SaLuSa: 2012 for Beginners

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 08/19/2012 - 11:41
Thank You to Steve Beckow

Commentary from Steve "This issue of SaLuSa of Sirius’ updates from Oct. 2009 is perhaps the one message I’d send to people newly introduced to the significance of 2012.  It’s a good synopsis touching on all the bases in laymen’s language.

The “coming announcement about our existence” refers to the disclosure of the reality of UFOs and our space family, probably by President Barrack Obama, on a date which no one can predict."


SaLuSa of Sirius Oct. 19, 2009


It is a joy for us to see how many of you have made a positive response to the coming announcement about our existence. We do not really need much in the way of publicity to reach people. The presence of our craft and the many contacts made over the last 50 years, have ensured that we have a place in your minds. What it will achieve is official recognition, that will sweep away the cover-ups and false stories about us.

Those of you that accept us have no difficulty in finding all of the proof that you need. However, many people have blindly followed the rejection of us by those who have no desire to move on, or welcome a new Age. Humans do get into fixed modes that make them feel comfortable, and they become very insular. Events can no longer wait for them to raise their consciousness levels, as certain changes must commence very shortly. Moving you into a new paradigm requires many changes, and it is essential that they start in accordance with the Divine Plan.


When the truth of our reasons for contacting you is known, it will offer a lifeline to those who see no future for Humanity. Suddenly your souls will be uplifted by the promise of a way out of the chaos deliberately put upon you. We are allowed to help you as your spiritually appointed mentors, and because the cycle of duality is coming to an end. You are not meant to see out this period by yourselves, and the plan has always allowed for guidance and direction so that you arrive at your true destination.


Ascension is simply upliftment into the higher vibrations of the Universe, and it means that you will be part of it unless through choice you decide not to participate. However, as simple as it sounds it has far reaching effects, and nothing will be quite the same again. It is a wonderful event that allows you to move into the beauty and peace of the higher dimensions. It comes as your right, and is an opportunity that will not come around again for thousands of years.


Start preparing in your minds for the changes that are inevitable once we can arrive openly amongst you. You will be kept informed of what is taking place, and with our assistance you can be sure that there will no area on Earth that is without contact. We can if necessary superimpose messages onto your television sets, without using your conventional means of doing so.


Once our plans are widely known, there will be few if any that will object to the upliftment that will be taking place. To gain the return of your freedom will in its self be a major achievement. Big Brother may be breathing down your neck, but we will curtail their covert operations and plans for greater control over you. Knowing this we hope you will take a broader view of what is happening, and not allow concern or worry to enter your minds.


Certainly do not react to the news that speaks of the need to introduce martial law, as fear is like a cancer and spreads quickly. Rise to the challenge and cover it with your Light, and you will be helping restrict its power to entrap people.


We expect you to come sailing through these coming months, and your faith in us will be justly rewarded by knowledge of the latest contacts that have been made. They will answer much that will arise in your minds as to why it has taken so long to happen. It has not been for the want of trying on our part, as we have contacted many leaders over many years without success. Our aim was to offer our technologies providing a finish was put to war, and instead peace was established.


However, instead your government turned to the Space Beings you know as the Greys, and brokered a secret agreement to allow them bases on Earth in exchange for advanced technology. Many of your recent advances have come from this source, and for example you would not otherwise have had your chip or laser technology.


Therefore what should have been directly for your immediate benefit through a peace agreement with us, was secretly used to gain world dominance over other countries.

In the Galactic Federation no civilisation tries to set itself above another, indeed there is a policy of sharing so that all may benefit from each other for the good of all. This is a measure of how far any civilisation may have progressed, and sadly yours is largely caught up in service to self.


However, we find the influence of those who do care for others is gaining ground. There is an expanding consciousness that accepts that you are All One. It will not take much to bring the love out of other people, and when it is seen that all of your troubles come from policies that have set you apart, things will change.


You are not all equal viewed from a purely material point of view. That is not the individual’s fault, but centuries of subjugating tribal countries to slavery. It is not without coincidence that they have been way behind the Western world for so long. The Illuminati have worked their plan for total world control for far longer than you might imagine.


They have not had it all their own way, and Lightworkers also laid down plans to combat their ultimate attempt to enslave you all. The quiet resistance has concentrated on raising your consciousness, so that you could find the truth for yourselves and act accordingly. There have also been provisions made to bring abundance and change your lack of material wealth. It will mean that the schemes for fair sharing can be instigated, and no more shall any be too poor to provide for themselves and others.

It is not just the Galactic Federation that will appear on Earth, and as we have often mentioned, the Masters will also return to put right the false teachings that have passed as the word of God. At a much later stage your Inner Earth family will surface to also help you through Ascension. As you can see, the operation to lift up Mother Earth and all life forms will be attended by multitudes of Light Beings, who act out of love for you. They have always been near to you, but now is the right time for them to appear and renew their friendship with you.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and share your anticipation in respect of what is to come very soon, that shall move you more into the Light of understanding. You are One Family in the eyes of the Creator, and none are given favour above others. It is you who do the choosing as to where your future lies, and as time passes by we expect many more to seek the path to ascend. Be of Love and Light, and live life as one who seeks to spread it wherever you go.

Thank you, SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.


King David (not verified)

Sun, 08/19/2012 - 20:33

This kind of message from years ago that sounds to the standard earth being is exactly why we believed years ago that "they" would be right down??? Please explain why this has gone on for so many years now sounding like they will be down first thing in the morning? 


Thank you 

The First Part of these Past 5 Years we had to lay the groundwork. This Meant we had to Place all the Events into the Consciousness first and bring the Heaven Energies Here for the event of 2012. So, we have been behond the scenes setting the Stage. A Mass Awakening of Planet Earth=Heart is well underway. This is the Year for Manifestation and Collectly we are Achieving this. All Events are Inevitable and are unfolding through synchronostic events. Also, In the Higher Realms we dont function in time. It all could have happened sooner, but due to the heavy programming and conditioning this has become very challenging for us.A Mass Awakening is underway as the more who awaken to the truth, the Higher The Energie moves up to OUr Craft. Thank You for all Your are Being, Helping and Participating in this. All Our Love Mother and Father God

The content of what you just said is not my quest, as I understand this. My curriousity is why "they" need to make it in "their" words seem as though they will be landing on our house or lawn or head first thing in the morning for the last 5 years? 


You term it "OUR CRAFT." Who's craft? You signed off as "Mother Farther God." Who just wrote this to me? 

These are just two people who pretend to be Mother/Fathergod. Fathergod isn't incarnated on earth,  Mothergod the Divine Feminine has incarnated but it is NOT the one who pretends to be it. Read the message from This Dragon Lady Ifegena through EnnKa from August 18. She said that the Creator Goddess of this Universe lives undetected among us. You can find the message somewhere in the NEWS or on the blogsite. I think it is

These are just two people who pretend to be Mother/Fathergod. Fathergod isn't incarnated on earth,  Mothergod the Divine Feminine has incarnated but it is NOT the one who pretends to be it. Read the message from This Dragon Lady Ifegena through EnnKa from August 18. She said that the Creator Goddess of this Universe lives undetected among us. You can find the message somewhere in the NEWS or on the blogsite. I think it is

Yes, I posted the message you're talking about, and about your comment I'd like to pose some questions: one that is not seen, is he/she not still undetected? Many do not see so far what is right in front of their eyes and soul, as to get to See one needs to let go of the illusion and step into Truth. Simply remember that most of those humanity use to call "spiritual leadres" (which in fact were simply their True Self Manifested on Earth) were killed, banned, unseen and misunderstood. Now HUmanity has the Chance not to make the same mistake again... and it's Free, it's from the Heart, it comes from the inside. Are you Seeing your Spiritual Parents right Now? For if you're not the post you're talking about tells the truth. 

I'd also like to ask... what makes a post more true than anotherone? You're using written words to compare truth that, in your opinion, differ, thus showing they actually do not. As if you can't See MotherFatherGod... well for you they're still undetected. Autofulfilling Prophecy... And yes, many here still can't See, but those who did... simply allowed themselves to Be Free, as to See Mother and Father God is simply to See One's Own Soul, which is brighter than 1000 suns! And so is yours dear guest. Would you not Love to be able to See through the veil and Feel Your True Love again? There's nothing you actually need to do... simply BE.


Soon, yes its all Happening Soon. And Guest who keeps saying we are the Pretend Mother and Father God You Might want to ask your angels if this is true. As they Know exaclty who we are without any doubts. Why would we dedicate our every moment in Service to The Awakening of this Planet.  We have nothing to prove, as we are who we are and there no nothing which can change this truth.  As Long as you keep denying the truth of who we are, you will keep yourself in the illusion. Becuase You cannot see us in the illusion, only out of the illusion. All Our Love The Real Mother and Father God Amon Ra In the Flesh and We Love You Unconditionallly




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