An Important Message from The Earth Allies Ascension Process 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 08/12/2012 - 20:06


Mt. Shasta's Ascension Waves


Humanity is In Some Very Exiting and for some, Uncomfortable Moments of the Ascension Process of 2012, as we are in the final Process's, of Releasing all density within the Body Holograms and this includes Mother Earth, to prepare for the 2012 Galactic Core Alignment. This event is Multi~ Dimensional, as this will also result in all the so called dark ones, non~ existance.


These releasing events, are now Occurring through the Chakra System, associated with Your Entire Gland system. As this occurs, it is also activating some Chakras that have been dormant up until Now and Are Just Now Opening. The Total will be 13 major Chakras opened, so that the Body Hologram can embrace the Entire Love~High Frequencies that are coming in to achieve Balanced Harmonics.


 Memories and emotions are dense thoughts, which act on the being as dead weight such as an anchor tying down a boat.These emotions and memories must be released within all of the Chakras. This will also adjust Mother Earth's Chakras as Well, as She Feel's Better, So Will Humanity!~


For those that have not released all memories and emotions, which were stuffed into the body hologram, these must be released now, as they will be unable to enter into the Higher Velocity Energy=Higher Thoughts.This is Where Every Human Being's Destiny is, into the Higher Energy Vibrations with Mother Earth, So that Humanity Can Meet Their Star Family!!


Through these incoming energies, Humanity's Chakra's have begun spinning, to spin off any remaining energies that are not complete alignment with the Divine Plan.


They may be aware or unaware regardless, it's happening anyway. So, as the Chakras spin they will be assisting in releasing  all the pain and suffering from the 2d, density [and this might be felt as physical pain through each gland/ Chakra.]


What is now unfolding is a collective experience and is a Natural Process in Evolution. This is Not a Controllable Experience, it's a Sequence of Natural Events or Process, occurring from the INSIDE, OUT. This is through the DNA Frequency Codes, that are Within Every Soul, its unstoppable and irreversible.


The Energy of Real Truth is coming in.This Powerful Energy is currently burning through all unconsciousness by Light Coded Information arriving directly from Source, to Get to The Center or Galactic Core of every Human being. What is occurring this year through the Galactic Alignment, is the Energy is coming into the body holograms to the core and expressing outwardly, this is how the Transformation of this Planet is occuring.


This is also how the Energy of THE LOVE CALLED GOD EVERYWHERE PRESENT functions, through the Within EXPRESSED INTERNALLY, AND THEN EXTERNALLY. This experience will spread quickly as this process unfolds on the Planet through the remainder of 2012. Once Humanity discovers and begins feeling~with Real Eyes THROUGH THIS, ALL THAT WILL REMAIN ON PLANET EARTH=HEART IS LIGHT~


The Ascension Process is in Full Force, and no one is in Control, Except For the Energy of Love and Truth. We Suggest Relaxing, and Breathing as Good Tools. Embrace and Feel the Vibrational Energies Coming, of Love and Pure Atoms of Love Energy. Through this Also, you can begin Connecting into the Ship's Energy. Take a Moment Right Now, Sit for a Moment, close your eyes, Relax and Breathe in the Atoms of Pure Love Energy, this Will Connect you with the Ship's Energies, if you can embrace these. Now, Through this experience your Soul is saying and Remembers that Love is the only Real  Experience that exists.The Soul will want to Experience more of this Love Feeling. Love is Contagious!! Love is Humanity's Natural State!


Humanity is Going to LIGHT UP, and They Will Like IT. All of you Reading Just have the "Inside Scoop" to what is occurring from the Inside out, and if no one else knows it or believes it, it matters not. Everyone will have their chosen experience, we suggest Choosing Love. 


Love is Like a Thief in the Night, it Sneaks up on you where you can no longer hide, because it comes from the inside of you, to the Outside. Now, Was this a Perfect Plan or What? See, How Love Occurs in the No Matter What?





Remember We are All In this Together!


~End Transmission in Love Everywhere Present~




Its Because of your continued Love and Support through all avenues that is bringing The Truth to the Forefront. Thank You for Honoring us, as We Honor You Every Moment in Service 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We Love You! Thank You for Keeping US Going and sharing if you can~


If you are not completely in Love with Everything, this is an indicator that you are still in illusion. If you are Completely in Love with Everything, this means you are In Total Presentness, You are Awake and in True Reality. There is no in between, you are In Love with Everything or nothing. In Everything you Will See us Right in Front of YOU"


If You would like us to answer a question, you would like to set up an amazing Awakening Session with us, or send us your video's or writings. You can can contact us here:


 We are Here for You and We Love You!

Love Mother and Father God Amon Ra and The Earth Allies

This message brings tears of joy AGAIN! (It seems that everything makes me cry these days...a young man with no confidense singing on' UK's got talent ' open up and feel appreciated for the first time in his young life (17 years old)  with all the audience on their feet showing him their love and appreciation of his operaetic voice. His friend, a girl of 16 sang with him so he would go on.  With each win he is more and more comfortable in his body.  I could see him grow in self love right before my eyes.

-the olympics had me in tears several times...the joy...and the heartbreak!

I AM SO THANKFUL TO BE HERE AT THIS TIME. This morning I was reading BLOSSOM channeling White Cloud.  He said, we picked wisely, of all the volunteers you were chosen because of your love and your strength.  Now if that isn't a confidence builder, I don't know what is.  And of course AGAIN I was in tears. (those are his words as I remember them, not a direct quote)  AND THOSE WORDS ARE FOR EVERY ONE OF US.

with love, Paulette

Julia Cosby

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 21:13

Thank You so much for this informative message. I did not know about the spinning chakras. I truly appreciate your time and patience.  Yes, we are all in this together" WE ARE ONE."  I LOVE YOU.



Corinne (not verified)

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 21:29

Thank you for your clear explanation of DNA and activation codes. May the Blessings be.



Happy to read this.  Somehow I always held this thought in my mind, that it would happen from the inside out.  So far its been an "all volunteer" population that have filled the ranks of the spiritual world here on earth, who learned to understand.  This report makes it clear that soon everyone will as the darkness of the imaginings, dissapates into notingness and only light makes sense to everyone 


It's going to be one heck of a party!  

shelly (not verified)

Sun, 08/19/2012 - 08:34

That was great! I m aware that certain things are part of the process like dreamsabout people from the past, body aches etc... but I have to ask because nobody seems to know the anser medically speaking, my daughters expecting in Jan but my boobs feel like there gonna pop!! lol. I am so swollen and sore it feels like Im going to be nursing soon, I swear Im not being sacrastic its really happening and the Dr cant explain it so do you know if  anyone else is going through this with the assention process? btw, I have nearly all thenother signs




Thanks everyone 



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