
The Secret to Sacred Sex

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 07/08/2015 - 09:17

For what seems like a millennia there has been a sex negative conditioning that has plagued our society. While there are spiritual benefits of celibacy, there are a lot more benefits of sacred sexuality when used properly and can be referred to as “Sex Magic”.

But for the magic to happen it takes emotional and spiritual maturity. Sexual activities such as tantric sex, conscious sex, orgasmic meditation, erotic meditation and sexual healing refer to body based sensual and sexual practices that support spiritual and conscious evolution.

When we understand that our sexuality is sacred we become more equipped to clear away any emotional complexities splitting us from our spirit-sex connection. We need to adapt the understanding that sex is in service to our spirit and reclaim our innocence when enjoying this sensory experience.

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7 Essential Steps for Spiritual Growth

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 07/07/2015 - 15:25

Theresa Bullard, Ph.D.|We all have an innate desire to grow and to become the very best expressions of ourselves. This is why we spend our lives learning, evolving, and striving to align with a way of life that both supports and fulfills us. To achieve this requires  that we transform from where we are now to where we want to be. Growth, progress, and even our very survival depend on us transforming our lives and our world for the better.

Today, the world is changing fast. Technology continues to advance at speeds that are increasingly difficult to keep up with. Things seem in a constant state of fluctuation. Jobs change, relationships end and new ones begin.  There may be times of financial difficulties or challenges at work. With greater connectivity, faster speed of change, and more daily pressures than ever before, we have become a society of people that are more stressed, depressed, sick, and dissatisfied in life. What happened to creating a life that supports and fulfills us?

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How Negative Emotions Effect Our Health

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 07/07/2015 - 11:57

Ever wondered how negative emotions are effecting your health?

Your emotions and your health are like a marriage you can’t ever get a divorce from, so we need to learn healthy ways to balance our emotions. When you are more aware of your emotions, you are in the control seat to optimize your health.

When you are experiencing negative emotions the connection between your mind and body is more apparent as the emotion manifests within your physical body.

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Meridian Chakras and the Path to Immortality

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/27/2015 - 16:44
Meridian Chakras and the Immortal Path

Since the beginning there has been an infinite coveted quest for immortality. We see it in movies, books, and fantasies across the globe. In ancient cultures different practices are being used to achieve the path to immortality or the path to eternal life. But the question we are asking here today is.. is it possible? And if so, which path is the path to immortality?

As we know the meridians in our bodies are the energy pathways that link up to each chakra or meridian energy center and there are three “mainstream” teachings of these paths.

We will now look at three ancient teachings and the differences between them to discover which pathway we can use to achieve immortality.

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7 Year Army Veterans Inspirational Awakening Journey

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/26/2015 - 07:49

The oldest of two siblings Ano El a now 32 Year Old Army Veteran from Oakland, California has undergone a life shattering spiritual awakening after spending from 2000-2004 on active duty returning in 2007 to carry out another 3 year contract.

In 2008, a friend showed him the movie “zeitgeist”and consequently Ano, took what he was given and never looked back. The United States Military awarded Ano an honorable discharge after he refused to continue his service and this is his remarkable story.

“My PTSD, like many others, is more on the subtle subconscious and psychological programming that all soldiers are subject to upon living underneath the prison and military industrial complex, then amplified by entering the military. My awakening came one year in to my second tour in the summer of 2008 when I stumbled across on a documentary that opened my eyes to the grave injustices of our society. After that rabbit hole was cracked, the rest led up to the cosmic freedom of the Self, embodied.  I then contacted my family to alert them I was going AWOL in light of my new found information, to which I was calmed down and reassured that everything would be OK, and just to “take it slow”.

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Spiritual Benefits of Traveling Abroad

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/26/2015 - 07:36

Travelling is a great way to rejuvenate, recharge and even reprogram our perspective of life. By ensuring that we take those allotted vacation days to get away somewhere foreign, there is so much we can learn and explore in new surroundings effectively giving us a little boost– that unexpectedly creates a new you!

Here are 4 Spiritual Benefits of Traveling Abroad

(backed by Science)

1. Personality Enhancer

Travelling takes you away from your daily routine and throws you out of your comfort zone where you are forced to be more open. Openness is one of the Big Five in terms in psychology of the major personality traits we all have. When we are open we are more likely to overcome fear, take chances, stay in the moment and discard judgement of others. Being open is essential in spiritual practice because when we are open we are in a position of receiving all of life’s gifts.

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How to Let More Love Into Your Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/25/2015 - 19:33

Love is everything, and yet it can be so very easy to lose sight of its importance as we get bogged down with the stressors of daily life. We live in a world seemingly filled with fear, war, politics, and corruption. In these difficult times of conflict and uncertainty, how do we open our hearts and let more love into our lives? Here are my reflections as a psychologist and human being lovingly sharing this journey with you:

How to Let More Love Into Your Life

1. Focus Less on Things, and More on People

Many of us feel trapped in an artificial physical reality where we shove ourselves into cubicles, fight each other in traffic, and work passionless jobs so we can pay money to surround ourselves with things that we don’t really need. It is a vicious cycle, and one that can make us feel empty and alone, especially when we realize that material possessions will not bring us love.

People were created to be loved, and things were created to be used. The reason the world is in chaos is because things are being loved, and people are being used.”

– Unknown

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How to Raise Spiritually Awakened Children

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/18/2015 - 08:53

“The nearest thing to heaven is a child” Why?

Children are born with open heart chakras, a perfect balance of loving energy that has been undisturbed, untouched and unscathed. Only to learn emotional traumas, and toils of “growing pains” in this physicality. It takes courage to come to this plane and fight the battles of this world. And yet, we are all here. We are all in this present moment learning and discovering emotional hardships on our quests to spiritual fulfillment and joy. As it is only, by connecting back to our source of creation while here, can we experience the euphoric state of our spiritual, eternal origin.

Whether you understand it or not, all children are born with what is called Extra Sensory Abilities. Expressed or unexpressed all children have unique gifts of what would be called “spiritually awakened children”. It is only time, and improper nurture of these natural gifts that deflower our children’s natural abilities.

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5 Ways to Practice Kindness from Our Divine Nature

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/18/2015 - 08:44

by Dr. Charles F Glassman, Guest

The definition of kindness is, “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.” In a perfect world this is a quality we would wish to bestow upon ourselves and hope others also possess. But why does it seem so hard.

I know what you are probably thinking, “Speak for yourself. It’s not hard for me. I’m a kind person, it’s everyone else who isn’t kind.”

Well here in lies the greatest obstacle to creating a world where kindness is the unwritten law of the land; the habit of humanity; the definition of our existence. The obstacle to this is the fact that humankind has relinquished control to our primitive nature, controlled and orchestrated by (what I call) our automatic brain.

Let me digress, briefly, to shed light on this brain. Our automatic brain is the same brain as our cave dwelling ancestors and the major driving force in animals (including us Homo sapiens). It does not think (i.e. lacks consciousness) and only reacts. It reacts to anything it picks up as potentially dangerous, threatening, or causing us to feel vulnerable. When any of these are detected it automatically reacts causing us to fight or flee. How does it know what is dangerous? Through a lifetime of storing information. When I say this brain doesn’t think, that is different from the idea generating thoughts. It can cause us to have thoughts if those thoughts help us to fight or flee danger.

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How to Believe in Yourself

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Wed, 06/17/2015 - 09:33

“Believe in love. Believe in magic. Hell, believe in Santa Clause. Believe in others. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. If you don’t, who will?” ~ Jon Bon Jovi

There are times in life when things don’t go our way. Times when we meet with failure, defeat, fear and insecurity. And when that happens, because we are so used to taking our sense of worth from the things we do, from our worldly successes and daily accomplishments, we inevitably start to doubt ourselves. We start to doubt our ability to make our dreams come true, we start to doubt our worth, we start to doubt the people around us and we start to doubt whether we will ever feel safe and secure in this world.

1. Make peace with where you are.

“When we say to you, make peace with where you are, we want you to make peace with where everyone is; we want you to make peace with the world events; we want you to make peace with where your friend is in relationship with where your friend wants to be. We want it to be all right with you where anybody is.” ~ Abraham

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