Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/27/12 ‘Time to Begin Project 1’

Submitted by Denize on Fri, 07/27/2012 - 20:44



Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/27/12 ‘Time to Begin Project 1’



Mounting problems and difficulties in you world precipitate a faster move-up of some of the projects we have earlier discussed with you, dear ones. We have convened, and we have reached a decision that we will at this time begin our many projects with you, one at a time and in order of their urgency and importance. What we would like to see today is a showing of hands, if you will, of those who wish to take part in our first project which will be the strengthening and re-fortification of seawalls of your shorelines in strategic areas of your world where your shores are not adequately protecting communities inland. We would like to see you leave your names under our message today wherever it is you find this message and we will duly note your names if we consider you a safe prospect and an addition to our team that will be a positive.

These are primarily the two prerequisites, although we have accumulated a short list of names of those who we feel we would not prefer to work with at this time. We hope those of you who are on the short list understand and also see that the reasons for this have been the way you have treated others and spoken to others throughout your online communities over the past few weeks, months and years since many of these changes and our messages have become aware to you. We simply feel it would not be fair to those who you have treated in negative ways to be working side-by-side with you as you have shown no proficiency and willingness to treat others with kindness, with caring, with love, with fairness, with decency.

For your own sake and for the possibility of your future employ with our organization, we suggest to those of you who do wish to work with us and even those who do not wish to work with us to better treat those around you, for not being included in our work with us is merely one negative result of your behavior, as there are many negative results of your behavior that flow like an uncontrollable river, damaging yourself and others in its wake. Do you understand this? Do you understand that there are better ways to treat others than to slam them with your insults, your heated opinions, your tirades, your name-calling, your slandering, your obscenities, your hatred, your anger, your dismissal, your one-way rhetoric?

Please understand that we as an organization and as individuals as well do not judge or condemn you in any way, shape or form. We simply feel a working partnership with some of you right now is not conducive to a suitable working environment for your brothers and sisters of your human family as well as our family, and after all, we are one large family. There will be other opportunities to work with us in the days ahead and we suggest to you to take heed to what we say today and begin to treat each other differently, for we will continue to monitor your online networks and we will continue to add and even detract names from our lists. Thank you for your attention today and for your cooperation, if it is cooperation you wish to lend in this matter.

We would like to discuss with all of you today what our intentions are, what our plan is to strengthen your shoreline around the coasts of Florida and Lower, or what you call ‘Southern’ California in the United States, and even some other parts of the world. Some areas you may know little about depending on where it is you are from, of course, and how advanced your education has been in geography. There are coastal settings all around your world that offer little protection from storms, hurricanes, sea surges and the like. We have monitored these coastal areas for quite some time now and have come up with a suitable and definite list as to which areas we feel need the benefit of coastal seawalls in the form of ‘brick and mortar’, as you say, constructions, although it is not brick and it is not mortar we will use, as this is a metaphor. What construction materials we will use are glass-crystal sealing structures. These structures are strong, these structures are sound, these structures are light- weight, these structures can be raised high, they can be stretched wide and they can be dug deep into the sands of the bottom of your seabed.

These structures can also be made to appear beautiful. These structures reflect the sun, they shine in the sun, they gleam in the sun, and your coastal areas will not only improve in their safety and their form, but in their aesthetic appearance as well, and we feel those of you who live on your coasts, those of you who visit your coasts and even those of you who only view photographs of your coasts will see these structures as beautiful additions to your already gorgeous beaches and shorelines. How these glass-crystal structures are constructed is through the use of our advanced technologies that are mounted on board our large spacecraft. We will fly over your coastal areas inspecting the sea floors for their contours, their depth, their density and their stability, what they are made of and how deep we can or we have to embed these glass-crystal ‘walls’, if you will. We then will lower our spacecraft to slightly above sea level and begin to install these structures by simply moving levers on a control panel. These seawalls will come down from the hulls of our ships that have been designed and constructed for just this purpose and voila! Your seawalls are strongly and safely embedded deep into the underlying seabed of your coastal shorelines.


We will continue this method up your coastlines many miles and this will take many days, and this is why we feel the urgency to begin this operation with you almost immediately. We will say that it will be at least a couple of days and even at the most two to three weeks before we begin, but we say to you to take heart of what we say, for we will be beginning this operation very shortly as much needs to be done in a very short time. We hope to see many names today volunteering for this very important assignment and we look so forward to working with you, our brothers and sisters of our human family. We will be in touch with those of you we feel would be a positive addition to our team in one way or another.


Please do not overly concern yourselves with how we will contact you or rendezvous with you, as this is nothing for you to be concerned about. All will be explained to you in its due time, dear ones, and you have nothing to worry about if you have not yet perfected your telepathic abilities. There will be no reason to worry that you may have missed a message from us as, if we feel you would be a positive addition to our team and your name is duly noted under one of these messages, we will rendezvous with you in one way or another. It will be done. Have faith and confidence in our methods, just as we have nothing but faith and confidence in you, dear ones.


Until we speak again, we are your brothers and your sisters of your family of the Galactic Federation of Light, and we look so forward to working personally with you. Thank you.

As channeled through Greg Giles


Sat, 07/28/2012 - 09:44

I would love to assist on this project alongside all of my brothers and sisters from Gaia and our star family. Even if not selected I am very excited to see this project come to Light.

Erik, Pennsylvania

Don Timescraper (not verified)

Sat, 07/28/2012 - 10:52

I'm ready! Would like to help in any way.


Are there any criteria? Just curious.





equine_si (not verified)

Sat, 07/28/2012 - 11:13

I am totally prepared to engage in any project that our Galactic Sisters and Brothers feel I am qualified for and would be of benefit to.  I feel great gratitude for even being offered this opportunity.


Love & Blessings to you All!

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 07/28/2012 - 13:00

why do the GFL says that they do not judge a person in ANY way and after says that won't work with some people that wanna help in this quest? this is VERY contradictory!!! also. "bad" messages in the internet as a no-no dont make justice with the reality as it is a tiny fraction what the person do in realife (and it can be awesome!!!)

I totally agree with you, this message from GFL is all about judjement, fear and patriarchial submission to continue with blind slavery. Exactly the vibe we are trying to move out of. Besides, I am VERY suspicious of anything Greg Giles channels.


What does make me happy is to see how my lightworkers are willing to come forth and help their brothers and sisters but PLEASE BECAREFUL whom it is you rush to help, it could just be the beings you are trying to disengage from by discovering your own power and sovereignty. 


with L&L

Guest Billie Slade (not verified)

Sat, 07/28/2012 - 13:01

I am delighted to join and help in any manner that I am capable of; please let me know what I can do.

With Love,

Billie L Slade

Zonnevlinder (… (not verified)

Sat, 07/28/2012 - 13:08

I love to assist my galactic brothers and sisters! 

Greetings from Amsterdam, Thet Netherlands.

Hugo C Smith

Sat, 07/28/2012 - 16:37

 I would like to volunteer in any way shape or form that is deemed necessary with what is needed. These coastal re-enforcements are much needed and I would love to see them come into fruition, to have our brothers and sisters that live in these coastal regions protected.

Brandon Starseed (not verified)

Sat, 07/28/2012 - 17:04

I am always happy to help in any way.  My offer to assist in any way needed will always be open.  

Please count me in as its been my calling my whole life thanks

Holly (not verified)

Sat, 07/28/2012 - 23:30

Since I have lived in Fl for 30 years I would be more than willing to help.  If there is a crew working to clean up the Gulf of Mexico, that would be my first priority. That is/was heart breaking and still is to this day.

Love to all.

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 07/29/2012 - 06:06

 in any way I can, for this and future projects. 




Leroy Young (not verified)

Sun, 07/29/2012 - 14:38

My name is Leroy Young, and i would love to be a part of Project 1. Thank You.


Thu, 08/09/2012 - 12:10

My name is Arthur Giakoumis, South Australia, and I would like to help. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. My love goes out to you all.


Thu, 08/09/2012 - 12:11

My name is Arthur Giakoumis, South Australia, and I would like to help. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. My love goes out to you all.

joel wells (not verified)

Mon, 08/27/2012 - 13:08

There's lovely people in this world and great opportunities. I volunteer however my services can assist in making this a beautiful place to be and love and live for my children's sake and many generations of life to come!

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