~ I am distressed~ Guest Needs Help from The Light Family~

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 08/02/2012 - 12:40

I am becoming distressed.  After seeing five different crop cirlces and various sources saying August 4th something definittive will happen.  Now I am beginning to see the backpeddling that acompanies every concrete prediction. 


The mass arrests, the london olympics, the showing of a ship of light etc.


I am beyond tired of waiting.  My life is a wreck in anticipation and waitiong in these events.  Now perhaps the date is pushed back to the end of this year?


I promise you this.  I have alot riding on this event and am beyond ready to see it manifest.  If it is pushed back much longer there will be one less soul on this planet to witness it.


I'm tired of living in this world the way it is and want to see it changed and uplifted.  I do not want to see more delay.  I don't want to hear about anymore delays.  Disclosure, first contact, reuniting with our galactic families.  Thats what I want to see.


On 11/11/11 of last year I saw a lightship.  It revealed itself to me and even flashed some kind of strobe at me like a message.  I know they are out there and I want onboard immediately.  My will for living in this world as it is now is almost at an end.


Guest (not verified)

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 12:46

We are all feeling this way unfortunately......The GFL really has to step up to the plate here or they are going to lose a lot of the faithful down here.  I am trying to keep people in belief but if you keep reneging on your promises you won't have anyone believe you anymore.  Is that what you want?  Stop crying wolf........I thought you were better than that.

No wonder Our Craft are Reluctant to decloak down here, everyone has their own expecations along with their dictates, demands and desires and threats, this is the old paradigm. This site has been very clear through our Updates, all events are inevitable, and they will all happen. It does not matter if its right now, on the 4th, or whatever. ITLL Happen. What we all need right now, is for everyone to be working together to Bring this About, this requires all of us. Get off your fences, your doubts, your demands, and Participate. This is not about belief systems, this is about Reality. Plus you all seem to add your own words. No one has promised anything besides the Truth to Unfold. Get out of the programming and HELP! Your Mission is to Be Love, and not complain to the GFL, that your personal expectations are not being Met. All things are Possible, thank you for focusing On the Highest Outcome for ALL All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

I am the guest that wrote that.  Let me detail you on what has happened in my life recently.  My wife told me she wanted a divorce back on March 7th.


She threw me out of the apartment with a trumped up OP order and got a lawyer.  Our divorce will be final soon.  I had to leave with a backpack and virutually nothing else on my person at all.  A laptop, some clothes, and toiletries. 


I stayed with my dad for a bit till an ex girlfriend wanted me to move out to another state to live with her.  In 3 days we determined it would not work out and I was left at a homeless shelter.  I was about ready to call it quits then.  You see I take a medication that I can stop and it would eventually cause a heart attack.  I also take an antidepressant just to make me feel happy some of the time I am awake on this dirtball.


Now I was rescued from that shelter and have a new life in yet another state.  However I have been unwilling and unable to find a good job here.  I say unwilling because I am tired of trying to seek employment only to be underemployed.  I have seen zeitgeist and other truths and know how the world runs.  I don't want to be a part of the matrix and try not to contribute to it.  However I do need money to afford my pills and have had to rely on others for this for now.


I believe things happen for a reason and I am here now because this is where I am meant to be.  August 4th is in the Crop Cirlces and I have to believe that it will be some kind of positive event.  The alternative is looking more and more bleak.  I know I am a lightworker but I tire of this game.

The lightship that I saw was very similiar to the pictures if you look for the UFO that shut down an airport over China last year.


All I wanted to do was race after it and have it land and take me onboard.  I know I have been on them or been with my galactic family before and all I want is to be reunited.  I have had other incidents and near death episodes in my life where I believe I was told to go back that I still had something to do.  All my life bascially I have known that I have a mission here and that it is important.  I am just so tired of waiting for things to happen and for the rest of the human race to wake up.  Sometimes I feel that I can quit life here and show up on the other side and decide not to do duality again.  I feel like I have learned all duality has to teach me and just want to move on.


I had no idea my first post would end up being posted but I'm just getting a bit discouraged when trying to reconcile all the channeled info and decide what is truth.  Why five different crop circles where previously crop circles did not usually point to a specific date?

Well should I really be suprised the Galactic Federation of Fail , failed to deliver again.


Thanks all my mind is defintely made up now.  Talk about a galactic letdown. 


Credibility of stupid monkeys thinking they are channeling ETs 0%


Probability of leaving dismal dirtball soon 90%


Even if I do have to start over on some other 3d world I will definitely be letting my higher self know that I won't be going to Earth.

I am sorry for your struggles, but most of us have had some extremely hard times through life. GAIA on the other hand is no "dirtball" she is the life sustaining mother of us all and we need to realize this and be thankful. Things will pick up, but you have to remember, we create and manifest our surroundings. If you keep yourself negative than that's what will show it's ugly face. If you remain in LOVE AND LIGHT then it will come. I love you deeply and hope and pray for the very best to come your way my friend
~Michael Hall

Thank you for this message. Now I understand better. You are going through massive changes in your life and it is painful. Yes, things happen that seem unbearable at times. I also know that from experience. Somtimes it seems just too difficult to go on, but if we don't the planet loses our own particular light, and every light matters a great deal. Please do not deprive us of your light!!!


But think of this - if you focus on August 4th and for some reason it doesn't happen then, that does not mean it will not happen soon! You are on the front lines, friend, you are in a position to help make great changes in this world!


I know fear, and I know exhaustion. Believe me, if you look back at my earliest blog entries you will see that I felt terrible and frightened, and sometimes I still do. I also take medications, and I needed a medication adjustment. Until we fully ascend, we do have to deal with these pesky bodies, lol, but try thinking of it this way:  these very bodies that trouble us so are also vehicles of ascension.


Just remember that you are not alone. The disappointments, the sense of urgency, the feeling of wanting to be taken away from all this mess on earth, these things simply serve to show us that we are awake and aware. And that we are receiving the very energies that will help this planet ascend. All are needed, and as difficult as your situation is, you are helping and we need you.


Please do not worry anymore about the divorce, I know it hurts but you will be moving into a different reality soon, light-show-or-no-light-show, and these things will not hurt you anymore.


Thank you for asking us for help. See how many people responded, and so quickly!!! You gave us a gift, an insight into your life and the chance to comfort you. For this, we are SO grateful!






We are all feeling this way unfortunately......The GFL really has to step up to the plate here or they are going to lose a lot of the faithful down here.  I am trying to keep people in belief but if you keep reneging on your promises you won't have anyone believe you anymore.  Is that what you want?  Stop crying wolf........I thought you were better than that."



We were not repsonding to the Original Post, we were responding to the comment posted above. It was suppose to tag it but it did not seem to. We are on the Frontlines of this Energy and We are seeing a recurring theme. So many try to use blame[projection] instead of Being the Change themselves. True Compassion is speaking the Truth In All Moments. We have Compassion for All Beings Here, Deep Compassion this is why we work in service to Humanity 24 hours a day and 7 days a Week. Which Shows Deep Commintment to the Truth and Humanity's Awakening. Whole Truth Heals! All Events are Inevitable, and requires all of US As ONE working together! All Our Love Eyes Open Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

You saw a lightship! They showed themselves to you, take strength from that and draw more from that which you know inside, that they are here...NOW working for us and with us, look around and see the changes that are occuring look inside and see the changes that are occuring.

I hope that you find the strength to stand for as many more rounds of life that you can possiby take because the more rounds you finish the more experienced you become. Dont be disparraged see a straight path ahead of you and march down it with your head held high, it may not seem like it sometimes but you are loved.

I understand your frustration but WE ARE not all feeling this way. Faith, like Truth, does not come from outside sources. Stay in your HEART, do not be attached to outcomes and feel the LOVE and JOY that surround you. You are surrounded by LOVE; all you have to do is let it in. If you let the LOVE in, you would not be feeling so frustrated. You are responsible for your own spiritual development and emotional balance. Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. (Buddha)

Dear Guest,

thank you for sharing your thoughts. You may not think this is helpful, since you are having a difficult time right now, but I can only give you one suggestion: stay in your HEART. Look to outside sources for information but not instructions on what to do or think.

Your HEART is where your LOVE and your TRUTH are. LOVE is the answer to all questions and The TRUTH, which is inside you, sets you free and gives you strength.
Your HEART is also the gateway to reaching your guides and angels. You are never alone. Ask for help and guidance. When you are feeling emotionally distressed, this is a clear signal to go within to find peace.


Peace comes from within, do not seek it without. (Buddha)

Samareh (not verified)

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 12:55

We are all feeling this to a degree, you are not alone :D 


Your life is valued buy us. So please don't give it up JUST yet.


I do believe our galactic family/friends see the driving need of us as a collective and as individuals, else they would not show up in our skies when we ask them too, that happens for me, i express my feelings to them, and they show their ships to me sort of as a " we hear you" nod.

BUT there will come a time where we as awakened souls, have had enough fly overs and chitty chat, and our galactic family knows that we are ready, we have the ability and the capacity to hold the light even when some around us might be fearful, so i ask all those who want this to happen, ask yoursefl this out loud, am i ready to hold the light for those who are around me? and then give your answer, because this event needs to happen, for the sanity of many, for the health of Gaia, and also for the collective mind of humanity, this disclosure event, is the breaking of bonds to speak, it might hurt a little to get the shackles off but OH my it will feel heavenly to be free. 

lots of love to you all. 

Guest (not verified)

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 12:56

i totally feel you on this one friend. i feel the exakt same minus i havent got to see any lightships or nothing like that.


all i now is that i am so sick and tierd of living in this world now that something have got to happen soon. the feeling of tierdness and desperation is so intence sometimes that the thougt of ending things myself is coming up again and again.


thoug i know i will never ever do that, i know. but the feeling of it is aweful anyways.


stay strong sweetie, it wont be long <3 

Michael Hall (not verified)

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 13:12

My dear friend, there are so many souls feeling as you do. We must keep our heads above water, the dark is still out there and will do anything in there power to see us broken. We need to look within to find our answers, we must not focus on "dates" and let it all unfold naturally. I was fixated on dates but had a realization, time does not exist, not above 3D/4D anyways. It WILL happen my friend, trust that it will. We all (lightworkers, starseeds, indigos, etc..) want to be reunited, but we must not focus on dates. Think about this, when we focus on a date and nothing happens, how do we feel? Disappointed, that's how, that "disappointment" is feeding the dark. If we cast aside dates and follow our Devine, higher selves, then we have already won! I'm sorry i could not be of more assistance but I truly hopesthis helps in some small way. With undying love and faith, your loving brother,
Michael Hall

Light Warrior

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 20:30

Meditate and call upon Beings of Light after you make a solid connection (breathing, invocations, etc.) and feel what is there for you.  You are letting the dark aspects control you with concrete expectations (just what they would like, in fact).  Please also clear often to shed this stuff and get with it again.  Foresaking your life now will forfeit your soul contract and the massive evolution as your prize!  Think of 3-D incarnation again and let that help motivate you maybe.


The difference in the messages this week is blatantly clear.  A change in protocol is happening and physical changes are coming REAL soon, just maybe not on August 4 (and, believe me, there are many of us that would welcome this too).  Higher dimensional Beings are saying this that are very reliable, so please pick your chin up, feel better again, and help us lightworkers--we need you.  : )


~Love and Light~

Galactic Diplo…

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 13:20

Dear one you are so beloved. I speak to you from the other side of a similar experience. An experience of never feeling at home, never feeling safe, never feeling like I knew whether I was doing the right things, listening to the right people, comitting to the right causes. I felt so soul-weary, grief-stricken and home sick I often considered leaving my body to the sands of time, but having done this in other incarnations 9 or 10 times I knew I would find myself once again in another time and place with the same essence of experience awaiting me.


After having many hard lessons trying to find someone to give me the answers I didn't have, after following many channels and hearing their information and opposing points of view, after giving my power away to relationships where others took a leadership role, I realized that the only way to know, is to actually know!


Being a channel myself, I had a bit of an advantage in being steered toward what would serve my own divine path and what would not, but I knew that due to a variety of factors that it doesn't serve to go into here, I did not allow it to become the end-all be-all of my belief system, and then I started waking up, just knowing things.


This sense of knowing came from a deep place inside of me. A place that was still, calm, quiet, and very matter-of-fact. It didn't come from my head. I started calling in not only the higher divine light-beings I channel, but the Holy Spirit, My Mighty I AM Presence, I started praying to awaken-- to become the embodiment of Source-experiencing, and the process has been utterly transformative.


Don't lose heart! There are so many of us quietly doing our work under the radar. So many hearts. Just one glorious love. Don't give up... you were hand-picked to be on Earth now! You are an indispensible light! There is such great love here for you!


Many blessings~*!


Guest (not verified)

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 13:47

I am so tired of seeing suffering all around me, the oil companies that pollute where I live (lucky me I get to breath it), the cheap poisonous foods we must eat, and then I can not even dare discuss about the animals or the planet.


Nobody has money, and then every media outlet loves to flaunt how the rich/famous get to live/eat/play. We struggle everyday to be a slave, just to exist.  Our lives are constantly bombard on illusions of grandjure, how hard work will pay off and working until there is no life in you is a tradition that you must follow.


As days go by, I too grow ever so tiresome of living in this world the way it is.  I am tired of delay after delay. 


What are you waiting for? For more people to suffer? For many more animals to die?




What the *bleep* are you waiting for?





Guest (not verified)

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 13:58

I am so tired of seeing suffering all around me, the oil companies that pollute where I live (lucky me I get to breath it), the cheap poisonous foods we must eat, and then I can not even dare discuss about the animals or the planet.


Nobody has money, and then every media outlet loves to flaunt how the rich/famous get to live/eat/play. We struggle everyday to be a slave, just to exist.  Our lives are constantly bombard on illusions of grandeur, how hard work will pay off and working until there is no life in you is a tradition that you must follow.


As days go by, I too grow ever so tiresome of living in this world the way it is.  I am tired of delay after delay. 


What are you waiting for? For more people to suffer? For many more animals to die?




What the *bleep* are you waiting for?





Rebecca N.

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 14:23

Dear Guest- I read this earlier before anyone commented, but I did not get to post a comment.  There are some really nice supportive comments posted- may they comfort you.   I would slike to support you as well.  The only thing I would add or perhaps reiterate what has been said in some fashion above- is that yes the 3d game might seem wearisome, and we have all been feeling so similar to how you have been experiencing as you expressed and which got posted here on the GFL.  I mean, MFG is right- they are on the forefront of the energies, and here we are all in the crux of it- feeling similarly.  I don't need to know  your entire story to embrace you in total love as a human being joining me here in this moment of now.  When I feel this way, I step for the moment outside the 3d paradigm and remember my 5d and higher consciousnesses and then reconnect to my 3d form.  There is comfort in that togetherness and knowing that I am not limited by the third dimensional expression of myself.  There is a well of love in nature and in the other dimensions- the ground beneath you is reaching up to you and holds you at all times in love.  Please continue to connect to your higher self and find that love that we know you are and join us in this moment.  It is strange at times to continue to be present in the third dimensional form, day after day- I would encourage you also to nurture your third dimensional form rather than to seek to end your 3d experience- I find it hard at times too- lately forget meals and find nourishment in mainly sunlight and water.  But we are all dearly precious and you are more than you think you are.  

We felt it would Be wonderful if we posted this to Our Main Storyline as We Know Many are feeling what you are going through and would be able to offer you comfort. There is alot to Live for this is FOR SURE. Always know when one door closes Another One is getting ready to Open. Just Be Present and Follow the Signs. All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies


~If you are willing to leave behind all comfort, everything that has ever brought you feelings of security, and you are willing to face some really unpleasant stuff about yourself and your life, and take the internal journey inwards in search of your Truth, Light and Destiny – then Truth, Light and Destiny will step up to meet you. ~ Eat Pray Love

A Man was found Pounding his Head upon a Wall.  When asked why?  He replied: Because it feels So Good when I stop!

In many ways I have been that man.  Because it was a Vibrant experience.  I know I am truly alive when I feel sad/bad/upset/uncertain.

But if it is to be Vibrant why not let it be Rapturous/fanciful/loving?

Every master has spoken that each of us is indeed our "own little universe" and is the only being that can control it.  Whatever I am experiencing is of my own choosing and until I Embrace that fact and accept that I am Powerful I cannot Change it or anything.

So what is the Way Out? 

First find a way to cool down when hot or warm up if you are cold.  Pamper yourself somehow.  Hug yourself and tell yourself: "It is only a speedbump on the road of life."  It will get better!  I need no one else to save Me!  Spaceships/datelines/earth changes are only there to Help.  Seriously seek the "rays of purple" the "rays of green" the "rays of purple" that will come rushing to your side.  I think a Creek or a Brook or a Lake would help.

Accept that you are Truly Loved.  Look at the outpouring of Care you receive here.  Reread the good entries.  Rain was very nice with Her help.


King David (not verified)

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 18:34

You are not aquiering the lessons. So let's get started. 


Matthew was the one that suggested, or 'they' through him 'end year.' Personally I would like to see the "EVENTS" begin on the 4th, as this is already a great date for things like, Independence Day, Obamas b-day, and the end date of the Cabal holding the reins. 


However, this won't give us any more time to prepare as will do us the best benifit for passing into the Highest possible frequency that only we-YOU can make happen as far as levels go. You more you highten your vibs, the Higher will be your next, new frame of enjoyments. 


Let me address something of grave import. Suicide, don't even go there! Read Charles W. Ledbetter, Madame Blavaky, Anne Besent, Alice Baily on this subject. These were great "seers" of our near past. To take the life that YOU chose to have is the equivelent of slapping God accross Her face. 


Each day from here until time runs out, which is "soon" now for sure, ask for your guides to assist you in knowing what it is that your are NOW here for and the answer will come. Use this manta as many times a day as you think it. "I am the love and magic of Mother Mary" and you will begin to 'see'

Gwen (not verified)

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 18:58

2 yrs ago i was very close to ending it all if u know what i mean. Some suggested therahealing as a remedy and i havent looked back since. Changed my life. I am now a healer and teacher using this astonishing odality. Learn more at thetahealing.com. Really., it saved me.

King David (not verified)

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 19:09

If you can't handle this now, consider having to repeat this process for who knows how many life visits to a suitable 3D type planet for you if you ck out on your own will? If you can't hadle this one, how do you think you will handle the next with this nature of karma added to you. 


It is later than you think, now stop "thinking" a start "doing" this will bring cure for your particular condition. And definantly don't make any rash desisions until end month Augt, as I promise you an exciting one. 

King David (not verified)

Thu, 08/02/2012 - 19:12

Talk about ones that love you, look at these comments, and you think I/we don't even know you. I/we do. Now don't make us come 'down' here to visit you as it's obvious to us as well as you there is a better 'place' to hang-out~ 

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 08/03/2012 - 06:51

Lets just say you give up...you end your physical life..YOUR soul leaves the body...then you are given the CHOICE...return because you will be shown your whole life from a new view...a new feeling....do you return to your body....with this new knowledge...no matter what you must FEEL IT ALL..there is no escape from all you feel IN-side....you are a part of 'them'...part ET...in your dna, in mine, all of usis  a mix...what? so do you return to the body? stay out of the body?


what would you choose?


WHAT are you waitintg on?


and WILL you know if IT ..happens?




do not wait...experience UNCONDITIONAL LOVE NOW....


its what 'they' bring....there is no 'escape'....you are HERE, NOW...







Oh I can so relate to the way you are feeling...I too have struggled as many have....I have wanted to leave this plane of existance...thinking I would find peace somehow...and maybe we would...but I have to believe in my heart that we have ask and have been chosen to be here on this earth, at this time...to serve our path..I now feel honored and excited for the coming events...that is not to say..I still don't have days that I question it all...but you have said that you have been called to the ship....that in itself must show you...that you have a purpose and a mission...and a destiny...hold tight ..for the struggles you now face...will make you stronger..not only for yourself...but I believe for others...you know what a struggle life can be..and can  now guide and help others through their own struggles....there is a reason for everything....as humans..it is very hard to see what that reason is..for we look and want instant relieve....from our pain...you will rise ..as the phoenix has risen before you...a bright and shining becon of light...live your purpose and passion...I see through your pain...a example to others...you have been chosen...as we al have , to perserver......shine your light my friend...I can see it from here.....we are all in this together my friend...lets

ride the tide....Love and light to you my friend...

Marc Landry (not verified)

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 09:18

Yes, the initial post is correct.












Guest (not verified)

Sun, 08/05/2012 - 07:43

Remember that YOU are creating this whole experience of yours - every aspect of it. But the part of You that is doing the creating is the part of You whose awareness, happiness, understanding of divine completion, etc is not affected by any particular conditions in the experience itself. You are still very connected with that part of your Self, but the energy of fear continues to reinforce the illusion of disconnection from it. That 'higher Self' (in other words, YOU) would not have created this experience if you did not know you could handle it. If you are experiencing something, it is exactly what you knew you needed in that moment. It was not masochistic for you to do this, even though it may seem that way. The sooner this is accepted, the sooner it begins to make sense.
I realize this stuff probably sounds cliche, but it is very important to remember, and you are here for a reason. We NEED you, or you wouldn't be here. YOU are the puzzle piece that ties the puzzle together... even though you feel disconnected and alienated. Hang in there! You are loved far more infinitely than you remember, and the only thing left to do is remember it!


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