~What Happened On the Lions Gate Opening day? Elizabeth Trutwin

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 08/13/2012 - 16:55

 Message from Lord Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin August 8, 2012



Greetings Ground Crew ~ This is Ashtar from the New Jerusalem.


Many of you feel you sense changes today and high energies. You are right!


Today the Galactic Federation pulled off a plan that has been in the works a very long time. We used our technology in a way which is very rarely done. All the conditions lined up and made it possible.


We were able to use a kind of natural transducer device which opened an essentially unseen and very much unexpected entry into Earthʻs inner orbit. We have been able to add a very large number of large MotherShips into Earthʻs inner orbit by a transport route used very very seldom. This was facilitated by High Beings in cooperation with Ships Crew.  It was years in the planning and training. This procedure has lasted many hours and will go into the night. Ships are pouring in through this passage in great numbers and taking up their positions for change over.

Time is nearly over.


Today we see the passing of a great scientist who introduced cold fusion to your modern world. This is our technology and how nuclear energy was always supposed to be used. We use it this way in our technologies. We shared this science with him back then. His experiments were understood as very valuable because they were the answer to very inexpensive energy. If this was available then the cabal would not have been able to control the masses. The illuminati would not have been able to amass all the worlds wealth and push the middle class to the brink of starvation with threatened utility shut offs. His experiments, it was said, could never be duplicated. We never meant for the science to be used as weaponry. We watch this scenario from our Ships and we know change is ultimately up to you. No Dates. No Nukes. No Flukes. Change must come from within the matrix. We are helping you everyday in all the ways we can. We offer support to victims of natural disasters and war. We offer ecological support. We offer tectonic plate and other Gaia Shift mitigations. We offer counsel to heads of state.

There will be no major catastrophes.  We cannot change the moment which it ends.


You are soul - ey responsible for that. You took on that responsibility as soon as you took on a human suit and joined The Ground Crew.


So you look to the skies and yell Hurry Up!!!!


Ground Crew! Be Alert! Hear me: When it happens is up to YOU.

What do I mean by that?


We have done everything allowed by Cosmic Law to make ourselves ready to assist you in changeover. All we need from you is your permission as an invitation to reveal the Plan for us to return to Earth and set into motion those things Galactic Humans have  prepared for changeover.


Hold Your Vibrations High. Be In Love. Connect with us through Universal Love, the Supreme Love. Be in Ecstasy. Anticipate Change. Tell us and ask your friends to tell us - We Invite You, We Need Your Help To Change! We need you to Be The Change. We need you to not allow one second of lower vibration transmissions to give the cabal what they need to control your egoic mind.


If you find today that you are suffering in any way - know this. Suffering is brought upon yourself by not being dedicated to doing the inner work it takes to throw off your conditioning and be in touch with your true Divine Self. If you hold on to beliefs which keep you begging in poverty, keep you enslaved, keep you in bad relationships, bad jobs, bad situations - then you must change your beliefs! Let go. You are Ready! Just Let Go!

Invite the Galactics, Angels and Ascended Masters into your quiet time and allow us to Guide you in ending your suffering. Invite us into your Realm. Take Our Hand. Walk With Us.


All It Takes is the Acknowledgement that We Are Here by actually MAKING THE TIME.
Do it this now moment. Close your eyes and ask, for you must ask.

Absolute miracles have happened today. We have taken a Giant Leap in the sequential flow of changeover. Many souls were involved in todays activities and when you tune in you will see all that has taken place. Thank you for your part and participation. I SEE YOU.


Celebrate! Time grows short.

Salut! ~Lord Ashtar
This is Lord Ashtar through Elizabeth Trutwin © All Rights Reserved. http://CosmicAscension.org, http://GalacticRoundtable.in, http://Garuda.co

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 08/14/2012 - 13:48

I hope you all could check out the Transendence vidos on Youtube, they clearly point out that the whole Ashtar Command are none other than the fallen angels posing as being of light (Satan's light) to dupe us all again.


They talk about the Illuminati, bad guys, when they are all in this together, playing both sides.


They can't ascend themselves so they want us to take our bodies themselvs so they can ascend and we get to be put in crystal containers and transported to somewhere else to be forever trapped, like they are.


Check it out people, we are being invaded, not rescued!!  WARNING!

Guest (not verified)

Tue, 08/14/2012 - 17:53

Here Here!! If it doesnt sit with you after you have checked in and confirmed this is not fear then leave it alone. Maybe this is not your calling at this time? For me I tuned it, felt their presence and the light. I'm excited as deep within and daily I am clearing at a huge rate, this all seems to resonate with me. Bring on the light and love.....Yes finally!!!

Sheila Imel (not verified)

Tue, 08/14/2012 - 18:24

I am ready. I am working on being the purest spirit of Love.I have grown so quickly in the last very few months.The more I become the purest Love the more I see wonderful mirrored beings cone into my life and the more positive experiences I have and the more love I become the more joy I experience....I saw your ship above my home in April. Thank you Galactic Federation of Light for letting me know you acknowledged me..<3 

Cassie (not verified)

Tue, 08/14/2012 - 18:36

Love & Light! I invite you with open arms! I am so excited for the changes that are taking place. May the light surround all of us!

I and most of humanity have never been more ready for the great change. I will do all I can internally to open up and let go of all the lies and propoganda. You are ALL invited with open arms, and hearts to please finally come down and take our hands and walk with us. This is collectively, our SOUL responsibility, so come on down!

Dan Moore

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 05:28

Please come and help us change. My portal, known as my front door, is open for you :)


     Thank you :)

dechen (not verified)

Wed, 08/15/2012 - 14:20

I and the group of my friends invite you to land here.We will be welcomed with our open arms! Just do it!

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