Emotional Cancer

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Tue, 08/07/2012 - 23:03


Wed, 08/08/2012 - 00:46

So what does a stomach/duodenal ulcer indicate from an emotional stand point? I had mine open up maybe 3 weeks ago and I lost half my blood. So much blood that all my veins collapsed and though(foolishly) I refused to go to the hospital, I lost so much blood I had made peace that I might not wake in the morning. Mornin'.

   I saw much violence as a child and lived in fear constantly. I endured much physical, emotional, and mental abuse. I was shuffled from family to family because I was deemed unmanageable. I witnessed my father try to kill my Mother at the age of 2 and was never the same. I developed a severe anxiety disorder in my 30's and every time I get into any kind of situation where I have to stand up for my self I go into a fear based panic where my voice starts shaking as well as me. BorderlineP.Dissorder, PTSD, huge bouts of clinical depression and sporadic bouts of Suicidal Ideation. I have for the most part withdrawn from society completely to keep from flipping out. I am costantly run down and have not completed missions, and can barely keep up with my domestic fuctions while trying to be a Light Worker. The situation with my mental health problems landed me on disability, which I have been on since. I felt invisible as a child and like the local football.  I never remember feeling love at any point in my childhood. I was lost.

 I seek no pity or any of the like. I understand these were Soul contracts to be resolved but have made little advancment in 10 years of mental health treatment, that was pretty useless. Only I am trying to get to the bottom of these issues to move forward, and to Ascend. I am scared shitless of the volume of pain lurking always just under the surface, and spent years lowering the stimulous with anything I could get my grubby mits on. I feel like I sit on a mountain of pain that is so overwhelming(huge avoidance) that when it rises up i have, in the past, started making a guttural animalistic howl that is uncontrollable and has on a couple of occasions spawned a ceasure. Any help would be appriciated.

                                                                       -The fawn that skirts the garden

It sounds as if your ulcer is large or deep enough to have eroded a large blood vessel and this needs to be treated urgently , so please see a doctor . As far as it is related to your emotional immunity , from what you have written about your history it could be , especially if you have not addressed your childhood traumas .

When I read a book by Eckert tolle called the power of now and another called a new earth , he talks about the pain body and how we all have one . He also explains that we can transmute the pain we feel every day just by recognizing when we are living in our pain bodies and that we don't need to . By recognizing when we are in that state of pain we immediately find our way out .

A simple way to help yourself heal is to stand facing the mirror , look into your own eyes and say to yourself . I LOVE ME ! . Works every time .

The ulcer seems to be healed for now, any ways. I called in MetaTron and had help from some very powerful MedTeam members(you know who you are). I thank you for taking the time to reply. Unwinding the knots.

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