includes your thoughts, words, actions, foods you ingest, places you visit, people you are in communion with, your workplace, choice of recreation and everything you say and do.…

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