The Lion’s Gate, intense experiences! Méline Lafont August 10, 2012

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 08/10/2012 - 09:15

Today I wanted to talk about the past 3 days around the Lion’s Gate. I wanted to write about my experiences here and share it because maybe they could be important for others around me who have probably just been experiencing the same?! The Lion’s Gate was promised as intense, and certainly this is intense! Oh my god, as they say! I am really going through it on a conscious way, that I do not know where to start .. ok, here I go and I hope to hear many other experiences or read it on the net, eventually we all go through it, consciously or unconsciously.


The evening before the opening of the Lion’s Gate, the first activations started for me, so it seems. At bedtime, all the Archangels  were with me, I would undergo a process tonight I was told. No sooner said than done! Less than 5 minutes laying in my bed and I felt the first signs of that process; my heart began to beat faster while resting. I started to feel dizzy and start spinning, like I was on a huge spinning fairground attraction and found myself on the fact that I firmly grabbed my mattress to feel if I was actually still in my body and if i was still lying in my bed. Yes I was.. “ok what is this?” I asked my team (including a number of galactic friends).“Your body undergoes changes on a large scale, all the chakras are activated dear Méline, and that explains your sense of rotation. Do not be afraid and let this happen, it’s all good.”


I have several times felt this in phases over the entire time while I was awake and started to adjust to it. However, I was going into overdrive to all these experiences and was very excited by this. My team talked me through everything and explained everything carefully what was happening .. (I’m naturallyshocked quite soon when it is about something “new” and “unknown” things, they know me through and through).

At one point I felt a strong electric pulse going through my right brain, I almost literally flew straight up in my bed due to it :-) (now you see my character, very open to everything but quickly scared :-) ) “What the heck was this?” I asked immediately surprising.“This was another activation, but your right brain” And so it went from one to another, and inbetween the kundalini energy started to ran like crazy all over my spine.  Suddenly I found myself in a “tunnel” a kind of “wormhole” or “dimensional gate” I was whispered to.. I saw this spiral patterns always moving and changing from direction and intermingle all towards 1 goal and there is where I also seem to go to. I allowed myself to calmly slide with it until I saw a huge white light, which then immediately disappeared and with a shock I came back into my physical body and opened my eyes. Soon I got the following to hear from my team of Archangels and Arcturians: “Méline, you were just going through the ascentiongate again  to a higher state of consciousness and this in a conscious way, you can now come to expect that you have more capabilities of yourself that will exploit .. You will see us even better now than you already have, more sophisticated and detailed, you will now be able to clearly see and hear, feel us. You will also be more able to manifest and this faster than before. This whole process was an activation and re-ascension process .


Congratulations and welcome to this world! You will feel these activations further evolve, we will do this a certain time during the lion’s gate, these energies lend themselves for this, enjoy and be thankful. ” “Thank you, thank you, I’m very grateful, I love you all and sending you my deep appreciation and love!” So far my experiences at the opening of the Lion’s Gate and night on the eve of the opening.


09-09 was something entirely different at that level, but also a positive outcome. Only in a less pleasant experience! Yesterday I recieved a channeling  from Lady Portia, (which will be later in the day posted.) And there it was made me very clear that this gate is a very intense energy and a lot of Light would come in to Earth and us, but also very much negativity would leave the Earth fields . Well I could take this quite literally it seems. I just had a hellish night, where I did not sleep at all. This morning I phoned a fellow Lightworker and friend to ask if I was alone in this, but she told me that she too did not sleep at all, as well as her friend and sister. What a terrible night it was! I woke up in the middle of the night with lots of sounds around me all over the place in my room and house. I heard my children cry and also being very unrestful in their sleep, I got a bit of fear and sounds comming towards at me. I even experienced something very strange as a feeling,like I was fighting against something that went through my soul and body. I’m not going to go into detail because for me it was bad, but what is clear is that it was a personal process, which I had to go through to get rid of for good. My team was again the entire night with me as was my twin flame, they tryn to make me quietly and said over and over again to be calm and to sleep. This did not work, so I was laying awake the entire night and heard my children  having the same experience. And every time that I seemed to fall asleep, I had horrible dreams, so negative in nature.


Now what exactly happened last night? Archangel Michael has explained me everything carefully, that now during the opening of the Lion’s Gate, all the negativity and fears, lower vibration, is now leaving the Earth and this through the collective. What I am saying is that these energies have gone literally through our fields and that we have experienced this. For me personally it was reliving everything back as a reminder of what brought me to feeling fear. I have not been through it or dreamed of it, but felt it going through my fields to leave it for good as well as those fields of Mother Earth. And so would all our lightfamilies and teams, been assisting us in this process, for every soul on earth has felt these lower energies and negative energies going through ourselves right to the exit to go out, which in this case is the lion gate. My partner is not awakened, and has experienced nothing. My children and I on the other hand, my friends who are awakened, fellow lightworkers .. I can only say that this is something we definitely should be thankful for, this process was necessary for them to get out of our systems and fields as well as out of Mother Earth’s. So this is my experience of these past 2 days and tonight, you are not alone in this!


With much love, Méline.


Copyright © 2012 by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.


Regie Saxerud (not verified)

Fri, 08/10/2012 - 12:01

The symptoms and changes have been non-stop in all directions of clearing, mostly for me the clearing from myself has been emotional fears and blockages in self-love. I am an impath and just trying to grapple with my own abilities, learning to let this dark flow through me and out again without judgement, has been a roller-coaster ride! My giudes would always whisper, "just let go..." then a dream I had in my early twenties will flash before my eyes, and I remember the feeling of 'just let go'.
I would like to relay this dream to everyone who cares to read this comment, for we are all learning to transform, and this dream has been a shining beacon to keep me on course.
It begins in a scene similar to the swimming pool in the movie Cocoon, except there were no cocoons resting on the bottom. My family were positioned around and in the pool, each enjoying what they were doing. I was near the center of the pool, but in the deeper end, when I heard a crack of thunder from out side. I knew immediately what was about to happen and yelled to my family to get out of the water quick, but I was to far from the edge when a bolt of lightning blasted through the glass wall, hitting me . Everything went white as my muscles contracted in resistance to voltage of current that exploded within me! The pain and violence shattered me to my core and I thought in that nano-second, "I'm dying".
It was at that moment of acceptance , that I heard, clearly and powerfully, "JUST LET GO!"
My feeling was , "what do I have to lose?" so I just gave in and instead of the energy being damned up through my resistance, it was allowed to pass through me instead. I became like a hollow tube that the energy flowed through and into the Earth .
At that moment, I began to rise to the surface of the water, my arms outstretched , palms turned upward . I floated on the surface of the water laughing, thinking to myself, "just let go", then spoke to my family who were standing on the pool edge, terrified that I had been killed, watching this spectacle they to couldn't believe, and said, "Just let GO!
I awoke from this dream laughing, thinking how easy it was, and that it is our resistance to this new energy flowing into us that determines wether we accend or not. It is now my bumper sticker! JUST LET GO!
With great Love and Joy in the sharing,

I'm not completely familiar with the Lions Gate, but have been reading the article in regards to this and feel that maybe I have been going through something rather intense and peculiar lately.  I have been feeling completely out of sorts and having trouble with some intense feelings which won't seem to dissipate.  Some really heavy stuff has been blocking my connection to spirit and has been making me feel nauseated, sick, stomach & bowel problems, body aches and headaches just to mention a few.  there has been a lot of fear too.  It has been overwhelming and very worrying to me as I had been in such a beautiful and tranquil place and so connected to my spiritual path before this. I somehow feel like I am off track and can't seem to get back on it...


Can someone explain if this is all part of the journey as I am afraid that I am going to be one of the one's who is left behind is the 3D world!


Fri, 08/10/2012 - 18:47

In reply to by Heartflame

What is Happening is the old programing is coming to the surface to be released. This has to occurr for the Higher Energies to Enter. So, what is happening is an ego death as well as the left and right brain hemisynching together. We offer awakening sessions to assist everyone through this process as we had to go through it all as well. We Love You, If you would Like a session you can email us at Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies


Vickie, don't be afraid!  Everybody is experiencing other things.. It depends on what you need and if it is intense or not.  Some feel it, some don't.. Some need it more, some less.. If your heart has chosen to ascend and to go, fully chosen to do that.. than you will.  And than you will recieve everything energeticaly to be able to too... You can recieve those things too without knowing it, but you will feel it afterwoods.  Don't worry, your heart wants too!! Love to you!!

Hi Regie, I just red your post before on this page and wanted to reply but than I saw that you replied mine :-)  Thank you for sharing this!  This is why I posted mine too, to share and talk about it, because I am sure that lots are having things happening that they can not place or know what it is all about... Your's was very interesting, I myself have a fear of death.. It would be a good one for me to learn too and let go of.. All is releasing and moving out of us, make place for the new and for ourselves!! our true selves!!  Much Love

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