Submitted by Lia on Wed, 11/02/2011 - 16:31

Joella Bernas

Wed, 11/09/2011 - 03:22

In reply to by Anna Lena (not verified)

I had a question from an unknown guest requesting the definition of Cosmic Mother.   I can only say to you what I know within my self.   How it feels and what is on my mind.  There are more than one Cosmic Mothers.  How many I truly don't know.   How can I describe the feelings of being one and coming into the knowings of who I AM and what I AM  here to do.

A Cosmic Mother is a spirit who chooses to come to this planet for the reasons of helping to assist her children.  This is how I feel when I speak to someone who is 3 or someone who is 103.  There is no difference on how old or young a person is that comes into my life.  I always learn from each and everyone of you.  We are here to assist all of those who need our information and to help those who are still sleeping to awaken.

Julie Timms had written a message and in it was a message about stringing pearls i.e. Cosmic Mothers together and when I read this I also received information to share.   The Cosmic Mothers across this planet have each received there strand of pearls..each pearl representing a Cosmic Mother.  When we received these we began to weave a net and join it together so we would now have a Sacred Pearl Net to catch those who may fall.  Our purpose is to awaken each of these fallen children and assist them to arise to the path of light and life which leads to the gateway to paradise.  When each one arrives it is up to them which way they will go.  I write in a descriptive form so you may see it in your mind.

Paradise is a matter of mind set.   Please realize that we don't promise you anything regarding how it will look or be.   It is a matter of the collective mind set.   Those of you who carry light , love and joy will exchange this frequency and the vibration will set many free.  Free from self doubt.  Free from Society and the control of old.   I speak to you in the best way I feel you will understand my meaning.  

A Cosmic Mother has no want or need for praise or personal gain.  There is only one thing on our minds and that is to help those who come to us so we may nurture them.  This is the Divine Plan.  A plan set up long ago and now this time has come and I am so very Humbled, Honored, Grateful and feel so blessed to be here in this Historic Time Frame.  Even when I write "Historic" I immediately feel inside there is no reason to mention this for we are not the haughty sort we love all and share our love with as many as we can to help humanity take a stand.  It is the thought that creates that which you live in.  You can change this by doing so individually.  There is no contest to see who is better....As A Cosmic Mother all of you are unique and there is no choosing.  You are all extraordinary beings and we are so Proud that we have come this far.

 I found out that I was a Cosmic Mother 20 years ago.  This information I stored it until I was reading a comment from our Angelic Messanger and Brother Keith Overstreet.  In his message there was a key word that triggered that inner knowing and I then announced myself.   

I AM here for every soul.   There is no good or bad that we cannot attend to.  Like an earthly mother would do.....we accept you as you are and there is no prejudice in our mind set.  As I write these words many affirmations and awakenings are coming forth.  Since I was very young, I just realized, never did I have a problem with those of another race.  For in my mind we are all God's Children and there is not one amoung you that isn't a part of the hole.  For we are as ONE  NAMASTE.  So with that I will ask for everyone to KEEP SHINING YOUR LIGHT...RIGHT ON....SHINE ON...AND LET YOUR LOVE FLOW LIKE A MOUNTAIN STREAM INTO THE OCEAN OF LIGHT AND LOVE AND THE PATH TO THE GATEWAY OF PARADISE.    YOUR SISTAR AND A COSMIC MOTHER IN THE FAMILY OF LIGHT AND LOVE.    JCB    ((((((( <3 )))))))

Joella Bernas

Thu, 11/03/2011 - 03:02

Well since you made me a reporter I do have somethings to report regarding the last 3 days.  On 11-1-11 in the area of around 5:30 pm it's still light but just getting dusk when I heard fire engines and they seemed close and real loud.  Well it was nothing and I thought I had seen smoke towards L A but there was nothing unti I turned and there above me was a cloud shaped like the number   3   this "cloud"  stayed it this same exact shape for at least 1/2 hour and there was a breeze.  soon I spotted the light , which I have been watching for a long time, I say light for I know it isn't a star for the way it behaves and darts about and the shine of it's light well it aluminates the clouds.  I can see the light go around while it almost like a helipocter policeman would do with their spot light , yet, much less illumination..  I watched it for a while and then went and got my video recorder andthey scrambled it when I would turn to the right but the "star" I spoke of was up there and I had filmed it before.  Well again I was filming for awhile and then I was unable to continue for I was tired of watching it do much but make my screen like a static type appearance.  I got the "star:" moving yet my camera/ vidoeo recorder doesn't have the ability to see the other stars just this one and it would dart about and hover then shine it's light down and out of the corner of my eye I could see the other ships shining a light across the sky like they were linking up at one point of light.    Later that evening I spoke to Claudia Wey and had asked her if she had been outside yet and she said no.  We live about 400 miles away and she is up in Northern Nevada while I'm in Las Vegas NV  with all the lights and she is among  the trees and stars are so bright its geat.  Anyway...we were both outside and I stated "look up and find the brightest star it should be in your south west side a little up ...soon she said she saw it it was flashing I then said well just look at it with a day dream type of state of mind and soon she saw not only that one but all the others in triangular types of formation.

Soon Her friends from around where she lives came out and she started to try and explain between laughing with me and giggling like two little girls.  We were so filled with love and joy.  Soon she asked her friends if the y could see the lights and also to stare at them for a while.  Soon I could hear that others began to see in amazment for there were so many and before they would not have seen them....  Soon we hung up and  I went back inside.  Later in the morning about 3 a.m.  I watched as they remained in the same formation just hovering above and I could see the light going across the sky.  Soon I went back inside and decided to get on the computer for earlier when I tryed to tape it the signle was scrambled and I couldn't get a thing.  Well my friend was at her computer and soon with frustration she said her computer was frozen and wouldn't work.   Soon to my dismay mine also wouldn't and so we went to the living room to turn off the tv and  it was scrambled also not even the cell phones would work for at least 5 minutes.   And the computer was down for 1/2 hour or so  soon they all went back on again and had no further proglems  What was strange like I had stated before that those who don't see it it will be hard for them for they are still looking through the illuminated state of mind.  I pray that the reality of life they all will find..  

Today I just went outside and had seen one earlier yet this time it was in the day and it was almost like in a protective clear bubble or maybe energy I don't understand but know it was a ship.  Just going out earlier  about 1 hour ago  I wtnessed while taping what seemed to be a plane yet when it approaced I realized it wasn't one at all it was a large disc shaped object with lights going around it it was above the "star" and soon the star was gone and the "ship"  became the "star"..Again I went out and  watched for quite a while.  Then I began to watch the light from this "star" and  began to see what you would think of as "sparks"  being sent down to earth  and soon I felt them on my face like a small timy rain drop and i could see the sparkling energy around.  It was the most amazing thing that has happened on this day.Then soon the sparks came towards where I sat and I was asking it to send me some ot that.  lol.  And soon to my surprise and delight I could feel small tiny drops like of  rain on my skin I waited until it stopped and went another direction.  I  was cold so I came in and thought it would be a good time for my report.  How I love My Life and being  with you all IN THE FAMILY OF LIGHT.  REMEMBER MY FAMILY WE ARE NEVER ALONE AND ALWAYS PROTECTED.  STAY CENTERED AND KNOW WITHIN YOU KNOW THE PERFECT THING FOR YOU TO DO.  EVERY ONE HAS THERE OWN WAY OF BEING IN THIS LIFE AND WHAT MAY BE GOOD FOR HIM MAY NOT BE GOOD FOR YOU.   PLEASE CONTINUE TO LIVE LIKE WE ARE NOW FOR WE HAVE COME SO VERY FAR.  OUR MIND SET AS A COLLECTIVE IS MAKING THAT CHANGE.  AND IN MY HEART EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU ILL NEVER DEPART.  HOLD YOUR HEADS UP AND SHINE YOUR LIGHT WITH PRIDE KNOWING YOUR IN THE FAMILY OF LIGHT AND WE ARE HERE TO SHINE OUR LIGHT SO BRIGHT THAT THE TRUTH WILL BE KNOWN TO ALL...THEN WE WILL LIVE AS WE SHOULD.....IN LIGHT, LOVE, JOY, HAPPINESS, HARMONY AND COMPLETENESS!!!!  (WOW WHAT AN AFFIRMATION A LIGHT JUST WENT BING) KEEP SHINING YOUR LIGHT....RIGHT ON....SHINE ON....YOUR SISTAR AND A COSMIC MOTHER IN THE FAMILY OF LIGHT AND LOVE  AND ALWAYS REMEMBR TO SEND ANYONE WHO MAY BE NEGATIVE TO YOU ALL YOUR JOY AND LOVE AND IT MAY SHOW THEM THE WAY TOO....NAMASTE   JOY LOVE AND LIGHT TO ALL  AND AS A FELLOW COSMIC MOTHER I SEND TO YOU MY WARMING HUGS OF STRENGTH ((( <3 )))    SPIRITUALLY YOURS  JOELLA

Thank you for sharing the tips on how the rest of us might learn to see what you are able to perceive! I hope many more of us will learn this, and that will help us keep the faith and the vision of what we are told is happening.

Joella Bernas

Thu, 11/03/2011 - 09:53

In reply to by dawn christine (not verified)


NAMASTE   ((( <3 )))

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