Caught In A Dream

Submitted by blazinriver on Sat, 08/11/2012 - 22:10

   Could it be that I have been caught in a dream? Going through the motions of life as if sleep walking? Up until a few months ago I was doing just that. I have always suspected that there was something not quite right in what I perceived as being reality. Or should I say what I was taught that reality is. Is the color red the same color someone else sees? Is the texture of sand the same to someone else as it is to me? If another person, or light being, could jump in my body and see through my eyes and thought process but yet retain their own perceptions of reality, would they see the same thing I do? 

   I recently watched a video that put a bit of a twist so to speak on the Mayan calendar. I had never seem it presented in such a way. According to the author of this video the calendar was a kind of bible. What I mean is, it told the story of creation, of Jmmanuel's (Jesus according the the author) role in history, and the end times. Now I am not pretending to know much about the Mayan calendar but it made sense to me. AT first glance the author seemed to be a a "regular" Christian. But as I watched I found the he was anything but regular. I made me think about how all my life I have been in this dream world. Just going with the flow unaware of the truth that has been hidden from me.

   We have put Jmmanuel, the man most know by the name Jesus on this pedestal or throne not knowing who or what he truly is. I am not sure that there are many if any humans that do. I personally believe he should be honored and praised. But does it mean the same to praise or honor someone for all the wrong reasons? We praise the remarkable feats on the basketball court of Michael Phelps. No wait he is a swimmer, not a basketball player. No matter he is an athlete so what is the problem?

   So you see I have awaken from this dream with many questions. And sometimes when I ask them I am told."it is not for you to know God's ways". Ok I can live with that up to a point. But are they God's ways or Man' s ways that we have been taught?


   What a shock it was when I realized that I had awoken from a dream within a dream. I was being lead by a being along this path. It told me that it was my spirit guide.It showed me how I had been deceived my entire life by false religions and teaching but that I was safe now. I was also told that there were many others coming to help with the awakening.

   Just then I noticed that someone was calling out my name. It sounded frightened and very concerned. I stopped to listen and my guide asked me what was wrong. I said I could hear someone calling me. I was told that it was the darkness calling that it was afraid it was loosing its grip on me. But I couldn't help but listen. The more I listened the louder and closer it got. My guide squeezed my hand and said, "hurry we don't have much time". But for some reason I couldn't move. Just then a bright light hit me and I saw who was calling me. It was ME ! AT that moment I pulled my hand free and was surrounded by an intense light.

   I had merely traded one religion for another. One dream for another. I and I alone am responsible for my past,present, and future. My reality is completely up to me. Beware of false, or should I say viral, entities. Programs designed to keep us in this false reality.


[ I had a dream last night...I was in a house or motel being shot at...was pinned down for quite some time....was in black and white...escaped and got outside...this part of the dream was in bright color...could see 2nd planet....had large was blue and green...something like earth...not earth... ocean and landmass were different...was in northeastern part of sky..moon/sun were in the south. Tried to show my dad. Tried to warn him the time was at hand. He seemed very depressed..I tried calling my best friend....Then I was standing  on a levy or spillway...a small girl was playing on it and more children were coming up it.  I have NEVER had this dream before. Not even close.]



Rebecca N.

Sun, 08/12/2012 - 08:59

Very interesting thoughts to consider.  I hope you continue to journal on your awakenings.- I see that what God knows will be revealed to you as a dialogue with your higher self!  =) We are all in the process of diciphering the truth from what has been constructed by man and communicated thru time, the stories passed by people to each other until it resembles what it does now.  It's kind of like trying to tell the story with a CRUCIAL part of it missing.  


But NOW we have a heart-awakening that gets communicated to each person's conciousness thru the spirit of each man woman & child.  SO even tho the story was told or mistold for 2000+ years in 3d, in the end everyone learns the whole truth from the SOURCE.  Much love!


Sun, 08/12/2012 - 09:34

In reply to by LightBiscuit86

Thank you so much for your comment. I have tried to erase as much as my hard drive/my brain in order to absorb all this new information. Choosing fact from fiction it a chore. But as long as I let my inner self lead me I think I will be alright.







    I too was Catholic. Born and raised. I was an alter boy, a knight of the alter, and sang in the choir  for many years. I attended Catholic schools for 6 years and in that time went to mass 6 days a week. I left the church before I was even aware of ascension. So now as you I am relearning almost everything.
   I do however disagree with your statement about Jmmanuel. He was anything but ordinary.  He was only half human being the son of a highly evolved Plieadian who the locals considered to be the Archangel Gabriel. So it is possible that he was more fair skinned than his contemporaries. He was a 5D spirit in a 3D body. Also at the age of 12 he was already aware of his inner self, his true nature so to speak.  His teachings were no doubt so different than what the people had been taught that the high priests wanted him dead. Consider this, why would his teaches had stirred the hearts of the people so? After all they had heard scripture many, many times. And it is probably a safe bet that others had come before Jmmanuel claiming to be the son of god and were labled insane or crazy. No there was something that Jammanuel was teaching that was very damaging for the high priests.
   Now these are just my thoughts on this, I have no proof what so ever. Some things were recorded in the 4 gospels that alluded to the radical teachings of Jmmanuel. Like," the kingdom of God is within you", or "the kingdom is at hand". I believe he was speaking of our inner consciousness. As what you had spoke of. What he was teaching was the truth, the light, and the way. The power of our inner selves would lead the way to our freedom. I believe this is what the high priests feared. They had the power over the people and did not want to loose it.
   As far as the Essences go, well I do not know much of them either. I do think if Jmmanuel lived with them it was to instruct them. Not the other way around. Or maybe Jmmanuel wanted some of his teaches to be written down as he spoke them and then to be guarded.
   I do want to thank you for your comments. It's good to know that there are others starting the journey at this late time as I am.

Greetings, Merlyn!

I don't think I worded that sentence correctly. What I meant by saying Jesus was an "ordinary guy", is that He lived a regular life, meaning that He did not want to be treated any differently than anyone else. He KNEW that GOD is in EVERYONE and did not ask to be worshipped! THAT was really the whole point I was trying to make.....that Jesus did not ask for or want a Religion in His name!

When I said that He raised His awareness over time.....I stand by that. Even if He was half-human, as you stated, that part would still have to be dealt with! Yes, it is written that Jesus, (called Benjoseph when young in order to hide his identity from those who would do Him harm) began speaking to groups of people when He was around Twelve years. But, He DID go to school, taught by The community of Essenes, along with his cousin, John (The Baptist), who was called "Benzacharias".

Please read the book I mentioned and you will understand what I'm trying to say! I'm just not a great writer!


Wow...guess I got it all wrong. I am so sorry if I came off condescending. You are absolutely right. I think I should follow your advice and read the book that you suggested. Thank you for your patients with me.



No problem, Brother/Sister!

I hope you DO get the book by Delores Cannon "Jesus and The Essenes". I know you will like it!

BTW, I began reading Delores Cannon's books about a year ago. I think I've read almost everything she's written. I Find all of her works to be just fascinating! I've learned SO much from them!

I hope you check them out. You can find most of them "Used" on, for a decent price.

Best of Luck and Much Light to YOU on OUR journey!

Great! I wish there was a way to stay in contact with you without giving out my email or FB address to the whole Universe!

Do you have any ideas?

I would like to be able to discuss with you.

And also with YOU! (Peace, I mean) :)

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