Drake~Tactical Green Light is Officially On; End Game Commences

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 08/09/2012 - 20:13

Tactical Green Light is Officially On; Mass Arrests Imminent; End Game Commences



Commentary from The Galactic Free Press: We have restrained from Posting Drakes information for a couple of Weeks. However, we all discussed this Latest Update Information and it was valid enough to post. Drake has insider information on the ground in which we do not have. We will see how everything unfolds. Remember We are all In this Together. All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies


We were told to expect at least two “green lights”, i.e. financial and tactical. And we were waiting for the tactical for some time now. That time has come and officially we are now in Tactical Green Light!


Wednesday, August 8, 2012 – Drake’s Mid-Week Update [MP3]


Drake Said:


  • To perform arrests: Study the Insurrection Act (1807). Study Article I, Section VIII, and the Citizens Arrest doc from Drake’s website. Charges of treason must come before Congress. For a treason charge you must find a Judge Advocate (military) who is brave.
  • There is a huge team of military flag officers and retired inactive officers supporting our movement. The inactive ones have been recalled to duty; This is the first time in history that this has happened. Troop and equipment movements are for our protection. We are now in the End Game. Troops have been issued live ammunition.
  • The California tank movement is to seal our southern border.
  • The Tampa GOP Caucus Aug 27 – 30th this month will be different than expected. News media will be open and truthful. Someone important will make an announcement there that will change the game.
  • Militias will be contacted by the military. Get your stuff together now. We will probably not be using our arms but will support in arrests.
  • The Cabal has lost.
  • We are close to the financial relief we are all looking for. TPTB have been afraid we were coming to shoot them.
  • All of the information above is an OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT.
  • Minuteman says: If you are not in a militia then prepare to assist your local militia, law enforcement authorities and neighborhood.
  • Drake says: This is the first time this announcement has been made.
  • Make sure you do not violate any laws with your weapon.
  • This is the Tactical Green Light.
  • The Russian troops here for training will be leaving in two weeks.
  • Russia and China are our allies.
  • First the government will be cleaned up, then the financial industry will be cleaned.
  • Do not fear flooding on either coast – its fear porn.
  • Neal Keenan still has not submitted his lawsuit.
  • Drake will continue to broadcast until the news media is revamped and free.
  • Medical miracles will occur due to new technologies; replacement of lost limbs, etc.
  • The technology exists to fully suppress earthquakes so don’t fear them. TPTB were supposed to have blown up the Olympics but that has been prevented. There are counter measures to HAARP.
  • Our planet is shifting on its axis, but it is a good thing.
  • To locate a militia near you, go to WRAM, http://wramsite.com/ , Well Regulated America Militias.
  • ETs did show up at the Olympics on the 4th. They will show themselves more as we get comfortable with them. They are here to help us in our transition.
  • The first couple of weeks of September will be a fun period with extraordinary things happening.
  • NESARA will be implemented by the end of the year.
  • Stay away from Prosperity Programs at this time.
  • There will be a need for anyone familiar with Common Law.

Drake | August 9, 2012 at 12:14 am | Categories: News | URL: http://wp.me/p2tRr3-jv

Beatriz (not verified)

Thu, 08/09/2012 - 21:00

I don't remember since when, but he an others have announced so many times different things and nothing is happened so far. I don't believe them.

They sound like child tales.

Nothing happenned on August 4 th. There was no landing on the Olympic Stadium.

We get all these promises but there has been no proof.

I personally have not seen UFO but I know others who have.

All these things you tell us is like the carrot leading the donkey.


WE all keep waiting .I tell others of course they don't believe me.


Perhaps the others you are telling "do not believe" you because you do not believe yourself.  I understand that some people require "proof", but it is not necessary to place that limitation on others. I've heard this "carrot leading the donkey" statement before on this site, and I don't think it explains anything at all. The time will be when the time will be. Nobody promised August 4th, but many people looked to that day just hoping.




i, also, have been following the various data put forth, the hundreds of tanks' movements, etc.  the trick is to be aware, observing, but not in fear. center yourself, in stillness. listen to your inner, your hearts. what is now coming through rings true for me. i believe we and our world are on the cusp of a fantastical shift in perception and understanding... it is what we came to this plane and planet to experience, accomplish, and be part of.  ... a quote from a channel only recently made known to me through Galactic Free Press says it well: "Blessed is the human being who knows they are part of the Plan and the System, for these are the Humans who will plant the seeds for Peace on Earth." - Kryon.  know this: You are - I AM - We Are - the embodiment of Love and Light. Awaken! 


blessings be!  may all beings benefit!  LOVE > FEAR. love to all.






 I also stopped listening to drake posts several weeks ago because of the events never manifested. Think about it, we all wanted it to happen at the very moment WE WANTED IT TO HAPPEN.  This world has been woven into a very tight web of control and deceit for eons now by TPTW. Moves and countermoves kept changing timelines moment to moment. Keep your light high and absolutely see with your heart mind's eye total liberation and freedom. Do it every day, keep in the moment and meditate on this. Something about this resonates in the positive now. Remember, we are the 99%.

Beatriz (not verified)

Thu, 08/09/2012 - 21:00

I don't remember since when, but he an others have announced so many times different things and nothing is happened so far. I don't believe them.

They sound like child tales.

Then why do you keep on reading these articles? I keep on seeing these negative replies and they are becoming redundant. Perhaps pursue what feels right to you.

Guest (not verified)

Thu, 08/09/2012 - 23:25

This is very synchronous for me! I was reading stories elsewhere about the military tanks convoying in California. I also ready about the earthquakes and almost shared that info, but something in me hesitated to do so. It was my discernment. This info seems to be clicking into place for me big time!

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 08/10/2012 - 07:18

Drake is not in charge. He is not consistant in any of his so called messages and he promotes war energy which promotes more fear - just what we do not need. When will the people WAKE UP and see things for what they really are - False Evidence Appearing Real.

dflork (not verified)

Fri, 08/10/2012 - 16:25

I agree, why post or read anymore of this garbage. I think he is full of a lot of hot air and just wants to be counted with all the other I told you so's.


All people have to do is read and they can figure out for themselves that things are happening and there are better sources out there to find out what is happening then this and also remember if you do enjoy reading this garbage from this idiot, use discernment.


On one of the CVN broadcast's here lately, it was told that he (drake)  was not an ally. You can find the post on Kauilapele's blog.

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