David Wilcox: Disinfo campaign ramps up

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 08/18/2012 - 10:04

 David Wilcox: Disinfo campaign ramps up

I posted an article on what the NSA is up to a few days ago. There’s a lot more.

For example, this from David Wilcock today:



The discussion-forum website Godlike Productions has featured writings from an impostor, posing as me.

Many were fooled by this campaign. I have now had it forwarded to me by about seven or eight different people through email chain letters.


Let me be absolutely clear: there are no “member excusive” writings here or anywhere else. Any and all things I write, with the sole exception of the Source Field book, are posted freely online.

Furthermore, I do not post writings anywhere else but on this site.

I did not go to the London Olympics. No “First Contact” occurred. The whole thing is a hoax.

It has been a while since I last posted, but that has mostly been due to the fact that I am working on several other mission-critical initiatives — while suffering through a blistering heat wave that made it very difficult to work.

I needed to buy an in-room AC unit and run it in addition to the central AC in order to make it barely livable in my office for the last three weeks.

Furthermore, I am in the process of putting together the next step of the LIBOR timeline — which is shaping up to be quite large. It also keeps transforming as time goes on — faster than I can keep up with.

The London Olympics rituals have been so blatant — and there is so much on that topic alone — that I am about to post an article just on that, before I can get the huge investigation piece finished.

This attack was a fairly sophisticated operation. In the aftermath these same forums lit up with allegedly real people saying they would “never come back” to this website because I obviously lied to them.

This is a very desperate and easily disproven campaign of disinformation. It most likely was intended to destroy my credibility at a critical moment — while we are on the brink of genuinely freeing our planet from the Cabal.

I hope to have the next piece up very soon. I have to work in the cracks now, as I am doing this at one of our Convergence events in Vancouver, British Columbia.


I discovered Wilcock’s update in an article on the 2012scenario site: Truth Has No Agenda, where Stephen Cook discusses the great raft of “evil alien” movies now being released and re-released, plus this:

American Kabuki told me that he is well aware that there are complex coordinated teams of people, all around the world, who are offered $50 or $100 for every ‘stirring’ or disinfo  post they get ‘up’ onto a Lightworker or alternate news blog site. I am also aware of this.


American Kabuki, with his insider knowledge of technology, internet bots and the like, explained to me that these ‘disinfo teams’ have specially-scripted responses for different Lightworker and current topics that, with a bit of tweaking to include the current issue or part of a current channelled message, tap into part of the truth and twist it around. These ‘communications’ are then emailed in via Contact Us forms or via direct posting on various sites and unsupervised forums to ‘set the cat among the pigeons’ so to speak. And stir things up. Total confusion of messaging is an old “disarming’ tactic.

So stay alert!



Sat, 08/18/2012 - 12:16


I'm in the wrong business. That's good money for posting crap. I'll still take doing my Light work for free with no expectation of any thing in return. And way to stick to your guns David Wilcox. You can tell the DPW getting really desperate. But it's just not gonna work. There are to many of us privy to the blatant disinfo campaign. The bow of the ship is almost under water. Don't loose your cool and get off track every one.

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 08/18/2012 - 12:49

There are many Lightworkers, like myself for example, that do not participate in online Lightworker webisites and forums, so we are unaffected by that brand of disinformation tactic.  My heart/intuition/soul/higherself has consistently and strongly told me for quite a while now that, David Wilcock is completely sincere and trustworthy in his work and person.  Keep up the fight for the Light David and everyone, and don't let the disinfo agents fool you - always go with your intuition which will prompt you by utilizing visualizations, energetic sensations, telepathy, external numerology/signs and most of all, emotion.  Stay strong in the Truth and Love and Light.  Blessed be. 

I dont know the DPW, but sound about right.


WOW, hard to follow me though...I have different writing styles..noticed FF broke the link to keepass also...hmmm.


This is why I dont allow anonymous posters, no matter what. I know it cuts out a lot, but hey...better you can track your posters and spam than not.

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