
Spiritual Benefits of Sleeping Naked

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 06/15/2015 - 08:56

Sleeping naked is not just, sexy.. it has many spiritual health benefits too!

Here are 5 interesting and (scientifically proven) spiritual benefits of sleeping naked that prove letting it all hang out in your birthday suit can benefit you!

1. Leads to better sleep.

Some experts consider getting at least 8 hours sleep per night more crucial than a proper diet and exercise. When you are wearing clothes, they can become twisted, tangled, and uncomfortable leading to unrestful sleep. When you are naked you are free and therefor can get a deeper more restful sleep. Deep sleep between the hours of 1:00 am and 4:00 am have proven to be the best time for your subconscious mind to connect with the spirit world. And so it is crucial to meet the deepest sleep possible in these hours to regulate your mind, body and spirit.

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20 Instructions for Life by the Dalai Lama

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/11/2015 - 08:58

Update: We've been informed these probably aren't quotes from the Dalai Lama, though that doesn't make them any less helpful.

  1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
  2. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson.
  3. Follow the three R’s:
    –  Respect for self,
    –  Respect for others and
    –  Responsibility for all your actions.
  4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
  5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
  6. Don’t let a little dispute injure a great relationship.
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3 Steps to Embrace a New Paradigm of Reality

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 06/09/2015 - 08:48


Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.- Albert Einstein

1. Discard Limiting Beliefs

Beliefs are what separate us, beliefs are what hold us back and beliefs are what your mind has conjured up about the world to keep you in a certain mind frame or perspective of reality where you have restrictions. The spirit is free, and the spirit always says yes. No matter what!

Without a shadow of a doubt the biggest obstacle we have in our path is removing our limiting belief systems. Imagine for a moment that you could cross over into an alternate reality with an alternate you. Everything you think of works out exactly as you plan it, and in effect your every dream becomes reality. What would that feel like?

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3 Ways to Find the Hidden Messages in Life

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Tue, 06/09/2015 - 08:46

From synchronicities, and serendipity to deja vu, everywhere you look you can find hidden meaning or messages. The question you ask yourself is, are you looking?

One can argue that the mind only puts two and two together, because you are looking for these messages, but on the other hand. If you weren’t looking would they still be there? Its kind of like, if a tree falls in forest and no one is around to hear it, does it still make a noise… ?

There are hidden messages everywhere, you just need to know how to listen.

Here are 3 Ways to Find the Hidden Messages in Life

1. Awareness...

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The Location of Earth Chakras

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Mon, 06/08/2015 - 15:52

Geography teaches us about the continents, oceans, mountains and rivers of the world. Geology studies the rock formations – the skeleton of the Earth. These sciences investigate more material aspects of the planetary body. The study of the Earth Chakras is more similar to the Chinese art of acupuncture in which we explore the more subtle energy structures of the Earth.

Terrestrial Chakras are like organs of a body that are vital to the health of the world and for all dependent of the different environments offered by the planet living. Each Chakra serves a dual function:

  1. Keep the overall global health,
  2. Transmit and receive the information coded in energy.
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7 Things to Remember When Times Get Tough

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Sat, 06/06/2015 - 08:13

Even the most balanced and connected people go through periods of stress, difficulties and struggles. Here are some thoughts to remember when you’re going through tough times, from my perspective as a psychologist and also as someone who has had my fair share of ups and downs. I hope it helps!

1. You Are Loved

If you feel like you are wading through darkness right now, the first thing I want to tell you is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Even if it feels like you are completely alone, you are not. You are loved, and there ARE people in this world who love and care about you.

I don’t even know you, and I love you because you are part of my human family. The same spark of light that animates me also animates you and every other living creature. Someone told me once that Namaste means “the light within me recognizes the light within you” – and even if you do not feel that light within yourself right now, it is still there and the people around you can recognize it.

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18 Spiritual Teachings that Will Blow Your Mind

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Fri, 06/05/2015 - 08:19

From ancestors of past to gurus of the new, each have solid lessons that we can retain and put to use in order to raise our perceptions, expand our consciousness, continue on our quest for lasting inner peace and euphoric bliss.

Many teachings, are overlooked for their simplicity, and others are studied with great care and intrigue. Some we can understand and apply instantly, others are much harder to maintain. Nevertheless, all teachings from our wise masters, should be pondered upon the heart.

Here are 18 Spiritual Teachings that will Blow Your Mind

by Michelle Margaret Fajkus

1. Everything I need is already within me.
Authentic power comes from finding balance within; it is not imposed from external authorities.

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5 Herbs to Induce Lucid Dreaming

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 20:44

Herbs and plants are an integral part of the life that exists on our planet on every level. Plants are our food, our medicine, and also our catalysts to the expansion of our consciousness. Used since the days of old. Herbs are an essential part of our awakening journey. From ritualistic ceremonies and sweat lodges our ancestors knew how to “get high”.

Why do you think they call it “getting high”? Do you think “getting high” is just an expression used by people who smoke the maryjane?I really don’t think it is just an expression and there are many different types of natural herbs that can expand your consciousness. Natural herbs can lift you up and allow you to ride high into the cosmic consciousness.

These 5 plants can stimulate your consciousness and open you up to alternate dimensions of reality.

So go on, get high!!

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21 Signs of a Blocked Throat Chakra and How to Clear It

Submitted by Galactic Free Press on Thu, 06/04/2015 - 15:08

Our throat chakras are our energetic centers for communicating clearly. This chakra governs our clairaudient ability as well as physically helps to maintain our inner ear, nose and throat system. Located at the base of the neck the throat chakra is important for expressing ourselves clearly and with confidence. Its all about letting our voices be heard! Any blockage in this area can lead to a shut down of the other functions chakras or can lead to a build up of stagnant energy, which is not optimal for energy flow. When this happens, we can quickly see symptoms that are emotional, physical and spiritual.

Here are the most common signs of a blocked throat chakra...

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