Amuna Ra Message 8-12-12 “Look to the Skies Tonight”

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 08/12/2012 - 15:59


Kauilapele's Blog Commentary : Having just received this message via Luísa Vasconcellos, I read this and feel it is essential to post now. Each may use their Higher Discernment regarding this, as dates have been conveyed before, but no matter what, the disclosure scenario, whatever that might be, may still be kept surrounded with the Higher Light, no matter what happens today.


As I understand, the Olympics closing ceremony should be proceeding as I post this.


THE STAR COUNCILS OF LIGHT: Oh Amuna Ra, we are awaiting you to dictate the message of 12 August 2012. We wish you to disseminate this very widely with dear Luisa’s [Vasconcellos] help.



Dearest Lightworkers, look to the skies this evening for we wish to show ourselves to you. It may be in an unexpected way for many of you. Remember our words to you in the past days and weeks, and remark the subtle differences in your surroundings. But look to the skies on this night, dear one, and you will notice what we show to you. Be aware of your finer feelings, our channel is experiencing a mounting excitement, though she has no thoughts in her mind. She is full of joy and anticipation of she knows not what. She has not speculated, and has kept herself busy in order not to become too excited. We wish that such an open mind may be more widespread amongst you. We can speak easily through a clear and empty mind, for when we speak it is filled only with our thoughts which are transmitted easily and clearly into words for you to read. We ask dear Amuna Ra, however, to centre herself in the Peace of her Heart as she teaches others to do, so her fingers may not stumble over the keys in her eagerness to write our words… (I did so!)


Now, dear ones, to our announcement for you this glorious evening. Look to the skies over the great Olympic Stadium for we wish to partake in your most famous Games. Look to the skies with open minds, and welcoming hearts, for we wish to approach you, dear ones. We wish you to know us now, and co-operate with us for the future of your dear planet. We wish to share our technological achievements with you to solve many of the pressing problems of your world, and we wish you to work alongside us. We have been very busy behind the scenes clearing the way for this great revelation of our coming, and we wish you to know us on this night.


There will be many reactions to our disclosure of our presence amongst you earth beings, and your calmness and steadiness are much needed to reassure those who may at first feel fear. We need your unconditional love and your unconditional trust, we need you to send your Light and your Love to us in welcome. This forms a shining chalice into which we may descend, and enables our approach to be made easier. Do this for us, dear ones, let the Light of your Love shine out from your hearts in welcome – and look to the skies!


The Star Councils of Light, 12 August 2012, through Amuna Ra

Tedmund (not verified)

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 16:23

We accept your announcement with great love and joy! Come on down!

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 16:29

I welcome all of the lightbeings with all my heart. Come on down

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 16:29

I welcome all of the lightbeings with all my heart. Come on down

I see you often in our skies over the mountains of northern New Mexico, so you can be SURE the majority of New Mexico says WELCOME dearest families from the stars!

Prajo (not verified)

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 18:35

Enouhg is enough. You have befooled us many times before by raising false hopes. Sto this monkey business. It is better to trust an innocent animal than you. You hopeless brutes.

Second of All, Our Craft Are Here, and Amuna Ra Said Look to the Skies and You will see US, cause we are Here. All things are Possible and We post the Highest Joys here at the Press.  As You can Also See nothing happened But Joy and Unity at the Olympics. The End was a Pyramid representing. You cannot see anything happening in 3d cause its not happening there, it takes Living in 5d with 5d eyes to know anything is unfolding. We have also shared in Our Last 2 Updates The Real Disclosure and its the Higher Selves coming Into the Planet. If You read our Updates we are Very Clear about what is unfolding, we have said all will unfold synchronostically. The Olympic Games was Very Symbolic and very synchronostic if you were paying attention. We posted this with a Commentary from K to use what you feel is right for You,. If you read all of What we share here at the Press in your ego, you will have a tough time, and you will not understand what we are talking about. Whats happening On this Planet is an Inner Process and what is happening is the inner is transforming to the outer. We dont know what the word knoocks means, we assume its not very Nice. Thank You for Being the Love You are with an Open Heart here and treating others as you would like to be treated. All Events are Going to Happen its inevitable. We have been working behind the scenes for a Long Moment!!! We have no doubts, and We understand the Outcome Clearly. Let go of Your Expectations, and Maybe you will experience what the Press Says. Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies


Julia Cosby

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 19:13

Welcome My Loving Star Family. I am always looking up hoping to see you it will be no different tonight.  I will be watching.  Love & Light!



Guest (not verified)

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 19:33

OK I often read but never comment on this site. I keep an open heart and mind, but also feel some things on here are misleading, so you have to discern from the heart. At first when I read this I got excited but was guarded. I thought why not always be excited? You can't be disappointed unless you choose to be. Worse case I spend a night star gazing. I have sometimes thought that I saw ufo's or light ships at night but I often doubt. Tonight I went out with an open mind. After only 10 minutes I see a light appear out of nowhere. It moved across the sky and stopped. It stayed there for almost 15minutes. It wasn't very big. Then clouds came and it disappeared. My heart is telling me this is real. I was so excited and happy. Can you confirm if this was you? If not, either way I enjoyed the experience. That is the point right? Much love~

Guest, YES, that would be on of Our Scout Craft!!! Also, We would Like to Know how any information we have shared on Our Main Story Line has been misleading. All Things are Possible and All Events are Inevitbale and are Happening~Unfolding Already. You are correct and we have shared many times that one would have to read all information from the Site from Your Heart. We do have a Blog Section which You may find varying information. All Our Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

Thank you so much for the confirmation! I am thrilled. I meant some things shared on this site not  from you. Some people post things that I feel lead people to mis use their energy, thats all. Not true or false just perhaps not helpful at all times. But I am so grateful to have been able to witness it, even though my husband said it was a star and I was crazy; because it stopped moving when he saw it. I feel it was meant for me not him anyway.


Much love!

Luas*** (not verified)

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 19:38

August 12,


My daughter's birthday, Luna, 15.

Father's Day down here.

Closing Ceremony of the Olympic games.




Well, it was an amazing day...

After all, I took a look at the sky and ...............


They were there, 3 lights on triangle formation, looking at me.


Guest (not verified)

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 20:19

I will be gazing as the sky today hope to see you.

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 22:17

:) but of course, My new starseed friend and I saw one of your ships after an amazing night of joy and bliss. I have seen the ships a couple times but this one was special because it was the first time I saw it with someone else who also did not fear but accepted. Now I know it is not just me. See you all soon.

Gemma banks (not verified)

Mon, 08/13/2012 - 05:55

I saw a UFO the night of the opening ceremony above my house. I asked them nicely to show themselves to me and a bright light appeared! No tail, no flashing lights, it was very slow, stopped dead and disappeared. I usually read all these posts on this website, but yesterday I dissided not to and go with the flow. I come on today and find this post!! :) my light family DID show them selves to me and I am eternally grateful! Xxxx

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