Sheldan Nidle ~ Update Surprising Events Will Take Place

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 08/14/2012 - 15:47

15 August 2012

2 Batz, 19 Pop, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We come again with some interesting news. At present our Inner Earth allies are finishing up the multifarious activities that are preparing your world for its new reality. The dark cabal is busy with a broad-based and complex delaying tactic, but as we keep telling them, this plan is headed for failure. These cabalists need to accept the fact that the realm the Anunnaki created for them nearly 13 millennia ago is rapidly collapsing as the Light suffuses every corner of it.


This suffusing has primed your world for an entirely new reality which is now manifesting with great aplomb! This is the time for new governance, new prosperity, and for the series of formal announcements informing you about it all. A full disclosure of who we are and why we have come to your world will be included in the broadcasts. Your move into full consciousness is a vital part of the unfolding of the divine plan, which means that we have a clear responsibility to use our divine offices to ensure your complete liberation from the clutches of the dark cabal. This we are actively engaged upon. In this regard it is important that the present accords agreed to by the dark be honored by them.


Your world is undergoing a final and short delay prior to the activation of the measures that will bring in the new governance and the new economic-financial setup. During this short phase, our Earth allies will check out and secure the many steps that will ensure that these profound changes happen as seamlessly and swiftly as possible. To this end we are instructing the pro-change contingents in your police and military services about what needs to be done to accomplish the necessary arrests in such a way that essential services to the public are not disrupted. In addition, we will dispatch our personnel to take up key positions in order to maintain these services. Naturally, our remit goes beyond the mere safeguarding of your civic infrastructure; we intend to use this opportunity to improve your electrical, gas, and other sundry utilities. We will be carrying out some ‘first stage’ improvements to your somewhat primitive technology in this area in order to prepare for the much more advanced stuff to follow. These will be introduced once the initial government announcements are completed.


Naturally, raising your level of consciousness involves more than slightly updating your technology. Your world has been held in a vice by the dark cabal and prevented from achieving anything more than a fraction of its potential. When your computer age was born and the World Wide Web came into being, the cabal truly believed it could control this substantial advance in communications. But the advent of the silicone chip began to rapidly decentralize the availability of knowledge and thus posed an inadvertent threat to the cabal’s information stranglehold over you. The genie was out of the bottle, as your saying goes, and the cabal was then kept busy limiting further advances in this area. Despite this throttling of natural technological expansion, you pushed the dark to the point where it could barely control you even as it did a decade ago, and we were greatly heartened by the way you grabbed this opportunity for growth. On another front, we watch over the many volunteers living among you who come from other worlds and dimensions, and who are consciously aware that they are here to help this world through the changes. They also know that it is in fact ‘a done deal’!


The momentum toward the great shift in your reality is picking up speed with each passing day. Our many allies have forged a union which is preparing to remove the cabal from power. This drive is being assisted by a growing people movement, which has altered the government of Iceland, triggered huge daily demonstrations in Mexico, and compelled the governments of China and Japan to rethink their alliances with the dark cabal. These developments herald the vast changes that are ready to emerge all over the globe. You as a collective are hereby spiritually requesting an end to the evil that has kept you downtrodden and in a state of mere chattel, and in answer to this collective cry we have been given permission to effect this. As a result, you are already seeing the cabal more and more limited in what it can do. The next major step is to arrest and isolate these cabalists, and they now finally comprehend just how close we are to achieving this objective.


Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come today to talk about the events that are well underway and that will lead shortly to the arrests that will isolate the cabal from its sources of power; namely, those governments and financial services corporations which daily oversee the interlocking, global web of control. Our sacred associates are working with the pro-change military and national police agencies to prepare for the changeover of your current forms of governance to ones that support the new financial system and the safe distribution of your prosperity funds. This will set you free and also permit disclosure to become a reality. We the Ascended Masters intend to return this planet and its peoples to full consciousness, thereby fulfilling a basic edict of Heaven. Those blessed Beings who constantly decree your liberation will shortly see how wondrously you will thank them and Gaia for their efforts.


Those who are in divine service on this world will soon make the announcements informing you about the surprising events taking place. Our associates deeply desire that you also begin to learn about your true history and the sacred universal principles that have been doctored or excluded from your major religions by the Anunnaki and their dark minions. This information can give you an understanding of the importance of disclosure and the ways of the Light; indeed, it is more properly a process in which you ‘remember’ and begin to personify long-forgotten sacred precepts. We wish to walk among you, and take those fragments of wisdom you now possess and greatly expand upon their meaning and significance for your societies and for you. With this, you can begin to grasp the true wonder of the journey you have undertaken, and the implications for each one of you.


Great transformation lies ahead for you, in which you will be presented with truly huge amounts of startling and also sacred knowledge. But most importantly, you will be returned to your former grandeur, which means that you can fully participate in the blessed activities of Heaven. A new rhythm is to be introduced. A new harmonic and a new spiritual vision will affect how you perceive your divine service to physicality and to Heaven. These guiding principles will become your lodestar as you use your true sovereignty to engage with the magnificent unity that is all life in the universe! You will be wonderfully set up to contribute uniquely to the magnificent unfolding of the Creator’s vision, thereby also adding to your own expansion of energies and wisdom as you engage in exploring the infinite marvels of life throughout physicality.


Today we talked about what is ready to happen throughout this physical realm. Heaven has come to bless these huge changes and to ensure that they take place in divine right time. It is indeed to be a magical time! It is also the final moments before first contact! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) link to original article


Thank you so much for this encouraging message! Even "just" the breaking of the cabal's power over us will be such a relief!!! And then - I hope - ascension. Thank you!!!





Corinne (not verified)

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 00:09

In reply to by LuzNJoe

Awesome, looking forward to these new experiences....Nesara is so welcome. I see China has a new gold coin, American money is pretty much valueless now. So "Soon" looks like it is on the way.....YAY!

Nothing really happens "in time" because time doesn't really exist.





Guest (not verified)

Tue, 08/14/2012 - 18:04

Sorry but it is always soon.

I have been reading these for two years already and it is always soon.

It depends on which side of the coin you are looking at, both the light and the dark appear to be making progress.

As I continue to live in this reality unchanged, I am not sure which will become my reality.

I read about what you believe will come into your reality but it has only proven itself on occasion

djdano (not verified)

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 06:44

I have to agree with most of the comments here! We've been reading variations of the same message from Sheldon for over 2 years. 


Disclosure is "soon" (blah blah blah)


and all these Earth changes we've been hoping/wishing/waiting for are also "soon" (blah blah blah)


but since time is only a concept, I really hope "soon" occurs before we all grow too old physically to know what the hell is happening.


I used to look forward to these Sheldon Updates, but now it's nothing more than a bunch of lip service. 


Are you sure Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! isn't Serian for (blowing more smoke up your ass)?

Regie Saxerud (not verified)

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 08:45

I too have heard, 'soon' for 40 years now. Have been through all the emotions from disappointment to anger, to elation and back again. What I've learned is that, in this forty years of waiting ive become the person I am today. Without that extra time to bring myself up to speed, i wouldn't have been able to sit here now, watching, without emotion, just knowing, that we are in the end times of this cycle. I have watched the world go from nearly complete ignorance, calling me crazy, to now where the majority are now calling the asleep crazy!
We can not push the river,as much as we would wish to and no matter how hard we try to ignore the truth of our little world, we must, in the end accept. Patience will never be an easy virtue to acquire but we Will always believe so we might as well get over our temper tantrums and learn thie fine art of patience.
Good luck to us all!

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