~ What's Going to Unfold Today? Join Us On this Auspicious Day!

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 08/04/2012 - 10:24


~Greetings Love Beings, Today On this Auspicious Day of August 4th, 2012. We will Be Hosting an Internet Love Party and We need as Many Beings As Possible to assist Us In the High Joy Energy!!!


Whatever Happens, Love WILL HAPPEN! Thank You for Participating, and Helping to Get others to Join us. The More We have with us, The Higher The Light Quotient Raises on Planet Earth=Heart. All Things are Possible and All Promised Events are inevitable! We will Also Announce Any Information from our Craft if we recieve anything during the Love Party!


Lets Get ER DONE and Light this Planet UP with Our Combined Love, Thank You for Playing Your Part!




We are Looking for 200 or More Today!! Lets DO THIS!


The Party will Begin around 1:30pm Pacific Time Zone here at this Link:




There is a PreParty which has already Started if you would Like to Join this as Well at the Above Link.~~


Love The Earth Allies


Lets Light It UP


We have stated many Many Moments, that today was a Divine Deadline. Whatever you add to it, is up to You. This site is based On Love and Truth and the Highest Outcome. This is about all of us, and We are all in this together. All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

I thought the crop circles were a nice touch.


Hard to fake that.  I'm tired of the galfed pussyfooting around though.  I mean serously they are worried about creating fear and chaos in a mass unveiling.


so instead we continue to live in fear and chaos thanks the the dark cabal.


It always follows the same pattern.  Monday the carrot is put out there and the donkeys follow it.  Before friday a number of retractions, and then the week is over only to start again the next monday.  I'm tired of living my life waiting on this grand event.  In fact I will no longer get my hopes up.


I'm tired of living on this dirtball with a bunch of monkeys.

Yes today was DIVINE deadline for absolutely nothing to happen, till the next DIVINE deadline is passed with nothing happened. I am so excited for that next divine deadline to come I can't stand it.

Yeah it's been fantastic waiting around for the galactic federation of fail to actually do something. 


If I was commanding this OP I would have gone ahead a long time ago.  I mean should we A.  continue to live in fear at the behest of our overlords, business as usual




B.  suprise some of the population and initially cause some fear (but don't we already live in fear daily) then get over the fear and move on to the bright future supposedly out there for humanity.


I've said it before and I will say it again.  Shit or get off the pot.  Stop wasting my time with false hopes.

Hello `FatherMotherGod`, who are you ? what is your name? why are you anonymous?

And why isn`t there a transparent `about` section who explains who the creator of this website is ? is it the guy William ? 

I appreciate a lot of your posts..but i get very confused when this anonymous `FatherMotherGod` user responds to other users in a kind of arrogant way .

It would be more aproppiate to respond with a username who represents you and not `god`. do you understand what i mean ?




Actually LOVE is happening right Now, that is what we posted and that is what's happening... why don't you join ud in LOVE? We're One Heart, One Love and that's the biggest happening on Planet Earth=Heart right Now.


For all those who will read this message before it will be edited/deleted


I came on this very website on Friday the 2, the first thing I read was about the alien disclosure and it was posted by Andrea. Today August 4, I come on the same website only to find that the story has changed, now Andrea and/ or whoever is running this personal website is telling its audience that they actually tried to warn us against these rumors. Are you serious? You posted the whole thing about UFO landing to begin with. You cannot say that "sombodyelse" posted... it was you. Really people? How brainwashed you must be to skip this detail? 


Furthermore, to all of you who probably feel lost/betrayed :


Brothers, do not be sad or unhappy in anyway. This is a perfect oportunity to learn that as in everything we need to use our critical faculties first and not pure faith.

I know why many of you are here and I understand fully where you are coming from. I too feel that there is more than our eyes can see, and I too feel that we should strive to become better selves and see the world more in terms of "us" and not "I" BUT this is not the solution. There is no single solution to this puzzle we call life and whoever pretends that has THE SOLUTION is an ignorant. People have chased gods for ages! Do not do the same mistake!  

aNDREA IS  a fake persona it does not exist!

The owner of this website is named william harader and here are some of the stats  for this website:



Daily Visits:
Monthly Visits:
Daily Revenue:
$72.80 USD
Monthly Revenue:
$2,184.00 USD

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Alexa Rank:
Google PageRank:
0 of 10
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DMOZ Listed:
Bing Index:


SAME for astharcommandcrew.net owner uknown probably the same guy since both wensite share the same server. COINCIDENCE? PLEASE FIGURE IT OUT ON YOUR OWN!



Estimated Data

Daily Visits:
Monthly Visits:
Daily Revenue:
$69.80 USD
Monthly Revenue:
$2,094.00 USD

Summary Stats

Alexa Rank:
Google PageRank:
3 of 10
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DMOZ Listed:
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Why should we delete your message? In fact william is our webmaster and if you stayed here long enough you'd know as it's not a secret. The monthly foundings needed for the whole family are a bit more than what you posted as, among all here that have no income and work 24/7 we need 3000$.

We got a record breaking page visit to our site of 17'000 hits in one day, though if you believe hits bring in money you got it wrong, ans as you might see there's no commercial on our page and you're free to browse it for free, even to insult us for free. That's a deal is it not?

And why should I tell you I did not post something when there's my name and date on it? I would like the link though as I post a lot everyday and do it in Service to Humanity to keep all informed about what is said to come, same as I did with THIS POST for which I have been criticized as well as soon as I posted it: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/first-contact-not-happening-soon-and-that’s-good-thing.

As I said some comments before, if all would get into a story a bit more (even here on this site), and ask for truth and explanation to the Main Stream Media as much as many are doing here right now... Main Stream Media would alerady be out of business, the financial control gone, freedom established, truth been spread and GodSelf in full Living. So we could finally stop posting and enjoy our ride elsewere.

But you don't, and we're still here, and will be here till the last day needed. Don't like it... it's a wondeful thing internet give so much opportunities to choose from. 


Everyday we're alive and breathing, the extraordinary is possible, and we do have cause to celebrate today, right now! 


If "nothing" happens in your life, that suggests you did nothing to improve your own life.  It looks like you're attitude is just a tiny bit sour.  What would happen to you personally in your life if you simply thanked God for another day to live and breath and think creatively?  Then, what if you visualized love and light in your own life?


That's right, you don't know, because you didn't do it.  Don't be reactive, just try it and see what happens.


Granted, you are sqwaking about the proposed global change that's projected, but isn't a global change the result of individuals changing?  What can you do individually, to change yourself, possibly to have a more positive outlook in your own life, so we can all benefit from your change in you?  Since there are less than 10 hours left of the 4th (in PST), why not do your best right now to imagine a more loving you, visualize light coming into your body, and then see what happens in your life?


If you personally decline and do nothing, and nothing happens in your life, then who should you complain to?   Lighten up!   :^)

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 14:54

I knew this was BS how Could I even think it was ture.  Nothing is happening. Today UFO where to come and bening were to show themself, we are not talking about love pray group that was to happen today. Thats not what a lot of people where looking dorword today. Do you know my husband now thinks I am crazy thanks to your dumb website.

blaming others for something that happens to you is part of the illusion/ego/program mind, probably that's why you read this message for what it's not. 

First, it's not about any landings I guess you're referring to. Second it's not about prayer groups unless you don't see Love as a Pure Conscious Expression of Truth and thus as a natural prayer for what already IS. Third if you're not able to feel anything happening that means you're not into Unity Consiousness and miss all that's occuring right Now. Trying to blame our Love Party will not make you feel any better, it will only increase your frustration as you don't recognize it and try therefore to project it onto others instead of going inside and looking what it truly is that makes you feel this way. This reason is you still feel separated from your True Self and can't therefore feel the Love you Are and seek to find relieve outside... you'll never succed as it's not there. It's IN. That's why we have Love Partys, to help all Feel Oneness and Love and what's all about for YOU. But you're free to go on with your path and feel the way you feel right now, it is your own choice and your own experience. Just stop blaming others and you'll see amazing results. 


Thank you, that really helped with a totally unrelated issue, but you are right! I need to recconnect to my higher self and find the joy, love within.  I do know this and have been working on it, sometimes you just need reminding.

Mortika (not verified)

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 18:25

So long GFP.  I enjoyed the entertainment and excitement while it lasted.  But I can no longer visit this site seeing on how I will just think that everything I read is just some nutcase hearing voices in his head.

And to those people who say things are happening and we just can't see or feel them at the moment is because were not ready.  Give me a break.  Welcome to the real world,  where hate and fear run lives and always will. 

I really wanted something like this to happen but then it's a no go.  I can no longer trust and hope for something better for Earth,  because it simply will not happen.  :(


I guess you did not read all the posts we posted about different point of view about the 4th did you? I'm sure I did post them as when I did I got lots of comments saying it was not fair I posted anything saying there would not be any landing. So I explained we wantod go give all points of view about what was meant to happen. One of them had a quite unmistakable title: First Contact Is Not Happening Soon, and That’s a Good Thing and the link is http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/first-contact-not-happening-soon-and-that’s-good-thing

.So who's cheating here? Those that do not want to see more than their nose and then blame others for that or those that tra to bring to the front all information found and available?

SUre enought you wanted contact to happen, otherwise you'd not have "lost" that post and others, thus what are you doning for it? Are you infomring others? Are you walking your talk? Did you understand first of all we always gave one message: the 4th is a deadline not a landing date?

If all those that complain right Now had the guts to complain to MSM about all their fake propaganda (that btw kill and starve and initiate wars) all the problems Now present on the PLanet would already have been solved. 


I truly hope you'll find your peace one day, as it's not a foreign thing to look at, and it's not something you need to rely on others to gain. And if you don't, at least you know who's to talk to.

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 22:18

In reply to by Raphael1986

Your credibility is ZERO


This donkey will not be chasing anymore carrots.


Yeah days later after the first channel and others backing it up you put in the usual backpeddling announcment just like the arrests thing.


Its always the same.  I'm onto the game now though.

SFSOLSTICE (not verified)

Sat, 08/04/2012 - 23:23

The DIVINE and the COMPANY OF HEAVEN are real.


ITS this website of charletons and false profits that is the problem.




And even though I will never trust this website and this group of crazy heretics I send you my LOVE and just wish you could be HONEST about yourselves.




Michael Solstice


PS  Yes, fortunately there are many other websites and groups of people serving THE DIVINE. I hope you are visiting them also :-)


Sat, 08/04/2012 - 23:49

Hello all,


I would like to remind all that this is an inner work and happening that greatly effects all.


If you are waiting for others to come out of space into this 3d realm to save you from yourself and make everything all better for you ego's, you don't get it. 


NOT going to happen!


Please understand this.


How many times do you need dissapointments before you realize this?


Personally myself I see ships everyday, this evening even, I call out within for them to present and they do.


Why? well a couple reasons, but none of them would matter if i had not seeked God within.


You can not compare your life to mine, nor can I compare mine to you, though we are One.


We Shine bright to Light the path for others to show the way WITHIN! We tell you who you are! "Love=God=light=Life=All=One", where you came from "the Source of all Life"


Yet you still fall for the bait that you need another outside your self to save you from your self, to make it better for your ego's.


Do you not see a problem here?


Do you see a test at hand here?


The Source of all Life works in wonderous ways.


Please see past the obvious by KEEPING YOUR EYE SINGLE


In Loving Oneness





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