Google Shopping blocks all vitamins and natural products - glitch or deliberate censorship?

Submitted by Phil Rowen on Sun, 08/19/2012 - 11:58

                    NATURAL NEWS.COM 


                                Sunday, August 19, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer 

 (NaturalNews) If you have ever done any sort of comparison shopping online, chances are you have probably used Google's Shopping portal to pull up product information and compare prices. But if you live in the U.S. and try to use Google Shopping to buy vitamins, supplements, personal care products, and even many health foods, your search queries will now turn up blank, as Google has apparentlyblocked access to all vitamins and natural products for American customers.

Right around June 28 of this year, Google Shopping users first began noticing that search queries for many common health products like "vitamin C" and "fish oil" began turning up zero results, whereas before they would generate a copious list of vendors that offered these products, as well as corresponding price information. In the days and weeks that followed, these same users learned that vitamins and natural products in general were no longer showing up in Google Shopping.

When asked about the issue by several concerned shoppers, Google's public relations team reportedly gave vague and incomplete answers about why natural products are no longer showing up in its Shopping section, even though they are still showing up in Google's general web search area. Others with inside information claim that Google has quietly, without any announcement to the public or its venders, added vitamins, supplements, and other nutritional products to its "sensitive category" of products, which means they are completely blocked from Google Shopping searches.

In either case, Google Shopping users are now unable to search for nutritional products, which means it has become that much harder for the average person to access vitamins and dietary supplements online. And the venders that used to sell such products through Google's site -- many of these businesses had been paying Google to include their products as part of Google Shopping searches -- are now watching their businesses decline, as Google holds a significant monopoly on the product search and comparison market.

"Google publishes a list of products in [the natural health] category that are blocked as a matter of corporate policy in the public interest. So shopping results for (things like) steroids are always blocked," says the Healthy Chronicle, an online health blog sponsored by California-based supplement "(But) we're talking about something completely different here -- Google is blocking whole categories of respected, brand-name products ... from online shoppers for no stated reason."

You can watch a video demonstration by that illustrates the problem here:

And if you are still not convinced, try searching for the following vitamin and superfood items in Google Shopping yourself. Note that several of these items are merely health foods that Google has blocked, and are not even isolated vitamin or dietary supplement products:

• Vitamin C
• Camu camu
• Coconut water
• Vitamin B12
• Spirulina
• Zinc
• Glucosamine

This is just a sampling of the many products that are no longer available through Google Shopping. And many other products, including some of the ones referenced in the above YouTube video, will pull up two random listings that, once clicked, lead to a useless selection page with no actual listings.

Vitamins, natural products still show up in Google Shopping searches in other countries

Oddly enough, these very same products appear to be showing up normally for Google Shopping users in other countries. Individuals in France, Australia, the U.K., and elsewhere say that they are not having any problems pulling up nutritional and dietary supplement products in Google Shopping -- only American users seem to be having this problem.

Since Google does not provide live support over the phone, we were unable to speak with someone from the company to get an explanation. However, after reviewing Google's list of "unacceptable product categories" (, there is no official indication that vitamins, supplements, and other health products are prohibited from Google Shopping.

Meanwhile, if you search for things like Hostess Twinkies, Frito-Lay Doritos, and other unhealthy "junk" foods, you will pull up hundreds of search results in Google Shopping.

Glitch or deliberate censorship?

So what exactly is going on here, and why is Google refusing to plainly answer questions about the matter, or issue a public statement about it? And why is Google now quietly refusing the advertising dollars of a multi-billion dollar industry, which is being completely excluded from its Shopping module?

A vitamin vender who claims to have been able to reach a Google AdWords Specialist says he was told to contact Google's legal department at for more information. This department could not immediately be reached for comment about the Google Shopping anomaly, but the vender believes the issue stems from the European Union (EU)'s recent ban on vitamins and herbs, and Google's attempt to thwart potential trade sanctions by this socialist body (       


Guest (not verified)

Sun, 08/19/2012 - 12:21

Where is the censorship on vitamins?  Just doing a google search shows many options to compare.  I have never used google shop to find information on products.  Who wrote this article?  

When I looked for "glucosamine chondritin MSM" there were some results that popped up where the links actually worked, and some that did not.

The article was written by This site is the work of Mike Adams, "The Health Ranger". Some of the articles he posts are spot on, others are, in my opinion, just a bit extreme. I just went to his site, just now, and it appears that he is posting more political articles than he used to - and many of his articles have been quite political since I first saw his site. He's on a mission, to inform consumers, but many of his articles are a bit scary. He enjoys exposing anything that is against supplements and healthy food, and it is possible that he saw this issue on someone else's blog and posted it - or he may have investigated it himself. He has a lot of followers, so it is just possible that Google gave in to the pressure and "corrected the problem."

If you do go to google shopping and find this same problem occurring, here is google's corporate address:


Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
telephone: +1 650 253 0000
fax: +1 650 253 0001



Guest (not verified)

Sun, 08/19/2012 - 13:14

I am american, but reside in Ecuador. When I shop, signed into my Ecuador IP (Internet Provider), and and use Google Shopping, I get lots of results for a search of Vitamin C. However, if I sign into my VPN (Virtual Private Network) which brodcasts my location as being in the U. S., the same search shows no results. That is truly strange.


However, using the VPN and Search (not shopping), I get lot's of results on Google. If I can find anything I want using Google Search, then it is highly unlikely that Google would reverse this on their shopping searches. What would be the point since it would discourge the use of the Shopping feature, and would be counterproductive. This is most likely an unintended bug. In any case, this has no affect on my being able to order whatever I wish whether I am in Ecuador or the U.S.

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