Presenting SAS Thoughts – Another Point Of View, Certainly – On Perhaps What Is The Real Truth Of Our Present Seeming Rush To Disclosure.

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Sun, 07/29/2012 - 13:49


Sun, 07/29/2012 - 14:17

Are you saying that disclosure wont be on august 4 th?

Actually so far, if you're referring to Geoffrey's radio show & Co, it was not said disclosure would be on the 4th. The 4th was given as a deadline. 

And this article is a different point of view that still keeps Love in First Sight. We thought it would be useful to help all with their own discernment process. Often when news as "disclosure will happen on that date" spread on the web as fire many loose the True Reason of the Path and start sitting and waiting for something to happen, when the Real Happening is already in EveryOne to Be discovered. 

If everyOne would re-member they are already Free and Masters of themselves, a few beings that now seem so "scary" would look like what they truly are: followers of an illusion, and thus absolutely unable to influence anything in that direction. Of course to achieve this we need to BEcome what we all are, which would spread around the Planet at Light Speed enabeling others to see and feel the Truth. That's why we all need to start from Inside, which is where Love is, to manifest it in the so called "outside". 



Must agree with this post as well as the replies to it. Have we not been fed enough lies and garbage rammed into our minds , yes discernment is the key issue. I read blogs and posts on this site hoping to read some light of truth, so now this whole disclosure becomes but another tainted SCAM purposely planted to build up hope, only to be once more lied to? What is the point of allowing more deception to come across the so called Free press many of us read, thinking there is truth to what is said and so called channelled. Oh confusion, oh donations, oh look into our own hearts(that is where the truth of God is) first we must not only remove years of purposely told lies to hold us slaves to a pathetic profit driven bunch of heartless criminals, if that isnt sick enough, now we must read between the BS, coming off the Galactic Free Press, is this not just another form of torture, buiding hope, asking us to share articles we believe, as the so called channels coming thru tell us to hold onto faith and see   a better future, a healing of our Beloved Mother Earth who has for so long been abused, and treated like a giant toilet humans have dumped poisins into, raped her lands barren of trees and plants, drilled into to mine oil, diamonds,and the latest trend ,crystals that have been within her precious crust for centuries. Does it not all come down to RESPECT, for Gaia, for each other, for the little children, tell me me what criminal is worse...the thief, the liar or the cabal. In my opinion they are all  the same, I am disappointed that what I thought might be good news regarding this whole disclosure issue may very well be nothing more but another trick to confuse. Tired of bullshit I AM...I seek to know the truth for it will set us free. God has aplan this I believe.

From what you write it seems you still would like someone else to be in charge of your life. If it's this way, then why "hope" for change in first place? Let go of "hope" and start BEing and you'll LIVE the Change Now, wheather anyone shows up at the olimpic or not. 

And if you believe there's nothing in your Heart... how can you stick on "hope" in first place?


If that is the case, some "discernment" must be in place in your website, instead of releasing any info, whether they are valid or not. Are you essentially saying that there are one type of info mostly from channelers however credible they are, but there are other types of info which completely contradicts the previous ones, therefore, we should use our "discernment" to process information, and Re-member our divinity amongst  flurries of sensational stories? Who would not get excited to hear that Finally, these galactic guys will make their grand appearance, albeit their numerous delays, to free us and uplift us?  It is not that we are "scared" nomads who are deeply flawed due to our ignorance, but that we have been so eagerly waiting to see some Proof that they are REAL.

One thing clear is that there is no validity check, no fact-finding protocols, no editorial integrity in this website as well as other what-so-called GF message sites. Love and light, peace and divinity, all of there are wonderful, and we cannot wait to see those in all aspects of realities. But there are those who literally suffer--those Spanish miners, Greek fishermen, young prostitutes in Bangkok who contracted AIDS, children in Africa who have not been fed for days, to name a few. What do you say to those folks? Sorry, use your "discernment" and put up with whatever since you chose your realities after all? 

As Love is the only answer I would tell all these people to Be Love, and help them by BEing Love myself as I Know, Saw and Live that Love does change everything by dissolving the illusion. And all you're talking ybout is illusion and kept in place by the mind program. And there's noOne aprat from You (all You) that can dissolve this. If any mass landing happens but one still believes in the mind program this landing will appear to be "the medicine". Thus the landings will simply help everyOne to open their mind and let go the illusion. This, if you're already aware of the Truth, can be Done Now, helping All that breath on the Planet, even the unaware ones. 

NoOne ever said there should be no exitment about such news, simply not to forget Who You Are because ona may thing now someone else will take over the issues humanity bult. NoOne is coming to clean up humanity's mess (illusion). This would be taking One's True Power away, again. We're here to give humanity it's power back, not to replace those that have been choosing on behalf of it so far. 

HUmanity is Free, this is a Message that should Be Lived, Shared, Walked. 



shelly (not verified)

Sun, 07/29/2012 - 14:36

I must start off by thanking you the author of this masterpiece, you read my mind and Im sure many others. I have been wondering the same for so long. Who died and made them boss over me or anyone else, why does the GF give a shit what the cabal has to say? They are not worthy of  asking for approval. If the GF has disempowered them then what are they waiting for? We are opening our hearts, minds, lives etc... for this to happen!  I have a hard time myself believeing that the ship above the stadium was GF it looks more like something out of an old science fiction flick, if it is I must ask, s your technology not improved any in the past many year?


This only leads me to be more concerned for everyone at the Olympics that the UFO false flag attack is real and thats why the statium has cleared out. So many seats open. This is no coincedence people.


Im very concerned and must question why GF needs the approval of countless criminals and why they have not kept there word when dates are given, the only thing I am sure of is something is happening, I dont know what or by who.As a human I try very hard to not break my word, is that not important for GF to honor there word?


Time will tell, I am trying to hold onto faith but the facts are not holding up very well, please GF, concern yourself with your mission for all of humanity who are 7billion strong and not the few thousand who are murderous criminals



Absolutely the BEST article i have read on the subject in YEARS!! Incredibly well articulated, clear, precise and makes absolute sense, thank you so much for bringing this to light.


It's about time we all started discussing OUR truth, not the continual conflicted channellings of various egos (no disrespect intended), i just think we seem to get caught up in the fantasy of it all, when in fact the TRUTH is so much more incredible and mind blowing.


We are all soveriegn and we are all ONE :)


Peace & Light to all.



I think it was a GFL craft. In fact, I AM sure that it was. Also, I AM sure that Our Friends chose this type of craft to display on purpose because most people who are not up on UFOs probably envision exactly this type of craft when they think of UFOs - the iconical flying saucer! It's classic! It's epic! It's funny! BOOYAH!


equine_si (not verified)

Mon, 07/30/2012 - 09:10

I agree that it does not appear to be a GFL ship and I can appreciate the frustration of the author in the time it is taking for this mess to be cleaned up.  

With that said; What if the ship was an Earth based craft manned by the cabal, did it cause any harm?  I'm not aware of any harm that was caused by its presence at the opening ceremonies.  Could it be that the cabal was presenting their own version of disclosure?  Would that be a sign of things changing if it were?  

Yes, time continues to move forward and in our limited 3D ability to see we are unable to grasp that there truly are massive changes taking place behind the scenes.  I believe that we are at the very critical turning point, the changing of the 'guards' if you will, where the control is being transferred out of the hands of the cabal and those replacing them are taking their positions.

This force has been in place for thousands of years, how can we expect them to make this transition in the blink of an eye?  If that happened, the mass population that is still entrenched in the programmed mindset that the cabal forced upon us would go into complete panic.  How would that benefit the masses and ensure that the greatest number of souls possible make it to the point of ascension?

I trust that the GFL has a much more complete perspective on the big picture than any of us could possibly comprehend and I also believe that we must continue to do our part by being the brightest lights possible at this critical juncture.


Love & Blessings to you All!

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